This Week at Northlake UU Church
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Sunday Service



A Liberating Love

Sunday, January 7th
Join us in person or Zoom!

Kathryn Smith Derksen

Kathryn began as our new Music Director on January 1st. 
The first choir rehearsal is scheduled for Sunday Jan. 7th at 12:45.

Here is Kathryn's introductory message: I'm honored to be joining the community at Northlake UU. I'm a musician and director who's worked with a range of choirs, most recently a community choir in South Africa, where our family lived as peace workers.
I am a member of nearby Evergreen Mennonite Church who loves good music and embraces non-violence as a way of life. I specialize in early music and international music. I'm a wife, (my husband Dan, will sometimes join us as a bass singer), and also a mother of two young adults.

EIM: Eastside Introductory Meditation Class Series


Wednesday, Jan. 17th

For six Wednesday evenings we will develop the path of mindfulness meditation, also called insight meditation, and how it can benefit you. As described in the link, the series will include teachings, periods of meditation, plenty of discussion, and follow-ups at home. Here's the link, from Seattle Insight Meditation Society:

Men’s Group

Saturday, January 6
9:00 am
Offsite in-person
(No Zoom)
The Men's Group promotes friendship, encourages community, and provides support among the men and friends of the NUUC community in support of UU principles and values. All personal stories and matters shared at the meeting are private and confidential, unless otherwise noted. All participants pledge to uphold and respect that confidentiality. Please contact Steve Rosen at if you would like more information about this meeting or if you wish to be added to our email list.


In January, our Share-the-Plate recipient will be NAMI-Eastside, located in Redmond, WA. NAMI Eastside is a community-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life for those impacted by a mental health condition. Its mission is to provide advocacy, education, support, and public awareness so that all people impacted by mental illness and mental health conditions can lead healthy and productive lives. Established in 2001, NAMI Eastside has helped thousands of East King County residents access support groups, mental health education workshops, classes, and presentations, and empowered people to advocate for an improved mental health care system that serves everyone. To learn more, go to:

Transforming Conflict

The Healthy Congregation Team will host a Town Hall meeting on Sunday, January 21 11:45 a.m. in Adam's Hall to talk about how we manage conflict within our community, and to introduce everyone to the Health Cong. Team.  Based on the book Transforming Conflict by Terasa Cooley, we will present new ideas about how we can enter conflict in ways that create more healthy communication.  

Zombie Apocalypse Team

Join us on Wednesday, January 17th at 4:00 in the Conference Room if you want to join in plans for Earth Month, and activities we can coordinate about climate disasters.

Ministry Circle

Everyone involved in the Ministry of Northlake is welcome to our gathering on Saturday, Jan 13th 11- 1:30 on the lower level of the Sanctuary. We will review the new Ministry Manual and talk about how to get things done. There will be time to discuss plans for the upcoming year, budget requests and any needs you have as a leader.
If you are involved in Sunday services or any of the small groups that gather, we hope you join us! 

Pub Theology

Join us Saturday, January 13th 6:00 p.m. for a talk on theology.

This month we will discuss the topic of Evil: Meia often portrays humans as locked in a cosmic struggle between the forces of good versus evil. How does this resonate for you? Do you believe in evil? What would you define as evil? How do we, as progressive and liberal people, respond to evil in our world?

We will meet at Maelstrom Brewery 11014 120th Ave NE, Kirkland. Bring your dinner if you want to eat!
Please RSVP- (we need at least 4 people committed to attending or we will cancel)

Choir Rehearsal

Choir begins again Sunday, Jan. 14th in the Sanctuary at 12:45.  Please come meet the new Music Director, Kathryn Smith Derksen, and make plans for the upcoming service performances!

Safeguarding Democracy


This is an important election year with a real threat to the democracy of the U.S.A. Rev. Nancy plans to have a film or book discussion every month on the second Sunday, to examine some of the threats we must be aware of. Please join this first time together on Sunday, January 14th at 12:30 in Adam's Hall.
We will share the 1 hour Berry Street Essay done by Rev. Cecilia Kingman, examining what fascism looks like and where we might find examples of this in the U.S.  

Sunday Church Potlucks begin again!

On Sunday, January 14th we will restart our practice of sharing a meal together after the morning worship service. Plan to stay to meet new people and learn about old friends!  

Please bring food to share, and bring your own silverware/plates to reduce clean up efforts!  

Setting up tables and then cleaning up is a shared activity, so please plan to stay to help. Melissa Ahern is graciously coordinating this first time we are back together, so contact her to volunteer, please!

Brief Introduction to Northlake

Sunday, Feb. 11th
11:45 am
Theo Parker Room

Membership will be conducting “A Brief Introduction to Northlake” after service. Our purpose is to acquaint those who are new to Northlake with how Northlake works. We’ll begin with introductions, talk VERY briefly about Northlake history and campus, and then move to UU principles, Northlake vision – mission - Covenant of Right Relations, church organization and finances, membership, and any questions and discussion. We encourage people to become members, but we shall not push. We welcome and appreciate those who wish to be part of the Northlake community without taking the formal step of membership.

Grab your refreshments and come downstairs to the Theodore Parker room!

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