Building a 21st century infrastructure for monitoring poverty and inequality, developing policy, and training a new generation of leaders
As of Jan. 5, 2024, CPI will be located at 30 Alta Rd., where we will share the building with the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS). The CPI is planning a Winter quarter kick-off lunch for students, staff, and affiliates to introduce our new space (date tbd). In the meantime, you’re always welcome to take an advance peek at our new space, just stop by any time!
Caitlin Ahearn is a postdoctoral scholar in the Economic Inclusion Lab at the Center on Poverty and Inequality. Prior to joining CPI, Caitlin received her PhD in Sociology at UCLA, where she studied the causes and consequences of educational inequality. At CPI, she is continuing that line of research as well as working on projects that evaluate the effects of cash transfer policies, such as guaranteed income. Welcome Caitlin!
Max Rong is our second new postdoctoral scholar in the Center on Poverty and Inequality. Before joining us, Max received a PhD in economics at Stanford, where he examined the interaction of gender, labor markets, and major life course decisions, such as occupational choice, retirement, and marriage. At CPI, Max is continuing this line of research, while also working on projects evaluating the effects of California's guaranteed income and Baby Bonds programs. Welcome Max!
Clare Stevens has joined the Center on Poverty and Inequality as a predoctoral fellow (via the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research predoctoral program). At CPI, she is working on several research projects in the California Lab, including developing an improved California poverty measure using linked administrative and Census data. Prior to joining CPI, Clare received her BA in Economics from Oberlin College. Welcome Clare!
The Institute for Research on Poverty seeks to fund research using child welfare and Medicaid linked data from the Child and Caregiver Outcomes Using Linked Data (CCOULD) project. Research focusing on policy implications for child welfare and Medicaid services administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is of particular interest.
UC Berkeley’s Institute for the Study of Societal Issues is accepting nominations for the FOUNDATIONS FOR CHANGE: Thomas I. Yamashita Prize. The prize is awarded annually to an emerging social change activist/scholar in California whose work serves as a bridge between the academy and the community.
A selection of poverty and inequality papers recently released by CPI affiliates
Re-thinking Stepfathers’ Contributions: Fathers, Stepfathers, and Child Wellbeing
Sarah Gold & Kathryn Edin – Journal of Family Issues
Courtney Coile, Maya Rossin-Slater, & Amanda Su – NBER
Recent Findings on Residential Instability in Oakland
Jackelyn Hwang, Vasudha Kumar, & Elizabeth Kneebone – Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
A Randomized Experiment Evaluating Survey Mode Effects for Video Interviewing
Kyle Endres, D Sunshine Hillygus, Mathew DeBell, & Shanto Iyengar – Political Science Research and Methods
Inflation, Public Supports, and Families with Low Incomes
Gregory Aces & Laura Wheaton – Urban Institute
Cities and Migration
Alejandro Portes – Ethnic and Racial Studies
A Different Framework to Achieve Universal Coverage in the US
Katherine Baicker, Amitabh Chandra, & Mark Shepard – JAMA Forum
Coordinated Work Schedules and the Gender Wage Gap
German Cubas, Chinhui Juhn, & Pedro Silos – The Economic Journal
The Signaling Power of Unexcused Absence from School
James Pyne, Eric Grodsky, Elizabeth Vaade, Bo McCready, Eric Camburn, & Dominque Bradley – Educational Policy
Compound Impacts from Droughts and Structural Vulnerability on Human Mobility
Lisa Thalheimer, Nicolas Choquette-Levy, & Filiz Garip - iScience
Community Colleges and Workforce Development: Are They Achieving Their Potential?
Harry Holzer, Greg Wright, & Rachel Lipson – Policy Commons
Systematic Social Observation at Scale: Using Crowdsourcing and Computer Vision to Measure Visible Neighborhood Conditions
Jackelyn Hwang & Nikhil Naik – Sociological Methodology
Do Urgent Care Centers Reduce Medicare Spending?
Janet Currie, Anastasia Karpova, & Dan Sletzer – Journal of Health Economics
How Gender Segregation in Higher Education Contributes to Gender Segregation in the U.S. Labor Market
Haowen Zheng & Kim A. Weeden – Demography
Using Natural Language Processing to Construct a National Zoning and Land Use Database
Matthew Mleczko & Matthew Desmond – Urban Studies
The Impacts of Paid Family and Medical Leave on Worker Health, Family Well-Being, and Employer Outcomes
Ann Bartel, Maya Rossin-Slater, Christopher Ruhm, Meredith Slopen, & Jane Waldfogel – Annual Reviews
The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Expansion of the Mortality Gap Between the United States and its European Peers
Patrick Heuveline – Plos One
What Happens When Employers Can No Longer Discriminate in Job Ads?
Peter Kuhn & Kailng Shen - AEA
Why Do Households Leave School Value Added on the Table? The Roles of Information and Preferences
Robert Ainsworth, Rajeev Dehejia, Christian Pop-Eleches, & Miguel Urquiola - AEA
Intergenerational Correlations in Longevity
Sandra E. Black, Neil Duzett, Adriana Lleras-Muney, Nolda G. Pope, & Joseph Price - NBER
Rent or Buy? Inflation Experiences and Homeownership Within and Across Countries
Ulrike Malmendier & Alexandra Steiny Wellsjo – SSRN
Social Origin and Political Participation: Does Education Compensate For or Reinforce Family Advantages and Disadvantages?
Vardan Barsegyan, Antonie Knigge, & Ineke Maas – Springer Link
The Pandemic Push: Digital Technologies and Workforce Adjustments
Christina Gathmann, Christian Kagerl, Laura Pohlan, & Duncan Roth – IZA Institute of Labor Economics
Foster Care, Postsecondary Education, and Financial Aid in California
Laura Packard Tucker, Michael Pergamit, Shannon Gedo, Devlin Hanspn, & Jonah Norwitt – Policy Commons
A Comparison of Income Poverty Measurement in Canada and the United States
Thesia I. Garner, Shelley Phipps, & Trudi Renwick - Elgaronline
Varieties of White Working-Class Identity
Knowles, Monica McDermott, and Jennifer A. Richeson - Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
The Causes and Consequences of Declining US Fertility
Melissa S. Kearney & Phillip B. Levine – Aspen Economic Strategy Group