Alive! with Joy: December 23, 2023  Vol 7 #35
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It's about time! As of 12/21 at 7:27 pm, each day adds minutes more light for the next six months. And the light could not be more welcome.

It's been damn dark lately, don't you think?
Not just the pitch-black mornings when it's really really hard to get out from under the blankets. It's EVERYTHING. (I'm listing the dark shit at the bottom, so you can skip if you're sick of dark shit.)

What restores my spirits:

  • Walk-talking with my best friend, even in the rain
  • Gorgeous duet rendition of Dona Nobis Pacem filmed at Portland State in the dark COVID winter of 2020
  • One-on-one happy hours with friends and neighbors
  • Arranging my tiny collection of holiday ornaments and lights
  • Feeling the deep connection to each member of our far-flung family as I assemble our photo-dense 2024 family calendar. I've been doing it for fifteen years (!) via Snapfish. Every year I mock-grumble about how long it takes to choose the best pix from all the submissions, while simultaneously relishing every moment of our varied lives. Here's my three kids on their challenging AND spectacular 9-day Tour de Mont Blanc in mid-June:

And the younger grandkids with their fresh-baked scone-man:

Put yourself in the way of beauty
My two sons also brake for beauty. Here's the younger one on the drippy first day of their hike:

And here a couple of examples of what they braked for:

A white dryad above, and below, colorful lichen

Culling my email list:
Soon after the first of the year I'm going to be culling my mailing list. I don't want to continue to annoy those of you who aren't interested. So look for that email in the next couple of weeks, and please respond yay or nay. 

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*The dark shit alluded to at the top:
It's the bilateral slaughter in the Middle East, the relentless attacks on Ukraine, the streaks of freaky weather that couldn't possibly be related to climate change, the fractious GOP House that has actually accomplished less legislating than any session in modern history, the attempts by the media to "both sides" their coverage of the two leading presidential candidates--one of whom is a narcissistic nazi-nihilist ninety-one count nutcase, and the other a super-competent no-drama get-shit-done leader, respected around the world, who's also a decent human being. But hey, the actions of a bloviating buffoon make for juicier copy. 

To add to these existential dark spots, three of my dear friends lost their husbands suddenly in the past few months, one sister just had a mastectomy and the other one has a husband who's slipping further into Alzhiemer's. So yeah, it's been sucky. 
BUT behold:

The light returneth!

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Thank you for being here. I love hearing from you, <<First Name>>, and always welcome your feedback… just reply to this email and I promise to get back to you. I encourage you to share these newsletters with your friends and invite them to subscribe.

Take care of yourself over the holidays. I send love.

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P.S. If you haven't yet bought the Cherry Pie Paradox, may I humbly suggest it is a great fortification against the onslaught of holiday face-stuffing. You can eat what you love, without packing on the pounds. Really. I also have copies on hand if you want to buy direct. 

Then, request the FREE AUDIOBOOK! For owners of the Cherry Pie Paradox or the workbook. I’ve found a new home for the audiobook version, where I can set the price however I want. If you already have a copy of the book or workbook and would like the audiobook, just email me ( and I'll send you the info. If you do not yet have the book and want to buy it, Venmo me $20 @Joy-Overstreet, and I'll mail you a signed copy and the audiobook link. (Use the email link above and add your name, address, and any message you'd like when I sign it.) 

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To new subscribers- don't go away. You may not always get what you expect in a color consultant's newsletter, but I hope it makes you think.

If you're new here, you can catch up on the last 25 issues of Alive! with Joy. Or... dig into all the words I've posted over the years on my various websites:

  • 65 posts about color and style. 
  • 109 posts about color for the home, feng shui and clutter-clearing (taking this website down soon)
  • My author website. More about the Cherry Pie Paradox, plus other magazine writing, links to a bunch of podcasts and video interviews where I was a guest.
Email me: or call (360) 903-3659
Buy The Cherry Pie Paradox and/or the Workbook on Amazon or order from your local indie bookstore. Audiobook is also available at Barnes and Noble or
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