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hello 2024! 

end of year lists- they are gonna crowd your inbox (out with the xyz, in with the xyz). instead, i want to gift you a type of list that i'm really really good at: where to go/what to eat/what to do lists that i save on my google maps.
what better list to share than that of my own neighborhood of ridgewood, queens. it took me some time to fall in love with it around here: felt very far away from the action and isolating. now i'm really leaning into the identity that  suits me best: village girl who knows her neighbors and bakes for local merchants (lol, that word is so underused). 
it's hard to reflect on this year since its ending with so much global heartache but i do wish everyone a restful and gentle end of year. please lean hard into openness and peace, hug and kiss everyone you love and check in on anyone who is having a hard time right now. life is hard to process, especially this time of year.
here is my map for you to download and read from some of my favorite people in the neighborhood.
as always, thank you for reading and supporting this project of mine. your greatest gift is your readership. if you have it in you to forward to someone you know that would mean the world to me. <333 

Azadeh Westergaard, writer and illustrator

(runs the residency i was in this fall)

"My favorite spot is Valentino's for fresh dates, beefy pomegranates, and a wide selection of feta cheese. The crowds are something to contend with so you have to go on the early side to avoid kerfuffles and elbow jabs, but it's got some of the best produce (especially a tantalizing variety of fruits) in the neighborhood."

Daniel Barcelowsky, my friend +
 THE realtor of ridgewood

"I think I would choose Plein Air as my favorite spot unless I am going with kids then I would go with Rustico Taverna."

Freya Powell
time-based artist 

"Favourite spot in the neighbourhood is a little tricky! Topos probably in the end."

Leah Mulartrick,
social worker, designer, and dancer
plus the person who made me love queens

"If I had to pick my absolute fave spot it would be the smoked fish place! 

Smoke House for divine lox paired with Bakers Dozen Bagels."
Hui Kuo, artist and jewelry designer
and neighbor
"While in Kathmandu, I love their momos! It’s so delicious!"
Dainielle T, ridgewood resident and dear friend 
"Amidst the era of social distancing, the Ice Cream Window emerged as a delightful oasis in our lives. With a little one at home and limited options for activities, this window became more than just an ice cream vendor—it became a sacred meeting spot for me and some of my closest mom friends. Our toddlers would eagerly ride their scooters, creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation for the ice cream-filled adventures that awaited us.

Operating exclusively on weekends, the Ice Cream Window cleverly heightened the thrill for our little ones, turning each visit into a special occasion. The element of surprise added to the charm--you never knew what flavor would grace your taste buds until that day! It was this sense of unpredictability that made each visit uniquely enjoyable.

What sets the Ice Cream Window apart is its daring and distinctive flavors. They pay homage to their Austrian heritage with tastes like Linden, Waldemeister, and Mak, adding an international flair to our local community. They also showcase flavors that resonate with my island roots, such as the refreshing Lychee and tropical Mango. It is delightful journey of taste, connecting us to different parts of the world

In essence, the Ice Cream Window is more than just a vendor—it's a treasured staple in Ridgewood. It grants us the perfect excuse to take a leisurely stroll on a summer weekend, savoring not only the unique flavors of ice cream but also the richness of life and friendship.
that's it for this week!
we hope you had a fantastic year and that you enjoyed another installment of push picks. as always, if you like what you read, forward it to someone or encourage them to sign up. it would mean the world to us 🌎
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