Be sure all staff members are receiving the C2P
and please share relevant information with your volunteer leaders. Click here to sign up. Click here for archived C2Ps.
Archbishop Etienne’s Lent theme this year is “Encounter,” and he invites us to deepen our relationship with Christ and one another. Look for a complete communications plan, images, assets, small group reflection guide and resources to use at your parish and school.
We will be pulling half-yearly reports through Qvinci on Jan. 23. Please ensure all data as of Dec. 31 is completely entered, and make sure your QuickBooks is syncing with Qvinci.
Anticipating a project and need financing from the PRF? A good rule of thumb is to be in touch with the Parish Revolving Fund one month ahead
multiplied by every $200,000/10% of income needed to borrow for the project. Also, for summer projects, now is the time to be in touch with the Property & Construction office to start getting things lined up.
Jan. 12 from 1-2 p.m.
Jan. 16 from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Join us on Teams to learn the importance of "Engagement" for your team and staff with opportunity for questions and answers. Click here for Teams links.
The St. Joseph Foundation is dedicated to connecting faith with charitable giving for the long-term support of the mission of the Church and the Catholic community in Western Washington. Please consider applying today. Grant applications are due on March 15. Click here to learn more and apply for grant.
The Catholic Bishops of the Washington State Catholic Conference (WSCC) request your support of the 2024 PREPARES Annual Appeal in February. Please read letter from Jean Hill, WSCC Executive Director.
View this month's newsletter and learn more about the scholarships available for your group to attend the National Eucharistic Congress. This edition also features an upcoming workshop for youth ministers and an opportunity to get involved in CYC event planning. If you are not currently receiving youth ministry announcements by email, please contact Lisa at to be added to the list.
Ministering with our Hispanic brothers and sisters
Listen to the Faith Retriever show and podcast and learn how to most effectively communication with our Hispanic community. Share podcast link and promotional assetwith your parish community.
The Northwest Catholic collection is scheduled for Jan. 27-28
Please read Northwest Catholic Editor Kate DeWeese's letter about the magazine's mission. If you did not receive your NW Catholic Collection materials last week, please contact our office. For those of you celebrating Catholic Schools Week, we suggest taking up the collection a week earlier (Jan. 20-21) or a week later (Feb. 3-4). Click here for all resources.
Please note that you should be ordering enough Pew envelopes to get through the eight weeks of the campaign. We also recommend you order double your household count for Pledge envelopes to cover your pastor, follow-up and final ask mailings. Click here to access order site. Select your parish from the drop-down menu and enter password: acaorder. Select the products tab, and then click on "stock order form."
Pray for Partners in the Gospel at liturgies and other gatherings. English | Spanish
“Prepare for Parish Family Announcement Process” webinars
Jan. 25, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Jan. 31, 2-3:30 p.m.
Feb.1, 3-4:30 p.m.
Attend one of the webinars to learn how to help parish staff prepare
for the final announcement of the parish families. You will receive the link to join the webinar after you register. Please register to attend
Weekly drop-in Partners in the Gospel Q&A sessions
Join us each Wednesday from noon to 1 p.m. to ask any questions you have and to let us know what additional support we can provide. Teams link
Join Bishop Schuster on an October pilgrimage to Greece
October 8-18
Follow in the footsteps of St. Paul the Apostle and the early Christian community with Bishop Schuster and Father Johnson. Registration is open, with only 27 spots available. Learn more and register. Flyer | Promotional asset
Rice Bowl Grant and Garden Grant process open through Feb. 14
Links for criteria guidelines, application information and usage form. For those of you who received a grant (regular or garden grant) last year (2023), you will need to submit a report on grant usage before potential funds can be awarded for 2024.
Thursday, January 11 from 10-11 a.m.
Have you experienced migrants coming to the parish seeking help? Please join our next online meeting with parishes, CCS, WSCC, Seattle University, Centro Rendu, and others who have seen a recent increase in migrants seeking help. Email to receive the meeting link.
As a free service to the Catholic community, Northwest Catholic posts obituaries online of people whose funerals are held in archdiocesan churches or who are buried in local Catholic cemeteries. Families can fill out the form at You can also include the attached flyer with funeral materials. Email with questions. Flyer
50 parishes are on the Our Catholic Community app; 80 to 90 parishes participated in the Talent & Treasure Stewardship on ParishStaq Campaign & in Giving Statements final testing. January "office hours" offered starting Jan. 9. Flyer | Webpage