Seattle Infinity Math Circle Logo

Hi everyone,


We’re so pumped to welcome you into January 2024!

Firstly, we suggest adding our SIMC PoTD to your list of New Year’s Resolutions. We have 5 problems of varying difficulty each week, with insightful discussion and solutions. Get the @POTD role to be regularly reminded!


We all know that January/February each year is a time for many contests. Here are our planned mocks for this month!

  • Saturday, January 13, 4:30PM-5:30PM @ REDMOND LIBRARY: First ever SIMC 8, our annual mock AMC 8 of 25 multiple choice questions to be solved in 40 minutes. We’ll have an SLG-led problem and strategy discussion. Sign up HERE by January 10th to ensure we have a test packet for you!

  • Sunday, January 21, 10AM-2PM @ FREMONT LIBRARY: First ever SIME, our mock AIME consisting of 15 short-answer problems. Be sure to come for our SLG-led problem and strategy discussion. Sign up HERE by January 18th!

  • Sunday, January 28: Our annual MOCK MATHCOUNTS! One of our best in-person events, with a full mockup of Mathcounts including the Countdown Round, as well as more swag and glory for winners! Registration and logistics will be coming. Mark YOUR CALENDARS and THIS EMAIL IMPORTANT to make sure you get subsequent emails!

Other Announcements

That’s all for this month. Thanks for reading, and wishing y’all a great start to 2024!

SIMC President Alex Zhao

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