

An update from T.R. and Angie Knight
Serving with SIL International - Language Technology

Merry Christmas from Angie and T.R.

December 2023 - Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are taking an extended holiday break this year to rest, recover, and reenergize. This has been a challenging year for us and we look forward to private time together as a couple and holiday time with family. We are thankful for all your prayers and encouragement this year. Have a wonderful holiday and we will talk again in the new year.

God at Work

“God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply.” - Hudson Taylor

Here are some things He has done recently:

  • Twelve percent of our Language Technology staff are volunteers serving a few hours to a full forty hours a week. Some are individuals working full time jobs and volunteering their talents on the side, and others are retirees sharing their years of experience. We are blessed with their heartfelt work for the ministry of SIL. If you are interested in volunteering or serving with SIL, you can check out opportunities at

I hope this small glimpse encourages you to see what God is doing through all of us serving at SIL International.

Prayer and Praise

  • Praise that we get an extended holiday break this year and looking forward to spending time with family.

  • Please pray for us as we rest and recover from a challenging 2023. Angie has had increasing health issues as the year has progressed, her mom’s cancer has returned, and we have had some significant family challenges. We will be spending a lot of time in prayer and conversations during this extended holiday break.

  • Praise that our church, Upland Community Church, has begun a Stephen Ministries program that has blessed us immensely. We both have wonderful Stephen Ministry leaders that gracefully listen to us, encourage us, and pray with us each week. This ministry has helped so many people in our congregation.

  • Please let us know how we can be praying for you!

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

In Him,
T.R. and Angie Knight

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How can you support the work we are doing with SIL International?

Glad you asked! T.R. is currently in a fully funded position in his role as Director of Bible Translation Software. The finances come from a funding organization devoted to innovation in Bible Translation. Because T.R.’s position is fully funded, we are not currently requesting you to partner with us financially. What we could use the most are your prayers and encouragement. If you would like to financially support the work that SIL does, you can give online or via check. If you give online, you can designate Language Technology or any of our specific projects that interest you. If you give via check, you can include in the note field a designation of Bible Translation Software - KBTD16. Thank you for your prayers and support.