
Big News, <<First Name>>!

We are proud to announce the launch of the Insitute of Biblical Sexuality. The Insitute, or IBS, will function as a part of the educational and training ministry of LHM. IBS will not only address issues of LGBTQIA+ but all areas of sexuality and help the church and believers understand God's design and plan for biblical sexuality. It will also equip the church and believers in healthy sexuality and how to respond to the cultural distortions of God's design from a biblical and redemptive perspective.  

IBS will also provide curated resources that demonstrate adherence to a biblically orthodox view of sexuality and original resources from like-minded ministries, individuals, and entities.

Bruno Borges will direct this new branch of LHM's ministry as we seek to educate the church and provide training for her leadership and people.

We ask that you pray for the Institute of Biblical Sexuality and Living Hope Ministries as we branch out and give expanded attention to all aspects of human sexuality and expression from a biblical worldview.

We are excited to see how this new ministry endeavor will expand our educational outreach to churches seeking to respond biblically and redemptively to the issues of sexual and relational brokenness.

You may donate your tax-deductible gift by clicking on IBS or LHM.

Ricky Chelette

Executive Director

A Testimony

One Transformed Life at a Time

I received this email from one of our young women who participated in our ministry years ago, left, and returned, and is now very active again. God is so good! 

I received a birthday email last year from you just two weeks after getting saved. I was very much struggling with what steps to take as I was fully in the LGBTQ lifestyle. At that time, I had no relationship with my family, was homeless, unemployed, not identifying as female, suicidal, and so incredibly broken. Then I got your email. It let me know that you all still cared and were willing to walk with me; it was the invitation I needed to reach back out. 


Since receiving that email a year ago, I have been back and involved at Living Hope, broke up with my girlfriend, completely left the lifestyle, embraced my God-designed femininity, am free from pornography for ten months, am seeing my relationships with some of my family beginning to be restored, have a place to live, am on staff at my church, have a healthy community, and so much more. But most of all, I have grown closer to the Lord. 


The impact of Living Hope has not stopped with me. I work as an LPC, and this year, I have had the honor of witnessing multiple clients get saved and have been walking alongside multiple people leaving the lifestyle. 


Thank you for all that you do for Living Hope. And thank you for all the intentional ways in which you all demonstrate that you care. Living Hope is the purest form of the gospel in action. There are no words adequate to communicate all that this ministry means to me and how greatly it has impacted my life. Thank you for your continual sacrificial “yes” to the Lord. It matters.