Meet David Beach
A volunteer mentor since January 2023, David is currently matched with an incarcerated individual in the One-to-One program and is a group mentor for O4C (Opportunity 4 Change) groups in community.
What inspired you to become an Amicus volunteer?
Don’t ask me why, but compared to many I’ve come to realize I was born into a privileged existence, at least in the sense that the scales weren’t tipped completely against me out of the box. So, instead of spending my time struggling against unending familial, social and environmental challenges, my life has mostly been about taking advantage of opportunity. The vast majority of the individuals in the correctional system come from circumstances much more like the former than the latter, and while that neither erases nor rationalizes the reality of their criminal past, it also does not preclude the potential for redemption and recovery. I want to help them see and realize that potential.
What has been the biggest challenge? The biggest joy?
The biggest challenge is the impact the actual prison experience has on the clients. Upon release, they’re still in the correctional system, of course, working out their parole obligations, etc., but upon exit from physical incarceration they’re really only half alive, barely grasping there is anything left in life beyond their many legal obligations. Without a doubt, however, the biggest joy is watching them recover, regain some semblance of their personality, and take on the task of transitioning to normal life in earnest.
Read more about David's experience as an Amicus volunteer