
Dear Readers,

It is that time of year once again! As we navigate through our daily tasks and challenges, we wish to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you.

Your hard work, commitment, and passion for what you do truly make a difference, and we want to acknowledge the positive impact you have on our community. Your creativity, resilience, and willingness to go the extra mile have not gone unnoticed. Together, in the face of deadlines and demands, we have achieved remarkable milestones and we are excited about the great things we will accomplish in the future.

Thank you for being such an amazing community! Let's continue to support each other, celebrate our successes, and overcome challenges together.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and looking forward to achieving even greater heights in 2024.

Warmest regards,

Julie, Micheline

for the AGE Network Team

Source :


Recharge Ideas for the Holiday Season

What can we do to make sure we make the most of our holiday break and return to school feeling as recharged and refreshed as possible? Here are 15 recharge ideas to try this holiday season.

Christmas Playlist 2023

Here is our yearly suggestion for holiday music. Enjoy!

Weekly Network Support Time

Every Monday from 11:30 to 13:00

L’Équipe-choc Pedagogical will continue its network support initiative in the new year. Our “open office hours” on the APC platform will be held on Mondays, from 11:30 to 13:00, starting January 22, 2024.

We will be available to respond to any and all questions/requests you may have, either in a one-on-one setting or as small groups. Everyone is welcome! All you have to do is go to the Après-cours website and press the red button to enter the room.

See you there!

WHMIS and Machine Shop Safety Training

Monday, January 18 and Tuesday January 19, 2024

This training is for new (and seasoned) science teachers who are in need of or wish to renew their training in laboratory safety with chemicals or power tools.


IMPORTANT: The training session on power tools will have limited registration due to laboratory space limitation.

National Mathematics Workshops (NMW)

Gathering Evidence of Learning through a Triangulated Approach

Thursday, February 29, from 13:30 to 16:00

Gathering evidence of learning through triangulation is essential to adapt teaching and learning strategies more effectively to students' needs. A variety of strategies can be employed to form our judgement, combining observations, discussions and student work. The aim of this workshop is to get familiar with various approaches for gathering evidence on the progression of students' mathematical skills.

Everyone is welcome to attend!

Les Après-cours FGA

Francisation avec Rimma Osadceaia

Mercredi 10 janvier 2024, 12:00-13:00

La prochaine rencontre de la communauté Francisation aura lieu le mercredi 10 janvier 2024, de 12h à 13h, sur le site des Après-cours FGA.

Science Community

Tuesday, January 19 from 16:00 to 17:00

Save the date! This is an open invitation to all teachers and CP to come together and share resources, concerns, ideas and practices. Keep an eye out for more details to come through your Pedagogical Consultants.

See you all then!

Languages and Social Science Communities

January 23 from 16:00 to 17:00

This APC will focus on the sample selection process when preparing for a local/regional marking centre.  We will look at sample papers and evaluation rubrics, and discuss how we can acheive as common an interpretation of our evaluation tools as possible.

In preparation for this APC, please bring (nameless) student work along with their evaluation rubrics.

Hope to see many of you!

Math Community

January 30 from 16:00 to 17:00

This upcoming APC will feature a conversation about student sample work and their corresponding evaluation rubrics. The goal of this conversation is to achieve a collective understanding of our evaluation tools. You are invited to bring any (nameless) student work to discuss with your colleagues. However, no summative examination questions are allowed.

This invitation is open to all maths teachers.

See you all soon!

ACE- Save the Date!

Thank you

The RECITAGE team took a step back to reflect on the end of this year. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the sector and for each other.

Read more

Visit to ETSB

Paulette (RÉCIT) and Julie (Équipe-choc) worked with some language teachers at ETSB on a snowy day in November. This collaborative working group was a great way to get to know each other, to share our realities and to discuss solutions for language classrooms. A motivating day where pedagogy and technology were the focus! We’ll be returning for follow ups in the new year!


The regional consultants (Paulette and Sandra) are also working on workshops on the following topics: a Smart TV ‘how to’ and copyrights. If you have any workshop requests on these or other subjects, please let us know! or for comprehensive support (Equipe Choc, RECIT and SEC). Keep your eyes open for upcoming offers. We hope to see you soon in your centre!

Thanks for being there!

There is an interesting and humorous perspective video about career choice as a process.

Bulletin WOW

SEC and the Teacher Effect

In the field of education consensus among researchers is not always commonplace, however, all agree on one important fact, the influence of teacher-student relationships on learning holds a crucial position (Saul, R. 2015). In this newsletter, we take time to emphasise the importance of the role of the educational community in the academic journey or our student. Let's take a moment to review research findings in education which underscores the importance of the teacher's role.


Ministère de l’Éducation

Services and Programs of Study (2023-2024)
Administrative Guide: Certification of Studies and Management of Ministerial Examinations (2015 Edition)

Teachers’ Competencies

Reference Framework for Professional Competencies for Teachers.
Thank you, Karine Jacques and Tanya Marcil for this great poster, which was adapted from the Référentiel des compétences professionnelles - Profession enseignante


A list of all the Info/Sanction published since 2019 regarding the Adult General Education and Semi-Skilled Careers has been compiled for you as a reference. Consult your center Sanction Representative for more details.


A list of all the active BIM exam versions is available for your consultation.

DBE Mathematics - BIM List
For more details on Math exams, contact Clementina Santoianni
514 252-3700 (5078) or

DBE Science and Technology - BIM List
For more details on Science exams, contact Barbara Choquette
514-251-3700 (3888) or

DBE English Language Arts & CCBE English Language of Instruction - BIM - ELI/ELA
For more details on ELI/ELA exams, contact Steven Jansma or

FBD - Français Langue Seconde & FBC - Francisation - BIM - FLS/LAN
For more details on French exams, contact Maria or

DBE - Social Sciences - SOCIAL SCIENCES
For more details on Social Science exams, visit or

SOFAD - Resources

SOFAD develops learning resources designed in accordance with the Quebec curriculum and adapted to the needs of learners. There are also teaching practices for both in-class and distance learning in Adult General Education.

Source : stock.adobe