
January Newsletter

Hello and happy new year.

Welcome to the January edition of Dancing in the Rain's health and well-being newsletter. It's been a busy few months since I last sent out my newsletter; we had an open day @TheOffice, I've attended quite a few courses, read lots of books, stayed open for the Irby Christmas lights switch on (handing out mince pies and warm mulled wine), and had some fab Nordic walking Christmas socials. We even had a ‘team’ Christmas night out with the other businesses from @TheOffice, which was lovely.

A big welcome to all the new newsletter subscribers, who signed up at the @TheOffice open day.

In this edition of the newsletter, I will tell you more about the courses I've attended and a big one that I've got coming up in March, there are some updates to give you about Nordic walking, and information about some price changes to come.

Price Changes

I’ll get this one out of the way first…….. As much as I like to make everything as affordable and accessible as I can, I have to accept that it is probably time to increase my prices slightly. I haven't had a price change since 2021. With the cost-of-living increases, I have been persuaded by some of my nearest and dearest to review my prices.

I have decided to increase my prices by just 5% from 5th Feb 24. As you know, appointments are paid for at the time of booking so the price change will only affect sessions booked after that date, regardless of when the session is. For any packages purchased before that date, all sessions in the package will be at the original price, so if you're thinking of having some regular sessions or purchasing a package of Nordic walking, now is the time to do it.

Continuing Professional Development

As you probably know, I am a little bit addicted to learning, so I tend to do more CPD training than is required by my professional bodies. In all aspects of my work, my areas of special interest are stress management, pain management and women's health. Over the last few months, I've been doing a lot more training and reading around women's health, largely from a hormonal perspective.

Since sending out my last newsletter, I’ve attended ‘Managing Pain in the Female Reproductive System’. This course brought together two areas of special interest for me - managing pain and the female reproductive system. The course concentrated on endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome [PCOS]. Since attending the course, I have done several case studies and have been really impressed by the feedback I've received from my clients. The reflexology protocols concentrate on the endocrine system reflex points with the aim of helping to regulate the cycle and working on the nerve reflex points to support pain management.

One of the trainers on that course also delivers a course for reflexology and menopause so, of course, I signed up for that too. The course was brilliant and even though I have been through perimenopause and I'm now menopausal, I still learned so much. I wish I knew then what I know now. This reflexology protocol also concentrates on the endocrine system with the aim of helping to regulate the cycle until such time that the periods finish altogether.

It is also worth remembering that even in menopause, we continue to produce a small amount of oestrone [a weak oestrogen] in the ovaries, adrenal glands, and adipose tissue. However, if cortisol production is activated, the adrenals will use the base ingredients to produce the stress hormone in preference to oestrone, so lowering stress can have a profound effect on menopausal symptoms. Therefore, any type of relaxation and stress reduction that you can do will help with menopausal symptoms.

In December, I came across another course for supporting the maternity journey. Although I have attended a similar course in the past, I still felt there was more for me to learn. This extra course has given me new reflexology protocols to support women with pelvic pain during pregnancy, indigestion and heartburn, and an extra protocol for morning sickness.

in March of this year, I am attending a course that I am very excited about, ‘Reproductive Reflexology for Fertility and Sub Fertility’. The course is delivered by Barbara Scott, founder and chair of the ‘Association of Reproductive Reflexologists’. Barbara lectures globally on her integrative approach to supporting couples who are having difficulty conceiving. She also trains practitioners in providing this integrated approach to fertility, health care and well-being and has trained practitioners in Australia, Canada, USA, Greece,Argentina, Hungary, and Ireland. What she doesn't know about reflexology and fertility is probably not worth knowing.

I will be looking for a couple of case studies after attending this course, so if you or anyone you know would like more information about being a case study and what it involves, please do get in touch with me

Latest Books

Lara Briden has been working as a naturopathic doctor for many years and has more than 20 years’ experience in Women's Health. She believes that experiencing pain with periods is not normal [even though many of us believe it is, as this is what we've been told by society] and she gives lots of information about natural treatments for better hormones and better periods. The book is also available on audible so if you are struggling with your menstrual cycle and you don't have time to sit and read. I'd highly recommend downloading the books on audible and having a listen, I have learned so much from these two books.

Open Day

Back in October we held our first open day @TheOffice, it was a lovely busy day with lots of people popping in and saying hello, many of whom had a little complementary therapy taster session in the treatment room. A big thank you to all of those who called in and said hello and a huge thank you to the other businesses in the village who supported our event.

Nordic Walking

There have been a couple of small changes with the Nordic walking timetable. The Thursday morning well-being session has now moved to Friday at 10:30, still at Thurstaston, and the Saturday morning class is now a Nordic fitness session. For those of you who liked the plus element of the Nordic session, you can still use third gear and I will still get the tow rope out for those that want it 😊

Thank you to everyone who joined us on our annual Christmas Eve walk and congratulations to Sue L who won the Christmas hat competition.

If you have been thinking about joining us for the Nordic Fitness classes or the gentler Well-being classes, please do get in touch. I offer everyone a free introductory session where you can find out more about the classes and how to use the poles to get the best from the sessions. As you can see from the photos above, the classes are very sociable, and I have the firm belief that exercise should be enjoyed NOT endured.

If you have already done the beginner’s classes but haven’t made it to a class for a while and would like to get going again, you are very welcome to come and have a one-to-one refresher session, if you feel you need it. In my experience, you probably won’t need it, it’s a bit like riding a bike, once you get going, it all comes flooding back, but I realise some people feel more comfortable having a refresher session before joining in with the group and that is absolutely fine, just let me know and we’ll sort something out 😊

Please click here for the booking system