
December 2023

- President's Message:   Local Bargaining Updates
- District Officer's Message:  Cookies, Ponderings, and Curling
- OTIPs:  Direct Compensation Property Damage - know your options
- Educator's Financial:  Have you got your end of year financial to-do list ready?
- OSSTF Community:  Ponderings and Potations,  Children's 2023 Christmas Party 
- Christmas:  Elf on a Shelf?        

What's happening in D3 this month:

Dec 5th: Occasional Teachers meeting - 4:30 pm
Dec 6th:  District meeting/All Bargaining Unit Exec Christmas dinner - 4:00 pm 
Dec 7th:  PSSP Executive meeting  - 4:30 pm  
Dec 23 - Jan 7th: Christmas break 🎅🎁🎄
Jan 8th: Back to class


As we approach the end of 2023, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude to those members who have engaged with us to date. Whether it be participating in decision-making at the executive level, through rewarding committee work, or attending some of our member activities, the dedication and commitment shown by these members has not gone unnoticed.
With the holidays on the horizon, it is only right that we all take a well-deserved break and spend quality time with family and friends.
The month of November flew by at the District Office with activity on many fronts. This month will be no different as local bargaining is set to begin. The Teacher Bargaining Unit (TBU) will be engaged in bargaining on December 5th, 15th, 18th, and 20th.

The Educational Support Staff Unit (ESSU) brief and the Professional Student Services Personnel Unit (PSSP) brief are complete. Bargaining is being scheduled for January 2024 with no specific dates as of this writing. The Occasional Teacher Bargaining Unit (OTBU) is completing their brief to submit to OSSTF, while the Sudbury Student Services Consortium (SSSC) is currently in the consultation phase. This process has been a long one for each unit and momentum is picking up on what is hoped to be productive negotiations.
Please remember to prioritize self-care and enjoy the upcoming holiday season to the fullest. We wish you and your families a restful break filled with peace, love, and happiness. Looking forward to continued engagement in 2024.
Yours in Federation,

Eric Laberge
District President


The holidays are around the corner. It’s been a long slog to get through November but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Besides the necessary time off, I enjoy spending time with my family, getting out to do some snow shoeing and indulging in treats that only seem to come around at this time of year.

For me, that would be a particular cookie that my mom would make every year at Christmas. I love fruit cake too, but my mom’s oatmeal date sandwich cookies bring me back to my childhood. I tried to get the recipe from her, but like so many traditional recipes, it lacks clear measurements and instructions. As a result, I’ve been forced to go online and find something similar. It never quite compares to my memories, but it comes close. In case you’re interested, this one seems comparable:

Helen McKinney's Famous Date Filled Oatmeal Cookie Sandwiches

Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 6 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 6 minutes
Servings 40 small cookies
  • Ingredients for Cookie Dough:
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup golden brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 2 cups slow cooking old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
Ingredients for Filling:
  • 1/2 pound of pitted dates , chopped
  • 2/3 cup cold water
  • 1/2 cup granulated white sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Instructions for Making the Dough:
  1. Sift last three dry ingredients together into large mixing bowl; add all remaining ingredients
  2. Work with hands until ingredients combine into a cohesive mass; form into two discs
  3. Wrap and refrigerate for at least three hours or overnight; remove from fridge and roll when at room temperature
Instructions for Rolling the Dough
  1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. Roll on slightly floured surface with a sleeve over the rolling pin; cut shapes and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes
  3. When cold; bake until golden: if small 7-8 minutes; if large, 15 minutes
  4. Place on wire rack to cool, immediately
Instructions for Filling:
  1. Combine all ingredients, except lemon juice in heavy pan on medium heat until thick and cohesive; add juice and stir to completely combine
Putting it all Together:
  1. Place a small amount of filling (a teaspoon for small cookies, a tablespoon for large cookies) on bottom of one cookie; top with bottom of other cookie to sandwich filling
  2. Store in air tight container

Student Achievement Awards

Thank you to all the members who supported students with their Student Achievement Awards submissions. Once again, we had a few stand-out pieces that were sent on to OSSTF Provincial.

While Abby Laporte from Lasalle did not move on to the next level of judging this year (She was a regional winner last year), I felt that her artwork was worth sharing.


Ponderings and Potations
CPAC continues to throw their Ponderings and Potations events for OSSTF members. Members gathered at MIC on November 9th to enjoy snacks, a beverage, and the chance to enjoy one another’s company.
Of course, members also get the chance to enter their name into a draw for a coveted prize. This time, the lucky winner was Bobbi-Lyn Carriere.
Feb 2, 2024 has been set for the next Ponderings & Potations gathering... stay tuned for announcements about the location so you too can join us for good conversation and your chance to win.

Children's Christmas Party 

Once again, the lovely ladies of ESSU put together a stellar party for the children of our OSSTF members. There were 18 children in total and each received a hand delivered gift from Santa himself. This was the perfect way to get into the Christmas spirit. Look for some pictures from this event at the end of this newsletter.

Curling for a Cause

After the holidays are over, you will want to get a little activity. The perfect way to do this while still having fun is to attend the Annual Curling for a Cause Event.

Date: January 28, 2024 
Time: 2:00
Cost: $40.00/person 
What’s included: Dinner, a couple of beverages, equipment and a prize!
RSVP: January 8, 2024
Get your team of 4 together. Give your team a name and let the office know by the 8th.
Once you have collected the funds from your team members, please remit your entry fees by sending an etransfer to: (please note that is d zero 3) 
Katrina Ross
District Officer

Soon, Ontario drivers will have a new option to restrict coverage in the event of a collision—the option not to claim damages.

In December 2022, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) announced that Ontario Policy Change Form (OPCF) 49 will give drivers the choice to opt out of Direct Compensation Property Damage (DCPD) coverage.

Under OPCF 49, you can agree not to be compensated by your insurance company or anyone else, including anyone at fault for causing the damage or their insurance company.
But what does that mean?

Read more at 

The top 8 things that should be on your ‘end of the year financial to-do’ list

If you hold any kind of investments, have children or grandchildren, or turned 71 this year, this is one list you might want to bookmark. While it may not be filled with elaborate gifts or delectable treats, taking care of the items on this list will provide you with the financial peace of mind to make you merry not only during the upcoming holiday season—but also in the years to come.

Here are your top 8 financial ‘to-dos’ before the end of the year:

#1: Consider making TFSA withdrawals by December 31st. If you were thinking about withdrawing from your Tax-Free Savings Account in the next few months to pay for home renovations, car repairs, or other big-ticket items—you might want to consider taking that money out by December 31st. Otherwise, if you withdraw funds from your TFSA after January 1st, you wouldn’t be able to re-contribute that money until the following calendar year.

#2: Get those RESP contributions in by December 31st to maximize the CESG. While you can contribute to a Registered Education Savings Plan anytime (within 31 years of opening it), maximizing your contributions before the end of each calendar year has one very specific benefit—getting the most from the Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG). That’s where the government chips in up to 20% over and above your annual contributions.

Read the full article:

Brought to you by Educators Financial Group. Helping the education community, and their families, achieve their financial goals since 1975. Book your complimentary consultation today:

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Fresh off the press!! 
Another successful Christmas Party was held for the children and grandchildren of OSSTF D3 members yesterday, Sunday, December 3rd.
Kudos to the ladies of the ESSU Bargaining Unit for their time and effort in making this a fun event for kids and adults alike! 

Once again, Santa wasn't leaving until Stephanie (ESSU President) sat on his lap! 



If I must be honest, I don’t get the whole Elf on a Shelf thing, which seems to have become a social media frenzy around this time of year.
So, of course, I had to find out what all the hype is about.
If, like me, you are new to The Elf on the Shelf, or are curious about the tradition's origins, here's what you need to know.
In 2005, mother/daughter duo Carol Aebersold and Chanda Bell released "The Elf on a Shelf: A Christmas Tradition", an illustrated children's book that comes packaged with a Scout Elf.
It tells the story of how Santa uses the Elf to report on the naughty or nice behavior of the children.

Proclaimed to be Santa’s helpers, the scout elves are dressed in red from head to toe and are often up to no good. The elves head to homes around the globe to spread Christmas cheer and make sure the children end up on Santa's nice list.

The toy spread like wildfire and within 3 years, it a won Best Toy Award, won a Book of the Year Award, and the National Best Books Award. The Elf on a Shelf line has expanded to include clothing, accessories, animals, and more.

The idea is simple: A family adopts a Scout Elf, who has the important job of being Santa's eyes and ears during the busy Christmas season. The Elf heads back to the North Pole each night to report on the children's behavior, then returns in the morning where he will perch in a new spot in the home. When the kids wake up, they'll enjoy seeing where the Elf landed.  Some of the elves get up to mischief overnight.  These elf shenanigans are frequently shared on social media posts.


Much like an Advent Calendar, The Elf on the Shelf serves as a type of holiday countdown. The children look for the Elf during Scout Elf Return Week (November 22–December 1), and the fun will continue through until Christmas Eve.
Here are the rules:
  • Once you adopt a Scout Elf, you must give it a name.
  • Don't touch the Scout Elf. If you do, he will lose his magic!
  • Scout Elves can't talk, but they are great listeners.
  • Your Scout Elf is with you for a short time. On December 24, he'll head back to the North Pole until next year.

Need some ideas for some mischief for your elf can get up to?

Alternatives to Elf on a Shelf to keep the kids in line 😉
  1. Santa Spy Cam -  Santa Cam helps parents encourage children to be kind to others and make good choices. Turn on the Santa Cam (not an actual camera) and place it on a mantel or anywhere you would like Santa to "keep an eye on" your little ones. The red blinking indicator light shows that Santa is watching!  Kind of creepy.

Fully approved by Santa Claus and his Team to capture live-action video of Elves as they visit your home during the holiday season.  

You can also download Santa Spy Cam™ - a mobile and tablet application designed to bring an unprecedented level of magic and enchantment to your children's holiday experience.  This app is available on Apple devices.
There is an android app as well, I tried it - don't bother. 
  1. Gnome in your Home – Based on an illustrated, rhyming children's book about a group of gnomes who lack magical abilities, and question if they can make an impact.  Despite their small size and lack of magical skills, the gnomes come to realize that they have a valuable gift - a gift for kindness.
        The book was first published in 2016.  In December of that same year, Gnome in your
        Home was parodied on The Simpsons in the episode, "The Nightmare after Krustmas".


  1. Santa’s Lazy Gnome – the stress-free alternative to Elf on a Shelf. No worries about moving the elf, there is no pressure of staging (and cleaning up) mischief, plus - unlike the scout elves - the kids can play with Santa’s Lazy Gnome.                                                                              Santa’s Lazy Gnome is based on a book written by Julie DeForest, which tells the story of Santa sending The Lazy Gnome to help with the Naughty/Nice list. These mysterious friends report to Santa if you're naughty or nice, even when you're out of sight.                                                                                                                     
Best wishes for a safe and wonderful Christmas break!  

Donna, Eric and Katrina

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