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Welcome back to school for the New Year! While others are working on their New Year’s resolutions, let’s identify our word for 2024: SUCCESS.

Our goal for you is a successful testing experience which requires preparation using available resources to guide you through the process.

Let’s begin by introducing the AAFCS credentialing staff who are excited to work with you to ensure a successful experience! Jessie Hinnefeld will be your main point of contact during each step of the Pre-PAC process.

Our Top Ten Tips for successful testing include:

  1. Use the resources on the Pre-PAC website to complete the assessment process.
  2. Review the updates for the 2023–2024 Credentialing year on the Resources webpage.
  3. Complete purchase and remember that payment is required before assessments may be administered.
    1. Invoices are automatically available after the order is placed. Download the invoice and forward it to your Finance Department for payment (if using a purchase order).
    2. Check the status of your payment by logging into the MyAAFCS using the test site account.
  4. Create an error free roster. The step-by-step instructions for completing the roster are provided on the website. Double-check your roster before submitting it through the submission portal. AAFCS staff will import your roster into the assessment platform.
  5. Prepare the students for the credentialing assessment using the Blueprint and Bulletin provided in the Portfolio of Products for each assessment under the Instructional Resources heading. The Blueprint identifies the domains and competencies assessed. The Assessment Bulleting includes the expanded content outline.
  6. Watch for the “Registration is Complete” email sent to the Test Site Administrator and Coordinator when the test site registration is ready. As noted in the Test Site Approval letter, the login credentials will not work until the testing platform setup is complete.
  7. Verify your students and their student identification numbers prior to testing. Edits to the student information MUST BE made prior to testing. Request for edits should be submitted in writing to Please allow adequate time for processing.
  8. Ensure you have reviewed the Proctor Instructions and Script, have logged into the assessment platform using the test site credentials, and have the student instructions and login credentials accessible.
  9. Administer the Assessment in a quiet environment with easy access to the online link to the assessment platform.   
  10. Access Data using the step-by-step instructions and link to the assessment platform. Be sure to confirm the certification scores for the current testing year.
Please continue to use the information on the Pre-PAC website to guide you in the process. When you have questions or need assistance, contact us by email at or by telephone 703-636-7641.
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