
I know this is a busy time of the year, so I’ll get to the point: We have about three weeks remaining in our NewsMatch fundraising campaign — and we could use your support to get to the finish line before New Year’s Eve.

We believe so deeply in this mission that members of our Advisory Council – a volunteer group of veteran journalists who are committed to ensuring that Chicago has a newsroom dedicated to investigative reporting on race and equity – have pledged to match $5,000 in donations.

That means every dollar you give today can be turned into $3 because, between now and Dec. 31, all donations up to $1,000 will be matched by the Advisory Council and NewsMatch.

Wait, there’s more. If 50 people sign up for a recurring monthly donation (our favorite option, because it provides predictable, sustaining revenue!) we will be eligible for an additional $500 NewsMatch bonus. That’s a lot of impact!

Speaking of impact, we believe in the power of journalism to expose racial discrimination and abuses of power to strengthen our communities. And whether you’re new to the Investigative Project on Race and Equity or have been with us from the very beginning, you know that our investigative reporting and training program fill a critical need in our community.

We have just three weeks to go in our NewsMatch campaign, and we need your help to meet our $50,000 goal! Will you join us?

Thank you for allowing the Investigative Project on Race and Equity to remain a place where independent journalism can thrive.

With gratitude,
Laura Washington,
Board President
Investigative Project on Race and Equity

P.S. Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to friends and colleagues who you think would be interested in supporting our work.

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