29-Dec-2023 | Lantz Family | Open in web browser
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Celebrating 2023 & looking ahead!

God is growing us in both depth and breadth!

In depth, we now have over 400 staff globally, and our education program has expanded with new schools launched in India, Cancun, and Nigeria. We recently broke ground to open a secondary school in Nigeria alongside the primary school opened earlier this year.

In breadth, we opened our 10th site this year in Culiacan, Mexico, where I was privileged to visit last month to invest in some of the new partnerships that will be foundational to our success there.

My own role has also expanded during this growth to help provide strategic leadership to our international team, and I am excited for some new service opportunities coming up for me in 2024.

THANK YOU for the ways you have given financially, prayed, and encouraged us in this mission. It is with your partnership we are able to bring holistic care to orphaned and vulnerable children, and we won't stop until every child is known and loved!

Jeremy, Caitlin, and Kids

Year end giving

This ministry continues to be funded through the generosity of people like you. If you are still evaluating year end giving opportunities and would like to make a donation, click here to partner with us financially today!
Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
Jeremy & Caitlin Lantz | 513-498-5223 |
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