Day 1
Cardio: Take a minimum of a 30-minute brisk walk – walk longer if you can.
Strength: Do 10 table-top press ups – 10 Sit-to-stands – 10 abdominal curls
Stretch: Hold all stretches for 6 - 8 seconds:
- Chest stretch: extend clasped hands behind your back.
- Front of thigh stretch: bending each leg, holding the ankle behind you (or the back of your trainer).
- Standing waist stretch: lift right arm overhead and lean to the left then change sides.
Balance: Stand on one leg for a minimum of 20 seconds – longer if you can, with a work surface close by for support if needed.
Day 2
Cardio: Go up and down stairs x 3 - 5 times consecutively. Try not to hold on going up but do hold on coming down and do it slowly.
Strength: Do the Standing Resistance Band Workout or the Standing Weights Workout from our website
Stretch: On hands and knees, do a cat stretch arching the back to stretch out the spine, then drop the hips back and creep the hands forward to stretch the shoulders. Then lie on your back, placing the resistance band around one foot, and straighten the leg and lift to feel the stretch in the hamstrings.
Balance: Superman balance – from standing, slide your right leg back and your right arm forward, pull tummy in and begin to tip forward to a point where you can hold your balance and hold for a minimum of 10 seconds! Change sides. (If this is too tough, just stand on one leg for 30 seconds then repeat with other leg)
Day 3
Choose any Rosemary Conley DVD that you have on the shelf (Ultimate Whole Body Workout or Real Results are very comprehensive workouts). That will cover Cardio, Strength and Stretch. You can buy the Ultimate Whole Body Workout from our online Shop.
Balance: Stand on a Balance Cushion or folded towel with both feet. Time how long you can balance. Try a few times to see if you improve with each attempt.
Day 4
Cardio: Do the H.I.I.T workout from our website
Strength: Lie on your back with hands behind your head and knees bent and do 10 straight ab curls and 10 twisted ab curls.
From the same start position do 2 sets of 10 hip raises by lifting the hips off the floor, keep it smooth and controlled, squeeze your butt as you lift each time.
Stretch: Still lying on your back do a full body stretch with arms outstretched overhead and legs extended away from you. Now pull both knees into the chest and squeeze in with your arms, to stretch back of hips and lower back. Now slide away one leg and hold the other knee to the chest to stretch the front of the hip. Change legs.
Balance: On hands and knees slide out your right leg behind you and left arm in front and hold, pulling in tummy tight. Now, lift the extended arm and leg off the floor and hold the balance for a minimum of 5 seconds. Lower and repeat with other leg/hand.
Day 5
Cardio: Take a brisk 30-minute walk with mixed intensity. Use lampposts or other landmarks to switch from steady to fast walking and find an incline if you can.
Strength: Do the Standing Weights Workout or the Standing Resistance Band Workout from our website
Stretch: Do a front-of-thigh stretch by bending one leg and hold the ankle (or back of trainer) for 8 seconds standing tall, then change legs. Then do a calf stretch with one leg further back and straight, and bend the front leg. Change legs. Then a chest stretch with hands together and outstretched behind the back.
Balance: W-i-d-e Balance. Stand up straight and slide the right leg out to the side with foot on the ground keeping standing leg straight. Arms are held out to the side in line with shoulders. Now lift the right leg up a little and 'tip' to the left to a point of balance and hold for around 5 seconds if you can. Change sides.
Day 6
Cardio: Stair climb 5-6 times. Quite pacey on the up, not holding on – steady pace to come down and holding on.
Strength: With hands on the 4th stair (easier) or 3rd stair (harder) do 2 sets of 10 press ups. Then do 2 sets of 10 standing squats slowly.
Stretch: Do a front of thigh stretch bending one leg and holding the ankle (or back of trainer) behind you for 8 secs. Change legs. Do a Chest Stretch with hands together held out behind you. Now do an underarm stretch by bending one arm with your hand over its shoulder. Use the other hand to ease the hand further down the back. Change sides.
Balance: Do the Balance Exercises from the website
Day 7
Cardio: Take a long walk (minimum of one hour) and choose a route with some inclines.
Strength: From The 28-Day Immunity Plan Exercises choose the week with the level of strength that suits you from the exercise programme or do the Advanced Whole Body Strength Programme.
Stretch: Do the Whole-Body Stretch Programme from the website
Balance: Stand on one leg for a minimum of 30 seconds and longer if you can. Repeat with the other leg. Hopefully you can hold for longer than at the start of the week!
If you managed to complete this programme, a massive well done! You have made a huge step toward a fitter and healthier you for 2024!