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 Project PLACE and Project ExCEL


Fall 2023

Family Collaboration
This edition of our newsletter highlights  culturally responsive Family Collaboration Practices

The teacher makes a concerted effort to learn about "funds of knowledge" to facilitate student learning. (CRIOP Indicator 6)

Ashley Knight
Royal Springs Middle 

Scott Co. 

Family Message Journals - Here is a great way to bring families into the conversations!

The teacher makes an effort to communicate with families in their home language. (CRIOP Indicator 5)

Janelle Kitchen
Sandersville Elementary
Fayette Co.

"I started family journals last week! This year I have 17 active ELs and 2 who are still monitored. I shared with my students and families that the adults could write in whatever language they were most comfortable with. I didn't want any of the families to feel like they couldn't participate. I had one write back in French and another in Cambodian. The kids translated what their adults had written underneath. It was so cool!" 

The teacher communicates with parents/caregivers in positive, non-traditional ways. (CRIOP Indicator 3)

Adeline Muff
Lemons Mill Elementary
Scott Co.

Adeline started the year off by highlighting questions for students and families.
The teacher makes an effort to get to know the families of the students and to learn about their lives, language, histories, and cultural traditions. (CRIOP Indicator 2)

Denise Atinay
Sandersville Elementary
Fayette Co.

"Our classroom is all about "We Are A Family" this year. At Open House, ALL family members signed our family heart. Students are writing a piece about how they enjoy their family, and families are sending in photos for the "Our Family" slide presentation. Students are dictating their comments on their photo, which they will share first with a partner, then with the class."

The teacher views parents as partners in educating students and solicits their ideas regularly. (CRIOP Indicator 1)

Christina Hallau Emerson
Tates Creek Middle School
Fayette Co. 

Tates Creek Middle hosted a successful "IB Growin' Data Night" by mailing student-created postcards to families prior to the event.

Shoutout to Sandersville Elementary! 

Sandersville Elementary in Fayette County has hosted family collaboration events each month of the school year!

September - Neighborhood Walk after school 
October - Playground Party (19 total, kids, family, and staff)
November - Participant in "Kindness Across the Commonwealth Week"

December - Family Night crafts, Family Fitness Night
Colorin' Colorado
Check out this bilingual site that provides fantastic resources for teachers, students and families of your ELL students! 

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