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January 2024
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A Letter from our Executive Director,
Olusina "Olu" Adebayo

The start of a New Year is an opportunity to reflect on and evaluate the happenings of the year that just concluded. The New Year also affords us the opportunity to look forward with hope and longing for a year that will see our aspirations fulfilled. This period of musing on Rainbow Place’s 2023 and 2024 fills me with optimism and gratitude.

I am grateful to be a servant leader at an organization with the heritage and integrity of Rainbow Place Shelter. I am grateful for my exemplary staff who are standard bearers in how they demonstrate empathy and compassion in service to our guests. I am grateful to our guests and how they entrust us to assist them in their time of vulnerability and need. Our guests are at a crossroad and this responsibility carries a weight and significance that is quite literally life changing. I am grateful for the support of Rainbow’s amazing community and how you never fail to answer the call to action. Your selfless commitment to our mission is the foundation on which this institution stands. Your volunteerism, your donations, your advocacy and your empathy are the lifeblood of Rainbow Place.

In 2024, hope springs eternal! Our incredible volunteers have returned to the shelter and the impact has been indelible. We’re excited for what the remainder of this shelter season has to offer and we continue to provide stellar service to our guests. It is my belief that our volunteers take away as much from this experience as our guests do. This is truly a beautiful equitable exchange to witness.  

While we maintain our women’s shelter, Rainbow will also continue to lay the foundation to open the doors for the first 24/7, 365 Young Adult Shelter in Montgomery County. We have found a property of interest for our new venture and over the past year have enlisted a host of construction experts, lawyers and others to lead us through this complicated process. We have also developed and nurtured valuable relationships that we believe will help us realize our goal. Public servants such as Senator Nancy King, Congressman David Trone, Delegate Greg Wims, Delegate Leslie Lopez, Delegate Gabe Acevero, Councilmember Marilyn Balcombe, amongst many others, have enthusiastically championed the Young Adult Shelter project.  I believe we are on the precipice of something that is truly needed and will be groundbreaking.  

This year will be an exciting one and I thank you in advance for your steadfast support of Rainbow’s dual missions of serving women and young adults. It is my sincere desire that all of your hopes and dreams are realized in 2024.  

Meet our Kitchen Coordinator, Louise Long

Twelve years ago, Louise Long walked into Rainbow Place in search of a way to fill some free time and discovered a passion and a purpose.

“I was out of work and was spending all my time looking for another full-time job. I told a neighbor that I wanted to do something to break the monotony of a job search and she recommended that I look into volunteer opportunities at the Rainbow Place Shelter.”

Louise met with the director to discuss volunteering during the day. Recognizing the talents and potential that Louise could bring to the shelter, Louise was offered the role of kitchen coordinator.

“I was excited about the opportunity. It was something that I could do during the day, and still continue my job search. Plus it was something I was comfortable with, thanks to my years in food service with Marriott.”

When asked about her first impression of the people she was serving at Rainbow Place, Louise admits that she was taken aback.

“I wondered why they were there. Some of the ladies looked well-to-do, others looked like they suffered from mental illness. I wondered why they were brought together into the same environment. I wondered what happened to them that drove them to homelessness.”

She still has questions about that, especially those women who have families who could be helping them out. Louise notes that her Rainbow Place experience has made her more aware of homelessness beyond the shelter, as well.

“I think that my time here at the shelter has made me more compassionate, particularly to those living on the street. I now realize that anyone can be homeless.”  Read more...

Join us at our Give a Hoot Comedy Club fundraiser
January 26 and 27th!

We send an ENORMOUS thank you to 

for not only their bed sponsorship (which you can also do!), but for another amazing and generous action. In December, Sheena Saydam created a fundraising page offering to match the first $10,000 in donations. Because of Sheena, our shelter has received over $20,000 in donations! Sheena spread awareness about Rainbow among the community and inspired others to create fundraising pages.
Sometimes words aren't sufficient to thank someone.

We are expanding our Board and are looking for energetic new members. If you have something to offer and are willing to work with us during this exciting time in our history, please contact us!
Stay informed! 
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Copyright © 2024 Rainbow Place Shelter, All rights reserved.

EIN: 47-5082306

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