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Dear Friends,

My friend, Cinde Warmington, asked me to write to you because her campaign’s big public filing deadline is in 72 hours and she's getting close to hitting her goal—but she needs a little more help to push her over the finish line. You have always helped me, and I am hoping you can help her too!

I’ve supported Cinde’s candidacy since day one, because she’s been a continuous partner and champion on so many of the issues I fight for in public office too—improving public health, social justice, reproductive health care, broadband expansion, and more. Case in point: Just this week, the Republican-led Executive Council voted to reject three family planning contracts that would have provided critical HIV counseling and cancer screenings for our most vulnerable communities, and Cinde was the lone vote supporting New Hampshire women and families. That’s exactly why we need leaders like Cinde in power to stand up for our rights against extremists.
And I know that she is the candidate in the best position to defeat Kelly Ayotte next November. But her campaign needs help from friends like you at critical moments like this. Will you chip in $50 or whatever you can before the big deadline on Monday night? 

Contribute to Cinde!
I am proud to stand with Cinde. Thank you for doing so as well! 

Best wishes,

Senator Sue Prentiss
New Hampshire State Senate, District 5
Paid for by Friends of Sue Prentiss for NH Senate. Abigail Kennedy, Fiscal Agent.
6 Batchelder Ave, Lebanon, NH 03784

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