Where in the world........???
No theme in the following, just photos found during the month while rummaging through past decades. Appreciated emails received by people who enjoyed the randomness of photos last month so here's more of the same though not all in BC as before.
Sept. 18, 1987
As in the human world the canine world harbours more than enough high-maintenance hassles. This hound at the San Francisco waterfront impatiently waits for his person to deliver his order of beef Wellington……,”and make it snappy!”
August 19, 1985
On the other paw is old Jerry.  You could share a beer or two with those big brown eyes, a Hall of Fame mutt you just like having around.
August 1965
Somehow managed to slip into China in 1965 during months spent wandering the Pacific rim.  The authorities in Hong Kong rightly concluded this punk kid from Canada was harmless.  Don’t recall which city this Vietnam War billboard was in, as usual strategically placed so the traveling public couldn’t help but absorb the Party line with neither outside media nor dissent possible.
February 1968
Meanwhile in the state of Louisiana the John Birchers and KKK were active. Was invited to a John Birch meeting months later in St. Louis but soon found it wasn’t quite my kind of crowd.
August 1967
Grandpa John was my girlfriend’s favorite rellie back in the day.  He was a delightful old boy and joined us for a few days up to BC’s  Okanagan valley and back, gorging on ‘night’ peaches all the way.  He was a sport!  Grandpa John was a brother of the English painter Augustus John, Grandpa’s claim to fame
being his wizardry with the water wand.
October 7, 1973
Outside of Nanaimo BC a crow with an injured wing trusts the hands of old Lorne who with his wife was nursing their avian friend back to health.
April 7, 1996
A long friendship is easy to read in the eyes of these pals in Taiyuan
in north central China.
June 12, 1985
After a torrential downpour has turned to mere drizzle the Colonel foists his odd culinary charms on the city of Hiroshima.  
February 3, 1976
Somewhat easier than herding cats is this flock being moved along by the local drill sergeant on the Hawaiian  island of Molokai.
October 10, 1998
Caribou forage for slim pickings on a snowy slope near Chetwynd BC.  Minutes later we hovered over a moose in light forest surrounded by five hungry wolves of different colourations.  The distracting hovering enabled the moose to slip away so caribou may have been next on the pack’s menu.
August 1975
On Ile d’Entrée in the Magdalen Islands of eastern Canada’s Gulf of St. Lawrence no trails are necessary for walking much of the small island.
August 24, 2999
Hikers stroll about the rocky centre-piece along the Storr hike on the Isle of Skye in Scotland’s Inner Hebrides, an island known for scenic walks.  Was traveling at the time with two pals on their Scottish golf tour --- not being a golfer I had the rental car each day to explore the environs while they were golfing. 

A distraction one day was after re-filling the gas tank between hikes I backed into the fender of a suddenly irate woman hurling Celtic curses my way. However with the premium cost of collision insurance on rental cars it would be foolish not to take advantage of their insurance munificence in assuaging any damaged feelings of their fellow citizens. 
April 26, 1981
Young Melanie takes the family fiddle for a spin in a village northwest of Montreal.  My friends’ home there is, inside and outside, a period piece
from the 19th century.
June 14, 1999
Elder Eileen places filets of salmon to smoke and dry for the winter in the Nemiah Valley east of Chilko Lake BC.  This small community of the Tsilhqot’in Nation lives at the foot of BC’s Coast Range where salmon in the lake and rivers
is a plentiful staple.
February 1969
Seems that both the farmer and his hired hooves have run out of gas on their desolate rural Arkansas acres.
September 19, 1992
A friend in California's Ventura County leased land acreages each year for the makings of Sriracha sauce to tickle the throats of those who dare.  Here the seasonal workers harvest red jalapeno peppers destined for the sauce.
September 7, 1999
A couple and their pooch overlook the famed Cliffs of Moher in County Clare on Ireland’s Atlantic coast.
February 10, 1991
The Tobago Cays in the Grenadines offer perhaps the best anchorage in the Caribbean where sailboats set the hook for days of snorkeling, swimming, and allowing rum swizzles to glide down parched throats.
February 26, 1988
T Rex hangs over Heritage Park during the Winter Olympics in Calgary.  The princely sum of $150 bought an hour and a half aloft in a balloon, drifting eastward with the breeze at elevations between 300 and 2000 feet, depending on the spurts of hot gas triggered to raise and lower the balloon.  We later bumped down on a farmer’s field and were driven back to a city Legion hall for a champagne (Baby Duck) breakfast.  Helluva deal!
September 1, 1977
While photographing old fishboats at Finn Cove in south Richmond BC a low growl suggested company behind me.  The growl seemed to be one of friendship with a cat underneath the growler, the two then nuzzling each other in apparent affection.

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