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Older Adults Program (60+), City of Niagara Falls, MacBain Community Centre
Unveiling the frosty delights in our latest eNewsletter
Well folks, Mother Nature finally decided to grace us with the white stuff. We've been dodging snowflakes like pros, but I guess she couldn't resist giving us the full winter Wonderland experience over the weekend. Time to dust off those snow boots and embrace the cold reality. Brace yourself folks, winter's chilly clasp is here. Ugg.

To that, we would like to remind you of some winter housekeeping items:

Quick PSA: The floors in the programming rooms has a strict ‘no snowflakes left behind’ policy. Kindly park those outdoor boots at the entrance of the rooms and let your indoor footwear steal the spotlight. It’s a footwear fashion show - let the sole transformation begin.

Not sure if we are open? 
In the event of severe winter weather conditions, our top priority is the safety of our staff and members. If local authorities issue advisories or conditions make travel hazardous, the building may close. Notifications will be posted on our official website and communicated through our official social media channels. You can also follow us on the Older Adult 60+  Facebook page.

Please use your discretion on a snow day. We care about you more than your GPS does, so unless you've upgraded your car to a snowmobile or your vehicle has a secret set of skis, we recommend enjoying a cozy day at home. Stay home and stay safe.

Fear not fellow adventurers! While the clouds may threaten a gloomy performance, remember, the show must go on. Cue the resilience, dim the worry lights, and let's keep this show rolling.

Drumroll, please! Get ready for the grand unveiling of a two new programs and two upcoming special events. Brace yourselves for a splash of creativity, an extremely informative session on hearing, can I get a B.I.N.G.O and news about our upcoming an Active Living Fair. It's all here for you! 
Beginner Watercolour Instruction
"Watercolor instruction for beginners starting in February. Mondays at 2pm. More details to follow soon"
Calling all budding Picassos! We are currently stirring up a colourful concoction for our new beginner watercolour class. Think of it as our artistic recipe still in the mixing phase. More details to follow shortly. 
Free Lunch & Learn
 Hearing Health Care
Tuesday Feb 6
Flyer to promote a free lunch and learn hearing health care session on Tuesday, February 6 from 1pm - 2:30 pm . Please use your Activenet account to register, or call 905-356-7521 x 3330."
Discover the impacts of hearing loss and dementia

Untreated hearing loss can have significant impacts on various aspects of an individual's life, and there is emerging research suggesting a potential link between untreated hearing loss and dementia:

Communication challenges - Individuals may withdraw from social activities and conversation.

Cognitive Load - Struggling to hear and understand conversation places an increased cognitive load on the brain.

Social Isolation - Due to communication challenges individuals with untreated hearing loss may avoid social interactions.

Impact on Mental Health - Hearing loss has been associated with higher rates of depression and anxiety. The emotional toll of struggling with hearing difficulties can affect an individual's overall mental health.
Research Findings:
Some studies suggest a potential association between untreated hearing loss and an increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults.

Brain Atrophy: Hearing loss may lead to changes in the brain, including atrophy of areas responsible for processing sound. This could potentially contribute to cognitive decline.

Social Factors: The social isolation resulting from untreated hearing loss may also be a contributing factor to cognitive decline, as social engagement is crucial for maintaining cognitive function.

Early Intervention: Addressing hearing loss through interventions such as hearing clinics can mitigate the risk of cognitive decline associated with untreated hearing loss.

Join us on Tuesday February 6 for this very informative Lunch & Learn session.
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Coronation Room
FREE (registration is required)

Register Here or call 905-356-7521 ext. 3330
Introducing BINGO
First Wednesday of the month
"Bingo starting in February. First Wednesday of the month at 1 pm. Members $3.00, Non-members $4.00. Cards are .50 cents each, payable on the day. Refreshments included. Wednesday, February 7 at 1pm. Your lucky numbers are waiting."
Introducing Bingo, where the balls turn, the cards dance, and your chances of winning are as high as our enthusiasm.
For those of you who participated in the fun and frolics of bingo at Coronation Centre on Summer St, we are changing the format slightly.  
Members may register with their Activenet account, or, can register at the front desk. Members $3.00 and non members $4.00. This gives you access to the program including tea/coffee and cookies. Bingo cards may be purchased on the day at the program for .50 each. No limits on the amount of cards that you wish to buy.
Winning here might not fund a world tour, but the more people that come out, the more winnings are to be had – as the crowd grows, so do the winnings. At the end of the day whether you win, lose, or accidentally shout bingo when it's not your turn - it's all just a hilarious game of fun and frolic in our bingo wonderland.

Wednesday February 7 at 1:00pm

Register Here
Here's what we are working on
"Active Living Fair. Save the Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024. 1pm - 4pm. MacBain Community Centre. Funding provided by Ontario." Photos of older adults smiling and being active.
Save The Date
Tuesday March 5

Seniors Active Living Fairs are a public education initiative, developed in partnership between the Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario (OACAO) and the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility. (MSAA). Active Living Fairs increase awareness about available programs and services for older adults in their communities. We at the Older Adults 60+, have had great fun organising fairs in the past at our old location on Summer Street. We thought we would give this a try here at MacBain. We're throwing spaghetti at the wall (figuratively, not literally) in our shiny not so new location. Join us as we embark on this adventure testing the waters of fabulousness.

Prepare for an extravaganza!  We're busy brewing up a delightful concoction of presentations, vendors, speakers, and complimentary food. Hurry, grab your day timer. It's crucial to magic marker this date in your diary before it slips away like a ninja on roller skates.
January is giving us the cold shoulder, but fear not - embrace the remaining winter chill like a penguin in a heated debate. See you on the other side of frosty, and may your cocoa always be warm and your socks forever fuzzy!

All the best,

Hanya Nagy
Manager Older Adults 60+ and Aquatics
D. J Brooks
Community Coordinator

Quote for you for this edition:
'Inspire yourself more'
"Niagara Falls. MacBain Community Centre. Ontario"
Copyright © 2024 Older Adults Programs (60+), All rights reserved.

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