Art to Change the World (ACW)  is a diverse non-profit coalition of change makers employing the arts in service of positive social change.
Message from the Director
Minnesota Supports The Arts
They Pay ACW and ACW Pays Artists

By Barbara Bridges

Art To Change The World is thrilled to share that we earned an Arts Education Grant of $34,600 from the Minnesota Arts Board. This will take care of the basic needs for our educational programming in 2024. These monies will support the training and stipends for our four major projects below. Now I can focus on finding recurring support from private donors and corporate entities so I do not have to spend every December biting my fingernails with stress!

Thank You MAB!

Maker Space Project: Over ACW 80 artworks @ $300 each purchased for Emma Norton Services Transformational Housing.  Weekly trauma-sensitive art lessons will be delivered by twenty ACW Artists. Fully Funded.

Echoes of Traditions Intercultural Harmony and History of Hmong, Somali, Jazz, Latin, Modern, Native American or Hip Hop dance and music.  Grant Requests out. $20,000.

Mill City Museum Partnership  ACW Artists install major works at Mill City for the Stone Arch Festival. 100 Feet of Art and History. $6,000 out of $12,000 funded. Grant requests out.

Intern Program  Interns are trained as Project Managers and design and implement their own social justice art projects.

ACW paid Artists over $163,000.00  in the past 3 years. Over 3000 people benefitted from ACW programming in 2023.

Read More about these and other ACW social justice art projects at:

Thank You Minnesota Arts Board for believing that Art Can Change the World.

Tanya Gravening – New Member Spotlight

My art is informed by water and science and falls into two series. Wave Interference are 95 and counting watercolor paintings of wave patterns. The 2016 discovery of gravitational waves influenced this series. Gravitational waves allow scientists to see billions of years into the past. This awareness made wave patterns more than hypnotic — they contain information. See Life are paintings and black and white drawings of sea creatures. The detailed drawings teach me about the fish, but also capture their inquisitive personalities. See Life drawings are preparation for a coloring book to introduce people to sea creatures and inspire ocean stewardship.
Mpls College of Art and Design, BFA 1988-92. Painting and Printmaking.
University of MN, Master of Liberal Studies w/Museum Studies minor, 2009-12.

Thesis The Art of Plastic Pollution published by Lap Lambert and supported by a creative project that included large-scale sculptures constructed of plastic trash collected by a community of Hennepin County residents.
Hennepin Theatre Trust Public Art Manager, 2020-present.
Manage and develop public art programming in the Hennepin Theatre District. Programs include: gallery spaces varying from a traditional to underutilized storefronts. Manage an outdoor event series in collaboration with downtown partners. Recipient of 2023 MSAB grant to fill property windows on Hennepin Ave. with prints of local artworks.
Apply for the Emma Norton Project.  Sell 4 works for $300 each.

This last month, Assistant Director, Kelly Frankenberg, taught a painting class at Emma Norton Services as a preview experience for some of the classes we may offer them at their new St. Paul location in 2024. ACW partnered with Emma Norton Services to buy art from artists that residents can choose to put in their new living spaces.

Application for artists and teaching artists is still open.

Our Own  Candy Keuhn at the Kolman Reeb Gallery

Artist's reception on Saturday, January 20, 2024, from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. 

 Here's a link to the website with more info about the show:

Save a Flower

Need to recognize an important passing in your life? Consider supporting the work of ACW and help them meet their mission:
The Mission: Art to Change the World (ACW) is a diverse non-profit coalition of change makers employing the arts in service of positive social change.   We are a 501(c)3 organization overseen by a ten-person board of directors.

ACW Director, Barbara Bridges, writes a personal note to the provided address.
In memoriam

Cross Generational Power. We Do Our Messy Best

By Barbara Bridges
When I started ACW (only 7 years ago!) I imagined designing a safe space for creatives and their supporters. I imagined a collective where members would be trained as project managers and design and lead their own projects – employing, you know,  art to change the world! Here is how that dream is working - in their own words:

Lin Boemer -20 Something- Swap and Barter Coordinator
I believe I am the youngest ACW member, at only 21 years old, and it is truly amazing that I would be given the opportunity to help lead the ACW organization. There are many other groups I know of that would see my age as a detriment to my experience and position in the organization, whereas ACW sees my relative youth as a strength in understanding unique perspectives. I suppose it goes to show that you can do just about anything if you are determined and dedicated enough to the cause. Working with the other leadership at ACW has allowed me to become a part of an absolutely amazing community, which doubles as a sort of mentorship for me, being one of the younger members. There is always someone you can learn from around here, which I have taken advantage of on more than one occasion, haha. 

Frances Bates -30 Something PR and Fox Den Coordinator
I joined Art to Change the World (ACW) as an intern in July 2022. Quickly, I realized just how much of a difference I could make, especially after becoming part of the leadership team. Within ACW there is always something for you to learn and supportive people to help you grow. I'm no longer an intern but I continue to be actively helping ACW and the community in my leadership role. It is amazing to be 27 and actually involved in the change I want to see happen. In a world that has lots of negativity, I'm proud to be part of something that brings a little positivity or as I like to say the sparkle.

Kelly Frankenberg - 40 Something – ACW Assistant Director
One of the things I love about our leadership is the diversity of age. That means there are even more ideas and contributions from the different generational viewpoints, and any decisions are better addressed for members of all ages. I have learned so much from not just people older than me, but from those younger as well. We have realized we need all of us in the circle to learn the most we possibly can and that prevents future obstacles from becoming larger. Having friends of all ages just widens our community and circles and that meets our mission of building community.
Layl McDill- 50 Something – ACW Board Chair
Being part of a collective that includes artists from so many generations is something new to me.  I've always been involved in arts organizations for my entire 30 year career but most of the time all the artists were older than me.  Now that I am in my 50's it's exciting to be part of a group that has artists of all ages.  Having all these perspectives is so important and interesting.  Younger artists bring a lot of knowledge about technology and social media but they also bring insights about the world that are fresh and new.  Older artists bring their experience and wisdom.  We all create a community that is full of ideas and energy!

Anna Karena- 60 Something – Art-A-Whirl Passport Parade Project Coordinator
I love working with ACW and one reason is because of the multi-generational members. We all learn from each other and this is one group that really exemplifies that concept. I’m on the older end and I love the energy the younger people bring and their fresh new ideas. Older people bring experience which is of value as well but it takes both things to be successful. instagram 

Barbara Bridges, 70 Something – Founder and Executive Director ACW
Age is just a Number.  Or is it? Never in my wildest dreams did I dare to hope that ACW would turn into the organization I had originally imagined. I felt a bit embarrassed that my little sunset project had such a pretentious name!!!  The Model: ACW Members come to the Task Force with an art -based social justice project, and upon approval, ACW uses everything in its toolbox to employ member networking and our non-profit grantmaking power to help ACW members make their dream a reality. Our experienced elders are listened to with respect (as long as they do not use the phrase “Back in the day we always…” ) and our youthful leaders are listened to with respect because we are NOT “back in the day” we are living in the here and now with all the challenges and opportunities that presents.

ACW is everyone. Rock and Roll, my friends, Rock and Roll.


Homewood Studios, 2400 Plymouth Avenue. Minneapolis 55411,  612 587-0230
January 1-31, 2024
Opening Reception – Saturday, January 6, 2 pm 2p to 5 pm, Gallery Talk –  Sunday, January 14 beginning at 2 pm

For several years, since his retirement from the McKnight Foundation, Neal Cuthbert has graciously and with his characteristic style and flair accepted our initiation to become Permanent Guest Curator of our little gallery.  Several artists have exhibited work in the Homewood Studios Gallery because of his wide-ranging connections, and to his kind commitment to our space and our community.  During that period, he has mounted two or three highly successful shows of his own work in our gallery as well.
 In thinking and writing about this new body of work, Neal observes:
 Now it is time for another show of his own signature work.  Neall allows this new work “consists of paper mache objects made from books, family papers, and the various things we interact with and form memories around through our  lives. The show is a reflection on memory and forgetting both personally and culturally.”
If not now, when? by Laura Mann Hill

January 2024
There is a strong connection between art and humanity. I have found inside art organizations doing DEI work that there is often a significant gap and lag between our beliefs, intentions, and our actions. From Palestine to Congo, Sudan to Haiti, and countless other nations, we are witnessing atrocities against humanity and the devastating consequences of centuries of oppression. At the same time we see a rise in hate crimes in our own communities. Narratives, myths, art and stories are powerful tools that can shape our understanding of oppression and how it operates. When we hold up the mirror to our own organizational narratives will find the some of the same injustices in our own internal systems and ways of being. Let’s continue to shift the way we organize, plan and facilitate events, consume and share news, embrace anti-racist practices, combat Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, and address the many forms of oppression that may show up in our own organization. If we do not address these issues now, when will we? 
In 2024, how can we weave together a tighter network and community of artists that tap into our collective power for a greater impact? How can we organize and speak out against injustice in the short time we have on this earth?
Resources I find useful: 

Antiracist Daily 

Painstaking Exuberance: Painting as Therapy AND #artfun

By Susan Gainen
I have always loved working tiny spaces, most notably 15 years of 22-mesh-to-the-inch needlepoint canvas.  When I began to paint in 2009, I abandoned needlepoint for watercolor and started painting tiny shapes in tiny spaces on paper and, later, on canvas.   
When I landed on this model, I realized that for most artists, their work is named and categorized after they get really famous, or after they die. Unwilling to wait, I thought about what I was doing and named it
The School of Painstaking Exuberance.
 I devoted much of 2023 to Mr. Fish, Fierce Climate Warrior, and a series of Whimsical Curlews, also Fierce Climate Warriors. They will all be in my next book: Mr. Fish and His Fierce Climate Warrior Friends (expect it in March 2024).
But I need a detour -- something to free my mind without a defined goal. The first iteration of the 2024 Grand and Crazy Floral Project is it. I can drop in on it in all of its stages: pencil drawing, cover with clear gesso, apply acrylic ink with tiny brushes, outline each piece with carbon black ink in a fountain pen. Smile. Relax.
Follow my progress on
Facebook, on my occasional blog, through Art to Change the World, and at the Art Shoppe at Midtown Global Market.

Art Speaks: Networking

Art WILL change the world and it starts with US! “Art Speaks” is written by Kelly Frankenberg and represents her personal viewpoint, not the policies of ACW. For more info about Kelly and her art, go to

Illustration by Kelly

Over 30 years of being an artist I’ve noticed the best way to find job opportunities and anything related to art, is by networking.
The great thing about ACW is we are a collective of so many different people with so many different backgrounds and experiences. That means someone knows someone who you and your art would benefit from meeting. 
Making connections and not burning bridges lead to more and more roads and people to meet. Once you have all the paths in front of you, your possibilities are endless.
The larger ACW grows, the more pathways we have. In case you didn’t know, we have opportunities with high end venues including theaters, galleries, shops, festivals, and art sales. And those are just a few of our avenues.
 You dream it. We help make it happen.
 What will you dream up this new year?
The Magical World of Form and Color”.

Layl McDill is part of a Group exhibit- Polymer Clay Guild and Megan Moore at the
Robbin Gallery
4915 North 42nd Ave, Robbinsdale, Minnesota 55422
January 2nd to January 28th
Reception on Saturday, January 13th, 2pm
Layl will be at the gallery on Fridays from 12:00-5:00 stop in to see demos of her millefiori techniques.
Image: "Spring Neck Cabinet Creature" photo by Devin Larkins
Turbo Junk

Come check out a junk-themed art market event at the end of January.
Frances Bates will have her own table and Sadie Ward will be running a table
for the Trash to Treasure project.
When: January 27th from 12-6 pm
Where: Turbo Tims (2823 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418)
Facebook event:
T to T Out on the Town

Mark your calendars to get out and see the Trash to Treasure Kiosk out on the town! The Kiosk will be at the Turbo Junk event at Turbo Tims in Northeast on January 27th, 12 pm-6 pm. More details are listed in the Facebook event below.
Please contact Sadie Ward if you have an event coming up and would like to table the Trash to Treasure
kiosk or have a retail partner that would be interested in partnering with Art to Change the World to 
spread awareness on sustainable art. Keep checking back for more updates on the Trash to Treasure Kiosk.
On Location
Lunch at Fresh Tyme Deli: 24 30th Ave S.E. Mpls 55414
 Lunch is optional and on your dime.*
 *In case of inclement weather on the 6th, a makeup date will be on Saturday, Jan 20th, same time, same location.
 Updates are available on our Facebook page:
 This group activity is sponsored by Art to Change the World Organization.

Save Your Memory Objects from Obscurity

Barbara Rogers Bridges
 has been an artist and a teacher/college professor for over 40 years. Her social practice sculptures have been exhibited in Maine, Miami, the Virgin Islands, Maryland, Chicago, Mexico, Spain, Canada, and throughout Minnesota. Bridges taught K-12 art in Minnesota, Maine and the Virgin Islands and trained teachers in higher education at the University of Minnesota and Bemidji State University.

Barbara creates social practice art from fabricated components in a variety of media and rescued “power objects.” She manipulates the objects to create meaning and provoke discussions and reflection on a wide variety of social topics.

She is an intervenor. Cambridge educated philosopher, Tim Ingold, holds a unique theory on art making. Dr. Ingold suggests that artists are simply interveners on any particular materials and/or objects the artist manipulates.  Any object already has a story, the artist simply recombines these objects to create a new narrative.

Barbara is also founder and director of Art to Change the World.    Read More:

ACW’s Cabin Fever Reliever 2024! You can attend for Free from anywhere! You do not have to be an ACW member.

By Kelly Frankenberg
Last winter we ran into so much of our in-person programming having to be canceled at the last minute due to that darn snow. This year we decided to have all our fun online!
As those from cold climates, winter tends to keep us inside, which gives us some cabin fever, especially in January. ACW wants to relieve that! Barbara asked me to create a fun line-up that had a fun variety. 
We will have a workshop every week from January through the end of March with two special bonus pre-workshops. Most are led by ACW members and the rest by some awesome guests I hand-selected. We have authors, comedians, artists, and a yoga instructor. We will have discussions, demos, workshops, and some entertainment! You may even learn a thing or two, from selling your work online to secrets of the plein air painters.
So get a cup of coffee or tea, a notebook or sketchbook, and snuggle up with that device, and enjoy your winter fellowship of creatives online!
Every week from 6-7pm Central time (Mondays in January and March, Tuesdays in February). (pre-workshops are 12-1, Sunday, January 7th and Monday, January 8th). 
Don’t forget to email and tell me which classes you want to take to get the zoom link sent to your email! Class codes are on the project page link below. If you want all just say ALL!
You can view the entire schedule and class descriptions on our project page:
We will award a special prize created by Lucienne Schroepfer to the one who attends the most 1 hour workshops! Quilt Painting  18” x 24” framed. Spoonbridge and Cherry is the most recognized sculpture in the U S of A!

If you have any suggestions or would like to teach/host a workshop online for next year, let us know!
As usual, all our events are free, but you are invited to pay what you can. Donate here:
See you online this winter!  Kelly Frankenberg,  Assistant Director
Yoga and Breath Work for Artistic Souls 

 January 7th SUNDAY 12-1 pm

This class is accessible to every BODY and offers many options/variations to access the poses and make them work in your body.    You will start in your chair with breath work and then add movement – doing some great exercises for the shoulders, neck, wrists, and hands as well as some poses for all of your body.    Then you will do some standing movements with chair assistance as desired and the class will conclude with some meditation and mindfulness.   Plan to learn a few new things and have some FUN with it!
Level: EASY (chair, sitting, breathing, leaning on a chair)
What you will need for this class: Chair, optional yoga mat
Instructor: Angela Ogle

Discovering your JOY Superpower: How hobbies and passion projects can transform your life

Date: Monday, January 8
th, 12-1 pm
Passion Projects and wholesome hobbies help us connect more deeply to our joy, and they have the power to heal us on many levels. They fuel our creative spirit, add richness to our lives–and keep us from losing our minds. It’s time to get back to a place where we do things, just for fun or just for trying something new. Passion projects and hobbies matter!
What you will need for this class: Notebook, pencil, optional her book Practical Joy available on amazon
Instructor: M. Shannon Hernandez

Comedy and Healing with Karen Williams
 Monday, January 8th, 6-7 pm

Big name in comedy, Karen Williams, who has her own HaHa Institute and healing practices will talk about the healing powers of comedy and might do some funny bits!
What you will need for this class: bring your laughter
Instructor: Karen Williams
Plein Air Painting Secrets

 Monday, January 15th, 6-7 pm

Plein air means open air, so it’s basically painting live, painting outside, and painting on location. Everyone paints differently. Each master will tell you what works for them, some of those techniques even contradict each other. It’s up to you to figure out what works best for you. Kelly will share the secrets and takeaways she learned from the Plein air convention and how you can sharpen your skills as a plein air painter and observation painter. New to plein air painting? Learn what it is and see if it’s something you might enjoy doing.
What you will need for this class: sketchbook or notebook, pencil/pen, colored pencils, watercolor, paint optional
Instructor: Kelly Frankenberg
Illuminating Your Recipe A Guide to Illustrating a Family Recipe

 Monday, January 22nd, 6-7 pm

Nearly every family has a box of old recipe cards, some of which have passed down from generation to generation. As a way to honor those beloved recipes, we will be creating an illustration to illuminate your favorites. Any style works! Perhaps your recipe is more esoteric, like a recipe for peace or a recipe for the perfect fall day. The instructor will show examples and talk about their process. All levels of artists are welcome!
We will use your recipes to create a single or double spread illustration.
What you will need for this class: several recipes (the shorter the better), sketch pad, sketching tools, some quick color mediums (colored pencils, posca markers, watercolor, etc).
Instructor: Ulana Zahajkewycz
Selling Your Art: Making AND selling what you love to make-finding the right market.

 Date: Monday, January 29th, 6-7pm

“The Joy of Creating Art for Sale”
The key to pure bliss as an artist is making art you love and then finding a way to sell it that you also love.  Layl McDill has been working as a full-time artist for over 30 years and selling her art in many different venues from art fairs to art centers, internet sales and pop-up shops.  We will hear about her journey and philosophy and then spend the rest of the time sharing each other’s journeys and having conversations about what has worked and what hasn’t for each participant.
What you will need for this class: optional notebook and pencil
Instructor: Layl McDill
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