UNSEEN Film Banner. Side profile of Pedro surrounded by hazy figures. He looks pensively up towards the sky. As the skyline meets his gaze, the film's title appears. unseen. Featuring Pedro. A Film by Set Hernandez. For Your Consideration Best Documentary Feature. Film Independent Spirit Awards Nominee 2024 Truer Than Fiction Award laurel. IDA Documentary Awards Shortlist. Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Fest Emerging Filmmaker Award. CAAMFest Documentary Award. PAAFF Vijay Mohan Social Change Award. New Orleans Film Festival Special Jury Mention.

Film Newsletter and Updates: Dec 12, 2023

Measure Beyond Time

During the Woodstock Film Festival, Pedro and I snuck away from exciting film events to be still with nature. Amidst the frenzy of life, we found ourselves sitting quietly next to a creek. As we left, Pedro and I marveled at the fact that we’re in Woodstock – our younger undocumented selves could’ve never imagined. My older brother asked me a few months ago: “I wonder what Pedro will think when he looks back to this year of his life.” I asked Pedro this question, to which he responded: “I wonder the same thing?”

Looking back to 2023, all I know is that the person that I was in January is not the same person writing this message today. I used to measure the year by days. This year, more than ever, I’m measuring it differently: Moments I spent with Pedro, reflections we shared together. Movies we watched, elusive places visited. New friends I made, old friendships rekindled. Thank-you’s I uttered, affirmations I received. Tears shed, wounds tended. Lessons learned, lies unlearned. Above all, time I spent in deep gratitude for my family, my community, our collaborators, and you.

But enough about me. How will you measure your year? (SH)

Screenings In Retrospect

Due to citizenship restrictions I faced as an undocumented filmmaker, Pedro and I were once convinced that our film would never make it to the finish line. All these years later, we are humbled to not only have screened at film festivals and theaters, but also to have been recognized for various awards:

Thank you to our collaborators who shared their artistry with us and to all the audiences, juries, and programmers who saw something in our film!

Headline: The Wrap. Oscars. 167 Documentaries Enter Oscars Doc Race. See the Full List.

The Roundup

  • unseen is one of 167 feature documentaries eligible for this year’s Oscars consideration. We are truly honored just to even be considered along such amazing films as AKA Mr. Chow (by our executive producer, Diane Quon) as well as Bad Press and Joonam (directed by our talented friends).

  • unseen has been nominated for an Independent Spirit Award in the Truer than Fiction category. This is likely one of the first times an undocumented immigrant filmmaker has been considered for this award, “presented to an emerging director of non-fiction features who has not yet received significant recognition.”

  • “unseen is such a great film... I got to see it and it still resonates inside my head. You made an important film in the disability film canon.” – James LeBrecht, Oscar-nominated filmmaker of Crip Camp and dear mentor to unseen

A packed cinema auditorium. Rows of attentive guests listen to four panelists speaking in front of the screen, an ASL interpreter next to them. Behind the speakers, a projected image from the film of Pedro's side profile. Underneath the words: UNSEEN. Firehouse Cinema.

Sold-out opening night of unseen at DCTV Firehouse Cinema in NYC. Photo courtesy of Josaen Ronquillo.

Cinema Reimagined

Since day 1, unseen was made to reach people rarely regarded as primary audiences for cinema: namely, undocumented immigrants and people with vision loss. This past month, we’ve had the privilege of doing just that.

For our sold-out opening night at DCTV, we made available various access features, including simultaneous Spanish interpretation for older immigrants, ASL interpretation, and audio description headsets. For our DC Premiere at the MLK Library, we screened with Open Audio Descriptions transmitted through the auditorium’s main speakers, allowing us to attract blind audiences and introduce non-AD users to the craft of audio description.

In a landmark year for indie film distribution, I’ve heard countless times that buyers are only looking for films about true crime, celebrities, and pop culture. Our film is a testament to the desire of audiences to experience films beyond these genres. We are infinitely grateful to the festivals, platforms, Q&A moderators, and audiences that have received our film. We are rooting for every filmmaker whose films are still available for distribution!

Stay tuned in the new year as we share information about our US broadcast, more screenings, and ways you can host your own.

Moving sequence of images featuring Set and Pedro making silly poses and smiling in front of a blue background. Their gestures and expressions filled with joy and playfulness.

With love and deep gratitude,

Set, Pedro, and team UNSEEN

Email us for any feedback or questions.

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