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Rainbow Day 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended Rainbow Day - we had a great day! And a huge thank you to Emily M. and Carter P., who along with their Advisor Mom Tonya, planned an event filled day for all of us! Lilly D. and her Advisor, Mom L. were responsible for the Ritual Competition, and the girls who participated did a great job! Winners will be announced at Grand Assembly. 
What a wonderful event to start the holiday season!

Upcoming Events
December 16th - Masonicare Car Caravan - Wallingford. Casual dress, holiday attire preferred!
3 pm - We will distribute ornaments to the residents of the apartments at Masonicare.
4 pm  - Meet in parking lot D to share in hot cocoa and cookies as we decorate our cars for the Caravan. Bring festive items to decorate your cars! We are asking adults to provide cookies.
5 pm  - We will drive through the grounds of Masonicare spreading Holiday cheer to the residents throughout the buildings. All are welcome to join us! 
After the caravan, members of IORG have been invited to join with CT DeMolay at their Holiday Party, which will take place in the auditorium of Masonicare. Please let Mom Needham know if you plan to attend. If you are coming, we are asking you to bring a snack or a dessert. Cost is $5.00. Sandwiches and drinks will be provided.

January Visitation - The date has been changed from January 6th to January 7th, starting at 2 pm at the Milford Lodge building. We have several active candidates for initiation!

Grand Representatives Night - January 27th, New Britain
Grand Representatives will be sharing what they have learned from their sister jurisdictions. The event will start with a fund raising dinner for Calleigh's Charity, Ciera's Light. And then we will have the GR Program. More details to follow.

Grand Assembly - March 15-17 at the Trumbull Marriott

Supreme Assembly Session from July 21-24th in Hampton, Virginia


Assembly Announcements

Ad Form

Year of Service

You have until the end of the year to collect warm clothing, and then distribute to a local shelter. You can also bring hats, gloves/mittens, scarves, and gently used coats/jackets to the Car Caravan. This is our last collection for the 2023 Year of Service. Thank you to all who have contributed! We made a difference in many lives!
And we can't wait to share with you our plans for 2024. Be on the lookout for a new program starting in January!

Supreme Incentive Program

We are continuing to collect service hours and application signers' info for the Supreme incentive program. Fill out the form below to capture all that you have done to contribute - and get working on your Supreme Incentive charm bracelet! The red shoe charm is for a girl who is the first line signer on an application, each of the other shoe charms is given for every 20 hours spent in service.

Polo Shirts Available for Purchase

We will be selling red Polo shirts for $45. They will have a white Rainbow Emblem and Connecticut IORG on the left side and your name and title on the right side. Please complete the form at the link below to order. Please use 1 form for each shirt.

GWA Charity Quilt Raffle

Grand Assembly Expenses Form

We have a new form that will be used to submit expenses for Grand Assembly. These would be for any item that has been purchased for Grand Assembly, such as services and goods related to Grand Assembly sessions. Once the form is submitted, it will be reviewed and reimbursement will be sent to you by our State Treasurer, Mom Ann McKusick.  If you have any questions please contact Mom Needham.
The form can be found at
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