

The Living Presence of God - Part One

Welcome to the winter ceremony, The Living Presence of God, Part 1. This ceremony is scheduled for Jan 13 and is meant to last all day and incorporate a variety of exercises. The following are the instructions to guide your journey through the day and as you will see, the ceremony isn’t a single event but rather a series of exercises to keep the focus on your inner divinity throughout the day. As I said in the announcement letter, all four ceremonies this year will focus on that experience, and we will work to ripen that divine knowing into a "living presence" within you.

The purpose of devoting all the ceremonies this year on this 'living presence' is to spend the year focusing on this sacred relationship between yourself and God, and to find the heart of both within you. We want to deepen our focus in each ceremony to build on the platform created by the exercises of each prior ceremony, allowing you to clarify, deepen, and quicken your experiences. Keeping to one overarching topic will help you accomplish this so please consider committing to attend all four of them if at all possible. Also, there is a plethora of exercises below, probably too many to do in a single day so choose the ones you feel drawn to and focus on those. Then see the instructions at the end of this letter for how to proceed until the next ceremony.

In the 2023 series the first ceremony explored how seemingly ordinary physical things, like the directions and the elements, when seen from a deeper perspective, are actually a part of the eternal manifesting, or appearing, as physical 'things'. We sought to look through the veneer of the physical into the realm of the eternal and to cultivate the direct experience of the eternal through the physical. Then in the second ceremony, we explored a number of the spiritual qualities (beauty, awe, and wonder) to recognize that all the spiritual qualities belong to the realm of the eternal and that they are not a part of the physical world at all. They reveal that the spiritual qualities have always quickened the physical awareness through the active presence of the eternal. It is the action of these spiritual qualities in human consciousness that actually bring the presence of the sacred to life.

Then, in the third ceremony we began to look directly at the border between the realms, the 'veil'. Our physical senses see this veil and are trapped by it, seeing only the physical. The veil appears as a distinct “thing” but when we looked at it we found that it wasn't really there, it wasn't substantial at all, but was comprised of the same God-stuff that everything else is made of. It is a spectrum of spiritual awareness. Looking through this lens we began to touch the spiritual and eternal in all things, and built the foundation for our future ceremonies probing the "presence of God".

And let me remind you now that we are not looking to the abstract silence of the transcendence of God in this ceremony. We are looking to the “Living Presence” of God and that is a vibrant, vital expression of Life! It is a place of Knowing, a dynamic communication, a powerfully, actively loving place, a place of profound peace and confidence, all of which are awake in this ‘living presence’ because they emerge from divine consciousness. As you harmonize with that consciousness, you will know all of these qualities and countless more, and all of them without uncertainty and doubt.

So, first, let's begin to define what this means; what is the "Living Presence of God”? How will we know when we touch it? Is it even possible? To answer the last question first, an answer you have already experienced in earlier ceremonies, “yes, it is possible”. And you have already experienced that as you look at the veil between the worlds and seen that it is only a barrier to the physical senses, not to the spiritual sense which is the abode of the spiritual qualities. And as I have said many times, the spiritual journey is a "turning away from the evidence of the physical senses and a turning towards the evidence of the spiritual senses"!

We must learn to look with a different set of senses, the spiritual sense, which is comprised of the capacity of revelation, of knowingness, and of inspiration! These are hidden by the action of the physical senses and logic, but are quickened by the ceremonies we do and the recognition of the spiritual qualities. You have been cultivating these qualities through all the ceremonies so far and it is now time to deepen and clarify them by focusing them on God!

But, again, what is God? This is what we will come to know as we go through the ceremonies this year from the knowing of God as an inner sense, to the knowing of God all around us, to the knowing of God as the barrier between the "inner" and "outer". In other words, to the knowing of God as omnipresent, the primary presence of Oneness that floods consciousness with inspiration and revelation--Truth--beyond all thinking and logic. Again, the physical senses cannot penetrate the eternal, that's why they are called physical senses, they see only the physical! Only the "Knowingness" of God can grasp the sheer perfection of the presence of God. Though as our awareness is quickened by the knowing of God, gradually subtler senses are developed that resonate with deeper and subtler levels of creation. But the details of this are for another time.

For this ceremony we will explore the presence of God as an inner phenomenon. We begin today with the idea that organizes today's ceremony which is an exploration of who "I AM" both as an individual and collectively, where we live within the presence of God. And here, we are not talking about the ego’s identity, but Truth as is only found in that which never changes, that which is true and pure “yesterday, today, and tomorrow”!

The bible records humans as “made in the image and likeness of God”! The Vedic literature says that everything is Brahman (God). This directly confronts the belief held by too many that we are physical beings (egos) living a physical existence. The Truth is we are made of God-substance, are eternal beings of Truth, Light, Identity, and Love, and we are made to create as the Creator creates. (We will look at using that creative ability in a future ceremony. However, that ability is naturally ours because of our identical nature with God. What God can do, you can do as long as you remain in harmony with Truth!)

Let me repeat for emphasis; you are made in the ‘Image and Likeness of God’! This is the perspective of today’s ceremony and it is a radical departure from the usual perspective of humans at this moment in history. You cannot believe you are a physical being and an ego and recognize the Truth those words define. They are incompatible. But this is the perspective for today—and the rest of your life, so prepare for your ego to battle you for supremacy; it is fighting for its very limited life and its small sense of self-importance! But how can it win this battle when the Truth that you really are exists. You are an infinite, unlimited Being, at one with divinity, which is eternal, free, creative, joyful, and loving. The ego has already lost, it just doesn’t know it yet! Our task today is to counter the ego’s lies with the Truth of who, and what, we are.

So, in all that follows, I want you to hold in awareness this perspective of your true nature and seek to let go of the limitations, the fears and doubts, the stories and judgments, and the sense of smallness of the ego. Whenever you are not in Truth, hold this perspective simply as an idea; it is the most powerful idea a human can hold as it contains all the Truth within and around creation and it ultimately will affect the transformation we intend. It is omnipotent! We will use the exercises of the ceremony today to allow the simple Truth to be directly known, to counter all that is false that we have cherished for too long, and that has caused us so much suffering and disappointment.

And in fact, this is the first, and overarching instruction of this ceremony. It is a small “doing” of Truth to counter all the vast doing of the ego that has created a wall of distraction to hold you prisoner to its smallness and its inability to deliver the promises it has made to you. It has lied to you continually from the beginning, so start to counter those lies whenever you recognize the voice of smallness in your mind or heart! Today draw a “line in the sand” and say to that small, dark perspective, “enough”! This ‘line in the sand’ creates a limit to the smallness of the ego’s lies and its insanity, and while you stand on the other side and hold to the infinite Truth that life is and has always been, it will begin to reveal itself. It is not hiding from you, you are simply ignoring it.

Take about 30 to 45 minutes to consider your innate divine nature and don’t worry if your grasp of it is still limited. Simply consider it and either settle into the quietness and peacefulness that this perspective is, or just think on the idea as fully as your knowledge and experience allows.

Then light a candle that will symbolize the light of your own divinity during the ceremony.

Spend a few moments gazing at the flame, not as an object ‘out there’ but recognize that it is a pale reflection of the inner divine light that you are. Allow your attention to alternate between the outer light and the inner light, staying more and more with the inner light, the inner flame that reveals the living presence and intensity of the divine within you. Perhaps keep your eyes open when you look at the flame, and then close them to “see” or envision the flame inside of you and feel it expand until it envelops you. Remember, we are not seeking the silence of transcendence today, but a dynamism alive within you that is the source of your life, creativity, and your loving essence. Keep this candle lit as long as you safely can through the day and through the other exercises, but don’t create an unsafe condition!

From the quietness generated by this exercise, we will move directly to the next. In the ‘experience’ of God, I have seen that the first subtle extension of consciousness as it moves out of eternity, is experienced as identity (I AM consciousness) and love. They are actually one extension of consciousness but when described by the human mind which thinks in fragments of meaning, we tend to divide this oneness into two expressions. So, we will work with them as two but you may well find them fusing in your own awareness. Allow that.

So, after you feel the vibrancy of the inner light and the flame of divine consciousness, turn your focus on your own identity, typically experienced as the “I”, or more traditionally, the “I AM”. Simply direct your attention to your sense of identity, whether you experience it as the ‘I’ of the ego or the subtler sense of self within the inner silence. Either way focus on the identity and notice that it is an active quality, though subtle, in your awareness. We are not looking for silence here but for the active qualities of identity. If you are distracted from that quality of awareness, simply return to it without the further distraction of feeling badly that you lost it! Spend at least 15 to 30 minutes in this experience to make it more palpable and return to it regularly through the day until it becomes a permanent part of your awareness. How much time you spend on this, or any other experience you have in these exercises, is up to you. You can stay with one exercise for longer or shorter time as it fits your needs and unfolding experiences.

Once you feel complete with that (for now!), turn your focus to Love. I am not talking of human love but divine love, rooted in Oneness of Spirit. Experience it however you do, there is no right or wrong way, we are simply learning and unfolding! You might experience it first as a love for your identity, which is where the two begin to fuse into oneness, or feel your heart opening in the love for humanity, those who suffer, etc., or feel it for the earth or God. The point isn’t about the object of love but for the love itself. You might find that the more deeply you go into your loving nature you notice that there is a very subtle vibration that seems consistent in all experiences of loving. As you notice that, centralize your focus on that subtle vibration and feel your heart quicken into deeper and more profound layers of love. Remember, we are not looking for silence but for the active frequency of love.

What I have described above is really three exercises in one. You can do them as a single flow or do them separately and take a short break between them so you can bring fresh and relaxed focus to each. Also, you might find you move through them quickly so you might want to come back to them several times throughout the day, or you might want to incorporate them into your life and spiritual routine for months to cultivate a more permanent awareness of this very subtle realm of your consciousness.

Again, this is an all-day ceremony but it can be fit into an active life by breaking each exercise into smaller chunks, more quickly done, and do them throughout the day to meet the time available. No judgment; simply flow with the rhythm of the ceremony with your life! And you aren’t constrained by the order of the exercises as I define them. Do them as you feel to, as they feel “right” to you.

God is a great mystery and there is no figuring it out, but we can begin to discern the qualities of God and work with that. One quality of God we will work with is Life itself. Life saturates everything and the more we surrender to the presence of life and of the other qualities of divinity the more we awaken to their presence in our lives. Always remember the spiritual law that states “as you believe in your heart, so shall you experience”. This means that whatever you experience in the world, is actually being experienced inwardly; when you see love “outside” you are feeling it inside you, it is part of you.

So, for this next exercise, we will go outside (preferably, it certainly can be done inside). Pause as you step outside and look around you and notice your environment. As you continue to look, shift your focus to the Life within everything you see. Perhaps you see Life in one thing at a time or perhaps many things at once. Just focus on the Life around you! Why are we focusing on Life? Because that is another word for God, a synonym if you will. As you see the Life around you, you are seeing God and as you see and appreciate the Life around you, you are recognizing it within you as well.

From time to time, shift your focus from the outer to an inward look to see and feel the presence of Life within. Notice that Life simply IS and it doesn’t need or contain any judgment or qualifiers, and notice that it is everywhere without attachment or need to change. Know that you are seeing God in the life around and within you and cultivate that seeing and knowing. You are changing your perspective of life from a physical one to a spiritual one. Continue this exercise until you feel within you the dramatic vitality of pure Life without conditions and until you feel that it is a somewhat stable part of your awareness. Whether you do this for a short time or longer, you can repeat it throughout the day, or throughout your life. And remember, you are not looking for stillness but dynamism!

As an extension to this exercise, as you wander outdoors look at the landscape through the lens of Love. First focus on a single tree and feel appreciation for it and allow that to grow into a wonderful love for that tree, then focus on a corpse of trees and allow your eye to swing more and more broadly always looking with appreciation and allowing your feeling to grow into a loving presence. And remember, we are not looking for the human emotion that we call love but the spiritual frequency of love, and one way we can recognize it is that it is quickened into a liveliness that is supercharged with peace and satisfaction. Once you have secured these experiences, shift your focus again to the love that flows between the trees, the earth, and all things that are within your sight. Take your time with this and allow it to expand into fullness. Then, the final step here is to feel the love of these entities on the landscape for you! And as that develops, feel yourself immersed in a vast ocean of love; held, valued, and cherished.

You see, each of the spiritual qualities are eternal because they are extensions of divine consciousness which is eternal. So, whenever you explore one of them, you are exploring your connection with God. And it isn’t a big stretch to include both Life and Love with the spiritual qualities. Also, remember the law, “as you believe in your heart, so shall you experience” and that “you are made in the image and likeness of God”. So realize you are really exploring your own Real Self and your relationship with God as you go through these exercises! You are truly a being without boundaries because you share the beingness of God and so acquire God’s extensions.

So, the journey, as I have mapped it here, should only take a couple of hours each time through, and I encourage you to take your time with it. We are cultivating a new perspective, one that is True and Vast to replace the smallness and the lies of our ego, and that takes time. But now we are using the right tools, the tools based on the Truth of the Eternal and of God. Once you complete one pass through the exercises you can either take a break for a short while, or cycle through again, perhaps focusing on those exercises that seem to offer you the most benefit.

Or, once you complete a single pass through the series, you can choose to continue and select each exercise as it fits the rhythm of your day and use them to regularly refocus your attention on this “living presence of God”. We are rooting ourselves in Truth and learning to live from that perspective as we go through the day. So, take your time. We are enjoying a walk through eternity, learning to see through that lens: embrace it, learn from it, surrender to it!

And feel free to jump around through the exercises, the order isn’t sacred; whatever helps you experience the dynamism of God through each exercise is what is important. Once you are complete with these exercises and need or want to move on, go through the rest of your day holding to the perspective you have begun to cultivate. Feel the distinct presence of your identity and know that it is made in the ‘image and likeness of God’, regularly refocus on the spiritual qualities of Love and Life to keep them lively in your heart, and never allow the lies of the ego, that you are a physical being, to take root again in your mind or heart. Begin to live the Truth, live your true identity, and not let the ego abilities serve this higher self.

There is a huge number of other exercises I could have chosen for this ceremony but I chose these as they form the core of our relationship with God and of our true nature. In the future ceremonies we will approach this living presence from different angles and bring many other exercises to bear to help us continue to shift to this perspective.

So, I encourage you to not confine this ceremony to one day, or a part of one day, but to integrate these exercises into your life over the next several months until the next ceremony. This will set you up powerfully for what is to come. With each new ceremony we will dive more deeply into the Truth of who we are and what life is and learn to switch much more quickly and completely to the experience of the living presence of God. So join us!

A final reminder: we are looking to resonate with the frequency of the ‘living presence of God’ and know it as vital and dynamic. We are not now seeking transcendence, silence, and stillness. Of course, aspects of those qualities will attend our focus on the exercises of this ceremony but treat them as secondary. We seek the “living presence” now.

Please join us for the pre-ceremony zoom call

Thursday, January 11th at 8pm EST

Malcolm will set the stage for the ceremony and answer any

questions folks might have.

Then for the post-ceremony call

Monday, January 15th at 8pm EST

we will gather on zoom to share stories and reflections to help

integrate and ground our experience.

The links and details for joining these calls is below. We hope to see you on the zoom calls and hope you get much out of the ceremony!

Thank you for joining us in ceremony.

Malcolm and the Ceremony Committee
of the Hearts of Fire Council

Zoom Call Information

Thursday, January 11th at 8pm EST

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Monday, January 15th at 8pm EST

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