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Issue 145 ~ 12th January 2024


A big Thank You to all of you who very kindly sent us your good wishes for Christmas and your lovely stories of how much you enjoy our Newsletter. I made sure they were circulated to the team (Mary and Peter) and your comments certainly encourage us as we prepare each week’s edition.

One such note arrived over New Year’s weekend which really inspired me: 
‘I don’t need a slimmer fitter body. When I was 69 I came to Rosemary. Lost 3 stone. 87 now and still beautiful. Changed my life.’

That statement speaks volumes. It was 18 years ago that this lady committed to losing weight and getting fitter on one of my diet and fitness programmes and I am guessing her mindset might have been when she reached her 3-stone goal, ‘this is going to be a way of life for me now.’ I just love the fact that at 87 she is happy with her weight, fitness and appearance. What an amazing lesson for us all!

The key to this kind of success is adopting a positive mindset of ‘I can do this’. No ifs or buts - just do it.  And this is something we can all do if we want it badly enough.

A few months ago my hubby Mike was quite poorly and was unable to do what he would describe as ‘his jobs’ around the house. The tasks still had to be done so, of course, I stepped in and took them on myself. After a couple of weeks, I felt exhausted and it was then that I made a decision. I must get fitter!

From that day, every day, BB our black Labrador was taken for longer and faster walks – including some inclines. My fitness class members were encouraged to work harder as I was determined to make my classes more energetic. When I went to the gym I said to my trainer, ‘I want you to really push me – I’m on a fitness mission’ and when I did my ballet session on Friday morning, I said to my teacher Rosie, ‘please make it harder’!

The most fantastic reward was that within two weeks I was feeling amazing and BB was fitter and happier too! I could cope with the extra jobs at home and had energy to spare. BB and I would return from our walks feeling exhilarated not exhausted.

Thankfully, Mike is loads better now and has taken back the tasks. Of course, before Christmas, with all the pressure that preparing for Christmas brings in abundance, and then missing classes and workouts over the festive period, I felt I was losing some of that ‘fitness feeling’ but my goodness, I am on a mission now! And I have the right mindset to make it happen.

My mindset extends to what I am eating too. I know I put on a few lbs over Christmas and now I am just cutting back my quantities to sort it out. A bit less muesli for breakfast; just one slice of wholemeal toast with my smaller portion of soup for lunch. For dinner, a spoonful less of rice or pasta… It all adds up to cutting out lots of calories and getting back to my normal weight.

Also, if we get ourselves much fitter, I think our weight will not be such an issue because we won’t want to eat unhealthily when we feel so good. We won’t have the inclination to snack when we are so much happier because exercise and feeling fitter makes us happier. Exercise does wonders for our mental health as well as our physical wellbeing and it automatically boosts our willpower, and our mindset, to help us make good choices. It really is win:win!

So, if nothing else, let’s create a positive mindset of ‘Yes. I really am going to do this. No more excuses!’

Recipe of the Week

Serves 2
Per serving: 436 calories, 2.6g fat (excl. accompaniments)
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 30 mins

110g basmati rice
1 vegetable stock cube
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1 fresh green chilli, finely chopped
2.5cm piece of fresh ginger, finely chopped
rapeseed oil spray
150ml vegetable stock
1 teaspoon garam masala
½ teaspoon ground coriander
½ teaspoon ground cumin
225g sweet potatoes, cut into 2.5cm chunks
120g green beans, trimmed and cut into 2.5cm lengths
225g cauliflower, broken into small florets
½ red pepper, deseeded and cut into small pieces
150g tomato passata
1 banana


  1. Cook the rice in boiling water with a vegetable stock cube according to the packet instructions. When cooked, drain well and keep hot.
  2. Place the onion, garlic, chilli and ginger in a large non-stick pan sprayed with rapeseed oil, cover with a lid and fry for 5 minutes over a gentle heat. Add a little of the vegetable stock if the pan becomes too dry.
  3. When the onion is soft, add 50ml of the stock, sprinkle the spices into the pan and cook for a further minute, stirring continuously. Add the sweet potato, beans, cauliflower and red pepper to the pan and cook over a moderate heat for 2 - 3 minutes, stirring continuously. Pour in the remaining vegetable stock and the passata. Cover the pan and cook gently for 10 minutes.
  4. Slice the banana and add to the pan. Cook for a further 10 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.
  5. Serve with the rice and raita made from low-fat natural yoghurt mixed with chopped cucumber and a little fresh mint.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

I have always thought that this is the very best time of year to really think about what you would like to change about your life in the new year ahead. A fresh start... a new beginning... All phrases we are familiar with, and no doubt your motivation is on a high. If that is where you are at the moment then hang on to it and make this the year that you see that motivation through to the end!

There is an old saying that says ‘If you set your mind to doing something then you will just get on with doing it!’ To set our mind is a strange expression, but it is simply the conversation we have with ourselves when we want to start and finish something. Of course, things happen that can get in the way of this mindset, but if we truly believe we can do it and talk ourselves through it in a positive way, then it is totally possible for us to get the result we hope for.

So, let's say you really want to lose weight and get fitter this year. A typical January mindset!  Of course, some practical planning is needed to put everything in place, such as getting rid of unhelpful foods that may tempt us, and maybe having our fitness kit ready and waiting, so we can easily get ourselves moving.  But what we all do not pay enough attention to is how we 'talk' ourselves through it all.

Another phrase, 'You are what you think', is so true. We constantly do what is called self-critical judgement and we easily talk ourselves out of pursuing our goal. For example, you have fallen by the wayside a little with your motivation and will-power. You have spent the last day eating more than you had planned and you didn’t do the early morning walk you said you were going to do, so you start calling yourself a failure! And the downward spiral begins, until you eventually throw in the towel! Well, you need to learn and practice what is called the art of mindfulness. Now before you start to think I have become a bit 'airy-fairy', just bear with me.

Mindfulness is all about the enormous power of the mind-body connection, and what is being discovered is that practicing mindfulness actually makes us healthier. The mind and body are now being seen as equal partners in the medical world and many studies have shown that maintaining a positive mental attitude, despite any setbacks we may encounter, is what will see us through. It has been proven to help with anxiety and depression too. A good expression is to 'be kind to our own mind' so that when we meet any hiccups in our plans we say  'I can handle this'... 'I'm ok'....'one setback does not make me a failure'.  Before we know it, we are back on track.

As with any mind-changing activity it requires practise and the first step is to recognise when we are talking to ourselves in an unhelpful or negative way. We then need to take a step back from our own thoughts and recognise what we are saying to ourselves.  Then 'change our mind' and change our thought pattern.

Some of us may need more practise than others of course. If you have thought negatively for most of your adult life (and you now know you have) then that will require more practise for you to start being kinder to yourself. No matter what age we are though, we can all start being more mindful and help ourselves to gain, or simply maintain, better health.

In one study a group of chambermaids were asked if they ever exercised and they ashamedly admitted to not doing any.  What they didn't seem to realise is that the work they did every day constituted significant exercise. So, two study groups were established – one group who now knew that their work was an exercise session in itself, and a group who had not been told.  The usual health measurements were taken for both groups. Interestingly, all those who now knew they were exercising lost weight and improved their blood pressure! They had changed their mindset and began to think positively. That was all they needed to know for them to think differently about the true value of their job and put more effort into their work, which then led to them being fitter! 

Another enlightening study called the 'Counter-clockwise Study' took a group of older adults to a retreat for one week. They were all in their 80s or 90s so many were somewhat frail and suffering some from the usual age-related physical problems. The aim of the study was to get them to reflect on what they were doing 20 years or so earlier. So they all reflected on a time when they were much more physically able, and then an amazing thing happened - their health improved!  Amazingly, their vision, hearing, memory and overall strength got better just from talking about it! The study therefore proved that we can slow down ageing just by changing our mindset. 

This is a famous study that has been replicated in many countries, involving many different people from different cultures and the results came out the same in every case.  Remarkable!

So, with all this positive information now in our head, I wish you well for the year ahead and hope that you achieve all that you set out to do. By taking note of both Rosemary’s and my words this week, we hope that you will get to where you want to be. It may be that you already practice mindfulness and are benefitting from ageing slowly, but no doubt you will know of others who are not yet of the same mindset. Let's help them change their mind!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. When out on your daily 30+ minute walks this week, make it a challenge to notice something different about your environment. It preoccupies you and you will then come back more refreshed!
  2. Start a new strength programme from the exercise section of the website this week and do it 3 times. Doing a different workout always causes you to use your muscles in a slightly different way, inspiring you to work harder.
  3. The colder weather affects the range of movement of our joints, making them stiffer.  Try to do the Whole Body Stretch Programme from the website twice this week to help keep and improve your flexibility and full range.
Did you know... 

On the 12th January 1976 the most popular novelist in the world, Dame Agatha Christie, died.

During her lifetime, Dame Agatha published 83 books, including novels, romances written under the pseudonym of Mary Westmacott, short stories, poetry and the scripts for her plays. She sold an estimated 300 million books during her lifetime but was known to be a shrewd businesswoman, anxious to avoid leaving too much of her personal fortune to the taxman.

In later life she said: "I only write one book a year now, which is sufficient to give me a good income. If I wrote more, I'd enlarge the finances of the Inland Revenue who would spent it mostly on idiotic things."

The hugely successful play The Mousetrap - first written as a radio sketch called Three Blind Mice for the 80th birthday of Queen Mary - is said to have made her more than £3m. She gave the proceeds to her only grandson, and it continues to be the longest-running stage show in the West End, with well over 30,000 performances so far.

Dame Agatha Christie's will was published on 30 April 1976 and revealed she had left only £106,683, having managed to dispose of most of her wealth before she died.

And finally...

I found Mary’s piece about the science behind the proven power of ‘having a positive mindset utterly fascinating and with this extra knowledge it spurs me on even more to adopt the best mindset I can for the coming year. I really hope it has inspired you too!

Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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