Happy New Year! I hope your 2024 began with joy and will be filled with health and prosperity. As for me, I am revved up, waving the green flag and taking off. The D4 Team returned to the office on January 2nd and resumed the fight for the quality of life we expect and deserve, especially for the most vulnerable amongst us, with renewed energy. I am confident it is going to be a productive and successful year.
I hope you know how grateful I am to serve as your County Supervisor. I sincerely look forward to another year of working to ensure County services are accessible and available to everyone. As always, I am here for you. Please reach out to share your goals and priorities for our community.
Sincerely, Wendy
WORKING TO PRESERVE AG LANDS Mandated by the State legislature, every county in California has a Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to encourage the orderly formation of local governmental agencies, preserve agricultural land resources, discourage urban sprawl, and encourage the efficient delivery of local government services.
In 2023, our Policies and Implementation for Agricultural Preservation and Mitigation were called into question and became the focus of a special workshop series (packet - video). South County cities, who are planning necessary growth, asked for certainty in amount and an overall reduction in the amount of ag mitigation required when annexing prime ag land for development. These cities also asked LAFCO to delegate authority for enforcing ag mitigation to local city councils, who could later choose to waive mitigation without penalty. Following a healthy debate, the LAFCO Board majority has directed staff to amend the Agricultural Preservation policy, setting a defined mitigation ratio of 1:1, allow flexibility as to the timeline that ag mitigation must occur, and potentially define specific exemptions from mitigation requirements.
While I support clarity of process for cities so that they can plan for necessary growth, I have expressed serious concerns with policy changes that result in a reduction to overall ag preservation and any action that delegates the authority of LAFCO to enforce mitigation requirements.
LAFCO is expected to vote on the policy at its January 22nd meeting. You can find details on how to join the meeting online to listen or express support for continued measured and orderly development that protects Monterey County's prime agricultural lands.
Each January, the Board of Supervisors (BOS) appoints members to serve on its various committees, as well as regional leadership boards and commissions. In 2024, I will serve on the following BOS standing and ad hoc committees:
Capital Improvement
Human Resources
Salinas-County Ad Hoc
AB1185 Ad Hoc
Unified Health System Ad Hoc
Additionally, I am honored to have been appointed to represent the Board and public on the following regional boards and commissions:
MEDI-CAL FOR ALL As of January 1, 2024, adults ages 26-49 can get full-scope Medi-Cal. Immigration status doesn’t matter. This update means that people of all ages can get Medi-Cal if they meet other eligibility rules. Moving from restricted to full Medi-Cal benefits means those most in need can access primary and preventative care services, which has been proven to lead to increased health outcomes and reduce overall costs on our healthcare system. I could not be more proud to serve on the Central CA Alliance for Health Board, which administers these benefits locally. For more information visit GetMedi-CalcalCoverage.dhcs.ca.gov.
E-BIKE INCENTIVE ELIGIBLITY EXPANDS The Monterey Bay Air Resources District is pleased to offer the Monterey Bay e-Bike Incentive Program (e-BIP) which provides a $750 rebate to applicants from Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties. Previously, the program offered only $500 rebates to a narrow population of people. As technology advances and more models become available, e-bikes can be a useful way to displace vehicle trips for commuting to work or school and for running errands. The Air District encourages the use of pedal and electric power to reduce smog forming and global warming emissions while promoting the health and well being of our community. Click HERE to apply to the E-Bike Incentive Program.
PURSUE THE DREAM TOGETHER Honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the 37th Annual March and Celebration on Monday, January 15, 2024 in Seaside, CA. Sponsored by Building Healthy Communities, NAACP Monterey County Branch, Monterey County Black Caucus, and Juneteenth831, this year's theme is "Shifting the Culture Climate through the Study of Kingian Nonviolence".
Begin gathering at 11 am in the staging area at the intersection of Obama Way (Broadway Ave.) and Noche Buena St. At noon, the March travels down Obama Way toward Fremont Blvd. and concludes at the Oldemeyer Center, 986 Hilby Avenue, where an afternoon of speakers, tributes, music, and community building will take place. For more information: https://montereynaacp.org/
JOIN THE CONVERSATION In 2024, I will continue hosting my online community conversations, lovingly called Wednesdays with Wendy. Generally held on the first Wednesday of each month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., the D4 Team has an exciting line-up of topics planned. We'll kick-off the series onJanuary 17th with a conversation with LFC regarding Cybersecurity for Seniors. Join and learn about the important work LFC is doing to increase computer literacy in our community. Email district4@co.monterey.ca.us to request login details.