Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Multnomah County has declared a state of emergency due to the dangerous, life threatening freezing temperatures and snow we are currently experiencing. I want to share the latest information about our response.

Last night hundreds of vulnerable Portlanders found warmth in our emergency warming shelters and today Multnomah County is opening an additional 4 shelters. For the most up to date information regarding our emergency response and resources available, visit
Multnomah County Cold Weather Response

These sites are open right now and will remain open at least through 8 p.m Sunday, Jan. 14:

These sites will open 8 p.m. tonight, Saturday, and will remain open through at least 8 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 14:

This interactive map shows places to get warm during the day. 

Anyone seeking shelter should contact 211info by dialing 2-1-1 or 1-866-698-6155. 211info staff are available to identify shelters, warming centers, and review transportation options 24/7 for Multnomah County. 

No one seeking shelter will be turned away. All sites will welcome pets and be accessible to people with disabling conditions. Free transportation to warming shelters will be available by calling 2-1-1 or through TriMet.

TriMet on Jan. 12 announced they will not turn away anyone traveling to or from a warm place who is unable to pay fare into at least Tuesday, Jan. 16. Those seeking shelter should inform their bus operator they are heading to or from a warming shelter or space.

If you are concerned about someone you see during colder conditions, such as an individual who is not dressed for the weather conditions, call the non-emergency response line at 503-823-3333 and request a welfare check.

If someone is unsheltered and their life appears to be in danger, call 9-1-1 for medical attention.

Volunteers Needed!
Please sign up to volunteer! Multnomah County is seeking community volunteers immediately and in the coming days. Anyone is encouraged — especially people who have volunteered before and those with experience in human services and health-related settings — to join us. Find all available shift opportunities, and training modules, and sign up to help save lives at the link below.
Sign Up to Volunteer - Help Save Lives
I want to thank Multnomah County staff, volunteers, and our community partners for all they are doing in this emergency to save lives and provide compassionate care for all our neighbors - whether they live inside or outside. Make sure to follow official Multnomah County social media and check for all the latest updates.

Stay warm and safe. Check on your neighbors. Let's come together to do all we can to help each other out.

Thank you,

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