Alive! with Joy: December 3, 2023  Vol 7 #34
[A noisy "murder of crows" on NW Lovejoy St.]
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The crows are back.

According to Portland Audubon, about 15,000 crows congregate downtown at dusk during the colder months of the year. (The urban core is warmer and our garbage is tastier.) They make a racket as they fly in from the 'burbs to roost, because there are so many. Last year a “murder of crows” set up their AirBnB on the phone wires in front of my building, leaving us a poop-whitened sidewalk beneath. We’re hoping they find a new host this year. 

Slow down and savor

I'm meandering through my holiday preparations this year, appreciating the mundanity of some of the rituals--like chopping and assembling the ingredients for the outrageously delicious steamed plum pudding I've been making (off and on) for fifty years. After I gather all the dried fruits, nuts and spices, the fun begins. Every day they get to absorb 1/2 cup of rum until they're plump and the rum bottle is empty. I borrow an electric caldron from my friend Deborah to steam the fragrant mess in pudding molds.

Today when I went to pick up the steamer I decided to meander around Deborah's neighborhood (Laurelhurst) for a change. Tree litter from last night's windstorm made walking tricky. I took to heart the sign I spotted near the entrance to the Japanese Garden: 

I only made it a block before it began to rain, but I found so much beauty in one block! Below: lichen and liquidamber pods blown off a tree in last night’s wind.

NW Flanders has some big old trees. The rain brought their extraordinary trunks to life: 

And this was what I discovered in just one block! 
Put yourself in the way of beauty, and you'll find it everywhere! I love it when readers send me their "beauty" finds. (Hint!)

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But there's ugly out there.

If American democracy is to survive, we must not let Trump anywhere near the White House ever again. Finally the major media outlets, and sane conservative and Christian pundits are sounding the alarm. As if 91 felony indictments weren't enough! This term he'd make sure to surround himself with loyalists who won't try to rein in his basest instincts (of which he has many). He promises to take revenge on his political enemies--arresting and even executing them (populating the Justice Department with toadies to do so). He plans to fire those in important civil service positions and replace them with loyalists. Like Hitler, he speaks of immigrants as vermin, and promises a Muslim ban and a massive deportation operation. Hospitals that give gender-affirming care lose all federal funding. He'll terminate the Dept. of Education. More prayer and "patriotic education" in schools; arm the teachers. 

I'm amazed at all Joe Biden has accomplished, given the shit sandwich he inherited from Trump. He's been steady, sane, statesmanlike and unfailingly decent. I'm with him. 

Here are a few articles you can read (gifted: no paywall)
Frank Bruni in the NYTimes on Trump's fascism 
Robert Kagan in the Washington Post 
Charlie Sykes of the Bulwark (conservative) "You are really not sufficiently alarmed, he says. [Scroll down to the bottom of the newsletter to read this--past the juicy news of the Moms4Liberty co-founder and Christian Ziegler ménage à trois scandal--cuz of course the most righteous are the most hypocritical] 
And for fun, read a reporter's review of the anti-porn app ("Covenant Eyes") that current House Speaker Mike Johnson and his son use to watch for porn views on each other's phone. It didn't go so well.

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If you haven't yet bought the Cherry Pie Paradox, may I humbly suggest it as a fortification against the onslaught of holiday face-stuffing. You can eat what you love, without packing on the pounds. Or use it to jumpstart your New Years' resolution...(may this be the last year you resolve to lose weight...)

Then, request the FREE audiobook! For owners of the Cherry Pie Paradox or the workbook. I’ve found a new home for the audiobook version, where I can set my own price. If you already have a copy of the book or workbook and would like the audiobook (FREE), just email me ( and I'll send you the info. If you do not yet have the book and want to buy it, Venmo me $20 @Joy-Overstreet, and I'll mail you a signed copy and the audiobook link. (Use the email link above and add your name, address, and any message you'd like when I sign it.) 

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