A friend just suggested a “sparkle” dress theme for a small weeknight gathering.
Yikes. The last time I wore sparkles was New Year’s Eve 2022.
I feel cheesy when I wear sparkles.
Yet, when others sparkle, I feel hopeful and joyful. Without sparkles of hope and joy, it is tough to sustain the work of becoming better people (and we become agonizingly tough to be around).
Still, bringing the sparkle ourselves - that is an act of vulnerability. Especially in a world that is ... not very sparkly.
Maybe there is a reason so many holidays and crowded public spaces involve sparkly things.
And, that when I typed “sparkle” in my search bar looking for this draft, the google drive gods delivered me an old photo that I had once file-named “close up sparkle.”
My dear good people, that’s my online dating picture from back in the late 1900’s (!) when there were no swipe-right dating apps or reality shows featuring questionable Sima Auntie from Mumbai.
Yes, before the cool kids declared online dating to be low-key legit, I was sneaking around with aliases on early Javascript websites. (Dang, what is more vulnerable than that?)
Post Script: CloseUpSparkle.jpg led to this amazing guy and these sparkly kids.
Sparkles for Everyone, Every Day
Maybe sparkles are underrated?
Maybe sparkles are an act of courage, a defiant long odds bet that something can shine through the darkness of today's world.
Which is all to say, it’s time for the most popular Dear Good People issue of the year, packed with end-of-year pick-me-ups to help us keep fighting the good-ish fight.
Long time readers loved the December 2021 Joy Issue and the December 2022 Pep Talk Issue. Welcome to the December 2023 SPARKLE Issue.
Enjoy the Spirit, Possibility, Awe, Rejoicing, "Kourage," Laughter, and Elevation of these eight sparkly moments!
The electricity that emanates from D Soraki's epic one minute street dance performance of Diana Ross's I'm Coming Out could power a New York City nightline. He feels the spirit and so do we.
Valarie Kaur’s Watch Night speech is what we all need coming out of 2023 and facing 2024. She has us breathe, then push, for what is possible in a world of revolutionary love.
The natural sparkle of fireflies evokes awe, captured by photographer Radim Schreiber in this magical two minute video and photograph. Awe unlocks the soul.
Sheryl Lee Ralph deserves all of the awards for this three minute speech, which is topped only by her adult children's reactions from the far back balcony. Rejoice for things big and small.
This beautiful poem called Good Bones by Maggie Smith helps me steel myself in every rendition (one minute reading, four minute short film). What courage it takes to see the world.
I could watch DJ Pryor and his son in this one minute conversation (captured by mom Shanieke Pryor) every day for the rest of my life and I would still laugh (hard) every time. When in despair, search for laughter.
With the genius and heart of Alex Lacamoire, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Ben Platt, the Found/Tonight Mashup soars in every version: studio, Broadway cast, March for our Lives rally. We can elevate each other.
Pentatonix’s four minute Little Drummer Boy Performance levitates every molecule of my spirit. The word "high" is no linguistic accident; that is what elevation feels like.
So, I am a sparkle convert. We are going to need sparkles in arm's reach during some fetal position moments sure to come in 2024.
Some spirit to help us soar, possibility to push for, awe to give us perspective, rejoicing at wins big and small, "kourage" to see the world, laughter when all else fails, and elevation to bring on that high.
Let's do it together.
We are almost 10,000 strong with Dear Good People. Thank you for being here, whether you have been around for a while or just joined us. Remember, all past issues are free as is subscribing (no spam, ever).
Also! If you are giving my latest book, A MORE JUST FUTURE as a holiday, birthday, thank you, any-reason gift, I am happy to send you a personalized and autographed free book plate. Maybe for your friends, family, colleagues, book clubs, teachers, anyone (and don't forget you!)?
Buy the book wherever you buy books and submit your request no later than Monday December 18 at 9 am ET.
Cocoa and I will be spending that Monday morning with sharpies and stamps in hand, so don't wait - order your book and submit your requests here.
Sparkle on, my dear good people, and let's keep growing!
See you in 2024,