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As we begin 2024, I'm filled with a realistic sense of hope. While there are many community challenges, VOA continues to make meaningful and positive differences in our region’s health, housing and human services. The impact of our work, your engagement and support fuel my hope.

As you read this newsletter, you’ll quickly see the difference made as we advance affordable, supportive housing. You may find inspiration from our work supporting Barbara and John’s caregiving journey or in our support for Social Justice Clinical Pastoral Education, a program that brings a healing spirit behind the walls of Minnesota Correctional Facility- Stillwater.
We do this work together. Through your support and partnership, VOA reaches thousands of people and in countless ways. Let’s keep the spirit of hope alive in us throughout this year. Together, we have the power to inspire and support positive change. I am confident that our collective efforts will lead to even greater successes.  

We wish you and your loved ones a healthy and joy-filled year ahead!

Warm Regards,
Julie Manworren
President and CEO, Volunteers of America MN/WI
For VOA, housing is more than just a roof over one’s head. It’s the base from which an individual or a family can build a better life.

Recently, VOA MN/WI President and CEO Julie Manworren sat down with Senior Director of Housing Operations and Services Michele Myers to talk about VOA’s growing base in housing and housing services across Minnesota.

Volunteers of America Minnesota is helping people from many walks of life who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability. In addition to over 250 people in VOA residential reentry centers and over 3,500 people in Minneapolis Public Housing Authority buildings, VOA currently supports people in over 811 houses and apartments, while working with partners to add over 300 new affordable units which are set to open over the next several years.
The first residents of Nolte River Place Apartments, the newest expansion to Volunteers of America National Services' (VOANS) Homestead at Anoka, arrived in early January. When it is fully leased, Nolte will offer 80 affordable apartments for older adults, including units for homeless senior veterans. VOA MN/WI is proud to serve as the property manager, ensuring that residents are connected with the human services they may need.

Read more about how VOA is meeting the challenge of MN's affordable housing crisis
Take a look at Julie’s and Michele’s conversation to learn more about how VOA is helping address the state’s affordable and supportive housing challenges.
When her husband John was diagnosed with Frontal Lobe Dementia, Barbara was only just beginning to realize she was at the start of a long, challenging journey.

Barbara wasn’t sure what Frontal Lobe Dementia was all about so she started doing some research. It was then that she happened to connect with Volunteers of America MN/WI’s Culturally Responsive Caregiver Support and Dementia Services. 

“I didn't know there were so many different types of dementia until I got involved with VOA,” she said.

VOA’s Tuesday Glover and her team connected Barbara with resources that helped her learn. They were there to talk with Barbara when caregiving got difficult, and they introduced her to others who were going through similar challenges.

Barbara says Tuesday and her team are always available, asking how they can help support her, assisting with transportation challenges, even helping watch over John when Barbara needed to be away. Tuesday and her team have coached Barbara about more constructive ways to communicate with John.

“They're my right hand. They're right there. And whatever I need, I feel like I can call upon them and they're going to be there for me." 

Read more of Barbara and John's story

VOA Initiative Helps Bring Healing to Those Behind Prison Walls

"All that you touch you change. All that you change changes you."
Octavia Butler's "Parable of the Sower" was a beautiful and accurate way to begin the graduation of the sixth class of Social Justice Clinical Pastoral Education (SJ-CPE). Change and healing are woven into the bones of the program.
VOA is a major partner in SJ-CPE, which provides training and education for faith leaders of any spiritual or religious background who want to develop their spiritual care and counseling skills. The program was started by Rev. Dr. Sue Allers-Hatlie. Rev. Laura Thelander, VOA’s Director of Racial Justice and Spiritual Care is a key partner for Sue and co-leads the cohorts.
SJ-CPE is the only such program in the United States with a primary focus on social justice, placing student chaplains in “non-traditional” settings such as prisons, community re-entry sites, and mental health and substance abuse residential treatment programs. CPE interns are currently serving in several VOA service locations. It is also the only SJ-CPE program in the United States which holds classes and trainings inside a correctional facility, integrating both outside faith leaders and incarcerated leaders into each SJ-CPE group.
The sixth SJ-CPE class of 2023 graduated in December and included four people from ministerial backgrounds in the community and four participants who are currently incarcerated at MCF Stillwater. It was noted in graduation that each participant is equally respected for the unique perspectives they bring to the group. 

Continue reading about the SJ-CPE Program

Meet David Beach

A volunteer mentor since January 2023, David is currently matched with an incarcerated individual in the One-to-One program and is a group mentor for O4C (Opportunity 4 Change) groups in community.

What inspired you to become an Amicus volunteer?

Don’t ask me why, but compared to many I’ve come to realize I was born into a privileged existence, at least in the sense that the scales weren’t tipped completely against me out of the box. So, instead of spending my time struggling against unending familial, social and environmental challenges, my life has mostly been about taking advantage of opportunity. The vast majority of the individuals in the correctional system come from circumstances much more like the former than the latter, and while that neither erases nor rationalizes the reality of their criminal past, it also does not preclude the potential for redemption and recovery. I want to help them see and realize that potential.

What has been the biggest challenge? The biggest joy?

The biggest challenge is the impact the actual prison experience has on the clients. Upon release, they’re still in the correctional system, of course, working out their parole obligations, etc., but upon exit from physical incarceration they’re really only half alive, barely grasping there is anything left in life beyond their many legal obligations. Without a doubt, however, the biggest joy is watching them recover, regain some semblance of their personality, and take on the task of transitioning to normal life in earnest.

Read more about David's experience as an Amicus volunteer

VOA’s Senior Director of Behavioral Health and Education Katie Perzel was recently featured in a blog post from Beacon Interfaith Housing regarding the proposed Aster Commons project in Richfield, MN.

The plans call for 38 high-quality, well managed apartments that focus on young adults ages 18 to 24. On-site supportive services will be customized to meet the needs of autistic and other neurodivergent residents. VOA would be providing onsite care coordination and case management services in partnership with Beacon and others.

Please read the whole article here.

JT's Bikes for Kids, Legacy Restoration LLC, and VOA MN/WI teamed up once again in 2023, raising over $12,000 to gift 31 bikes, helmets, and locks to kids!

Started in memory of Tim’s father John Taylor (JT), the project honors JT’s legacy to give back and provide kids with bikes during the holiday season. Tim and Trina Taylor, founders of JT's Bikes, have kept this project rolling for 16 years, helping to bring joy to countless children and families.

Read more about how our partnership with JT’s Bikes for Kids and Legacy Restoration LLC helped to bring hope and possibility to children and families last year at Pedaling Possibilities with JT's Bikes for Kids Annual Giveback.
Interested in a life-changing career?

VOA MN/WI is a remarkable place to work, with a rich history of dedicated individuals making a lasting impact in our communities. We offer opportunities to meaningfully contribute to the well-being of others in a supportive and welcoming environment. View our open positions and apply today at Job Opportunities | Volunteers of America Minnesota and Wisconsin.


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