Reveal the Story Behind your Artwork!
Class: Your Voice in Art
Instructor: Tess Mosko Scherer
Medium: professional development
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2024
Time: 9am - 4pm
Cost: $80


Class Description:

In this workshop, Your Voice in Art, we will be finding meaning in your art and revealing the story behind your artwork.

Michelangelo has been quoted as saying: “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” In this workshop we are going to discover the hidden meaning in your art through observation, reflection, and conversation reviewing time-tested symbols, their meaning and how that relates to your work. You are a collaborator in the making of the work. Your conscious and subconscious minds work together with the material to create the finished work. You are consciously making decisions and following the rules of design, color theory and composition. Yet our subconscious is our studio companion, guiding us along in our decision-making whether we know it or not. This is the state of flow when everything around you disappears, and you are immersed in the making of art. You lose the sense of time and space.

What is happening in your subconscious? What decisions are being made? What direction did the art move into? Why?

In this workshop, we will delve into the sometimes-hidden meaning found in our art. For some artists, myself included, there is a specific meaning and messaging behind the artwork. For others, the meaning may be elusive, a little less obvious. Which one are you?

In this one-day workshop you will bring 3 pieces of art, and if possible, a digital portfolio, laptop/notebook/ipad, or other digital device that is available to you, paper and pen.

Join us for a fun-filled and inspiring workshop into the abyss of why we make art and more specifically why YOU make art.


Instructor Biography:

Tess Mosko Scherer has had a diverse career in the arts spanning more than 40 years: gallerist, professional artist life coach specializing in working with artists, and leading non-profit arts organizations. Additionally, she is the Director of Facilitation and Curriculum for the World Academy for the Future of Women, serves on the advisory board and facilitates programs on leadership in China and Bangladesh. While in China, she facilitated art programs in rural villages. Since 2019, she has served as the Executive Director of the Arizona Art Alliance, mentoring the leadership of Arizona arts organizations, hosting exhibitions for their membership, and workshops for professional development.


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