Art to Change the World (ACW)  is a diverse non-profit coalition of change makers employing the arts in service of positive social change.
Message from the Director
Greetings Friends,

I asked Assistant Director, Kelly Frankenberg, to write the Director’s Message this month.  Kelly is the project manager for the ACW Cabin Fever Reliever winter programming.  January was a smashing success. Read details in the Newsletter for February experiences.  Barbara

Message from Kelly:
“Managing a project can be exciting and nerve-wracking at first because you do not know how it's going to turn out in the end. Good thing ACW project managers get to learn at the paid project manager training with our director, Barbara Bridges, who has decades of experience in running projects. She knows all the hurdles and things that can go wrong. When you learn what to plan for, you gain more confidence going forward knowing you are prepared for every mishap and know how to pivot when needed. You know if you do everything right you've set yourself up for the maximum possible success.

As assistant director, it's always nice knowing our project managers have come to the training (you can attend this October 2024) and are ready to lead. No one does everything alone, and at ACW we are a collective who is here to lift everyone up and help with your success. Because your success is our success.

As project manager of our Cabin Fever Reliever, I pieced it together over time and it's gone through many changes and took a lot of people to make it happen. I hope you can attend some of the amazing zoom experiences with some very cool people! We will post the recordings soon on You Tube. We have just hired an expert, RayLynn Prokasky. Barbara and I work hard to bring you as many opportunities as we can. Please take advantage, because, as Barbara says, "The World Belongs to Those Who Show Up!"

And as my mother used to say, "you will have fun!"

February Cabin Fever Reliever Details
TUESDAY  Nights at 6:00 PM

You do not have to be an ACW member to attend.


1.      Date: TUESDAY, February 6th 6-7 pm

WOKE: The Cultural Evolution of Toxic Words.  By Barbara Bridges

I offer this discussion because someone needs to do it but I approach the task with some trepidation.  Words count but they have different meanings for different people. I created this list of what I called, “The Words of Ignorance” when I was teaching Human Relations in the teacher licensure program at Bemidji State University. I had the student teachers make a poster and put it up in their classroom. They reported it reduced the usage of these words in their classroom and may have reduced the usage in other school spaces. Oftentimes, people do not know what the words they use actually mean to others.

One of the super powers of ACW is our commitment to communicate across age, gender, abilities, and orientations. Words are a living, evolving component to our culture. Assuming good intentions, let’s work together to discuss and update this list and learn about trigger words we should avoid.

What you will need for this class: READ THIS LIST

Bring any words you want to discuss.  Ask if they are currently toxic or share words you know are toxic and harmful.

Instructor: Barbara Bridges


Bio:  With a Ph.D. in Art Education, 20 years of experience as an art teacher K-12, and 20 years of experience on top of that training general education teacher candidates, Dr. Bridges knows how to make art an educational and fun experience for all ages. Founder and director of  non-profit, Art to Change the World, her vision carries out in projects, events, and shows that not only build community and create opportunity but also get artists paid. A lifelong artist herself, her work has been exhibited in Maine, Mexico, Maryland, Florida, Spain, Chicago, Canada, and the Virgin Islands, and she has recently led workshops at the Mill City Museum and Guthrie Education. Voted Art Teacher of the Year twice, she created the first online art teacher licensure program for Bemidji State University.

2. Date: Tuesday, February 13th, 6-7 pm
An ACW Reading.

 This is a chance to share something you’ve written by reading it in front of a group. There will not be a critique or feedback, but just a place to read, whether it’s an excerpt from a longer piece you’ve written, a poem, a short story, an essay, a comedy sketch, spoken word, song lyrics, something that can be heard that you’ve written.
 What you will need for this class: come to just listen or bring a piece you’ve written to read.
Instructor/facilitator: Frances Bates
From Frances:
Over the course of your life, your creative side will come out in the form of writing in many ways. We all have stories to tell whether it be a song, poem, journal entry, letter, article, book, memoir, screenplay, script, or even a project proposal. My name is Frances Bates and my dream growing up was to be an inventor that helped make the world a better place. Join me for an Art to Change the World - Cabin Fever Reliever FREE Zoom experience. I will be hosting the ACW Reading session on February 20th at 6 pm. Come ready to hear some stories, there will be no pressure to participate. Connect with me here:
3. Date: Tuesday, February 20th, 6-7pm
Disrupting Colonial Narratives through Storytelling and Theatre”

 Join ACW Member and theater artist Laura Mann Hill in a storytelling and movement session centered on how art and storytelling can build relationships and break down narratives constructed by centuries of imperialism and colonization. How do we get to know ourselves and each other beyond colonial narratives presented to us in the media, art, and society? Laura will include opportunities for reflection on how our own cultural lens and experiences shape our perceptions shape our ideas about race, class, culture, gender, and sexuality. We will collaboratively explore the role art can play in the global struggle against colonialism, imperialism, white supremacy, and systemic forms of discrimination through embodied movement and storytelling.

From Laura:
Colonization has been a force on the globe for thousands of years and is a complex subject to unravel but we cannot ignore the impact on our daily lives or our power to make change. On February 13, from 6-7pm join this one-hour workshop focused on how we begin to confront and disrupt the ongoing harms of colonization through the lens of cultural narratives and storytelling as we seek new ways of resisting, healing, and existing together. Share personal stories and challenges and engage in collaborative conversations and movement activities to examine your own relationship to privilege, race, gender, colonization, and other systems of oppression. 
Decolonization is not a metaphor by Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang link and more included on
What you will need for this class: none
Instructor: Laura Mann Hill

  1. Date: Tuesday, February 27th, 6-7 pm

Mimi  Gonzalez- Barillas   Write Hear: Regenerative Writing Workshop

Write Hear is a generative writing workshop facilitated by Mimi Gonzalez-Barillas.  Through prompts inspired by literary examples, participants are encouraged to “stop time” together and write in the comfort of an in-the-moment community. Sharing what came through is optional but strongly encouraged.
 What you will need for this class: notebook and writing utensil
Mini interview with Mimi:
Prompt: " Generative writing happens when….”
Mimi: You stop time together and write from a prompt offered in a room of other people gathered to write.
Prompt: “I became interested in generative writing when……”
Mimi: I attended many writing workshops that reminded me, that validated me in my capacity to write. There are times when a little encouragement is all the reinforcement you need. I seek to return that creative generosity through offering workshops as facilitator. 
Prompt: “ My most rewarding experience illustrating how generative writing can heal was when…" 
Mimi: I wrote a short story because of the prompts a writing workshop facilitator offered. That moment in time was a reminder of something I had forgotten about myself: I am a writer, and I can write.

Bio: Detroit native Mimi Gonzalez-Barillas has traveled the world as a stand-up comic while committing random acts of publishing, freelance journalism, and poetry.  A lifelong activist, performer, poet, agitator, and “Elderzon” in the LGBT civil rights movement, she’s transformed her experience of slammed doors into a politics of radical inclusion. Mimi continues to build intersecting networks of support that aim toward justice and she welcomes anyone who is ready to join her to do the heavy lifting to bend that arc.

ACW's Cabin Fever Reliever Testimony!    
By Alkemy

Running January through March, this online event series offers a way to get together entirely online. This is a good idea for anyone who feels a little down/isolated in the winter. It's especially nice for some disabled people. We can have a hard time getting out and connecting even in other seasons. Add onto that that many also get seasonal depression, or more physical pain from winter weather, and a series like this can make a huge difference.
Below I share my impressions from a couple of the classes that have happened prior to submitting this article.
I attended Karen Williams's comedy class. Sadly, i could only half attend due to another unrelated class. In any case, the energy was bright and fun. I'm glad i got to experience it at least partially. It was obvious it was a joy for the participants and it had improved their day.
I  also attended Kelly Frankenberg's Plaine Air Painting. (At this point my other class had finished). It was comfortable and informative with tips on how landscape painting generally works. With examples of how sometimes such rules are better ignored. A follow-up class that's more expansive with time for personal interactions and advice would be great but as a sample, it was well worth hanging out with everyone. Very enjoyable.
Kelly Frankenberg CFR  Reflections   

Cabin Fever Reliever in January included a plein air painting demo by Assistant Director, Kelly Frankenberg. We will be putting the recordings on our project page and YouTube account soon, but here's a sneak peak of a fast-motion video of the painting part of the session, a picture of her final painting from a scene in Colorado, 

Original photo by Joel Lampe. Original piano song, "Composure" by Kelly Frankenberg.
Painting by Kelly Frankenberg
 Here is a painting done during the class by participant, Katie Palmer!

Don't forget to sign up for an upcoming experience by emailing Classes are listed here: 
Basics: Sunday the 10th of Feb. $15 per person; includes ALL food & beverages (you KNOW how Mojo does it!). Food is served at 6:30, music starts at 7:30, and is done by 9 pm. Doors close at 10 pm. Killer food of all kinds. Jerry Esnough will open at 7:30, and Hiptites following. New songs!
It’s all because LOVE IS IN THE AIR! To reserve tickets, TEXT 612-978-0069. Or, go by Mojo and pick yours up. SEATS ARE LIMITED TO 55; they are going quickly! Don’t miss this one!
In Memoriam.  Much gratitude to the family and friends of Linda McNary for their $500 donation.

“Please accept this donation in my mother’s name.  She lived every single day of her life as an artist. She would fully approve of this organization and donation. With heartfelt gratitude, her daughter, Carrie Magozzi-Duin.”

Save A Flower!  Support social justice art projects!

New Member Spotlight - ACW YouTube Point Person

Lalita Prachanty is a detail-oriented Lao-American illustrator and designer with experience in both digital and traditional mediums based in the Twin Cities. They graduated from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities in 2021 with a B.A. in Arts and a Minor in Interdisciplinary Design. They currently work as a designer in the cities using their skills in illustration, graphic design, video editing, and many more with the Adobe Suite programs. They have an affinity to work in various styles and techniques with a heavy focus on quality and organization.
As of late, they've mostly been focusing on creating digital illustrations incorporating traditional techniques on Photoshop inspired by pseudo-religious imagery and themes of rebirth. These pieces often center on the complexity and messiness of an individual’s experience through original characters situated in surrealist, fantastical narratives. These characters in intentionally non-fleshed-out forms exist in states where innocence and exploration could still be possibilities for them to grow as individuals. These works are an attempt to understand and achieve an acceptance with what has occurred, and to look onward with new connections, experiences, and encounters that were never there before, however now outstretched in a hand to hold tightly.
One thing they love to do is explore the cities and participate in community events through the art scene. You may find them often within the Minneapolis Institute of Arts appreciating the new exhibitions or attending large art events within the Northeast Minneapolis arts district during the warmer seasons. They have a deep appreciation for paintings and how they capture so much depth within a multitude of colorful brush strokes to create temporal scenes that exist beyond the canvas. They hope to grow within their work with the memories and experiences they've gone through. They can't wait to create more adventures to cherish with their two feet walking toward the future!


"Barter Bulletin Volume 3 - February 2024 
It's the New Year with SWAP and Barter! We took a month off but we are back and better than ever! Great News- We are now actively working on the SWAP Website! This will make participating in SWAP easier than ever and almost entirely self-sustaining. There is more to come in the following months, so stay tuned! And let us know if you complete a SWAP, so you can be featured in a SWAP Success Story! 
Are you interested in having your goods, services, commission requests, calls for art, or other postings featured in the January Barter Bulletin? Fill out the Barter Bulletin Submission Form by scanning the QR Code or at the following Link: to get more involved with "SWAP + Barter"? Check out our Project Page at or Contact Project Manager Lin Boemer at"

Art Salon 

Date: Thursday, February 22    Time: 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.  
Location: The Hennepin (900 Hennepin Avenue) 
Art Salon is an interactive and entertaining creative gathering that is free and open to the public so everyone may learn, share, and celebrate the arts. 
The event will feature performances by Pan Dimensions and Des, Q&As with exhibiting artists in Trust galleries, and art resource vendors Art to Change the World, Make-A-Wish Minnesota, and Avivo Artworks. Guests may also enjoy an art activity led by T.L. Reeves.  
While you are visiting the event space, enjoy the Make-A-Wish’s “Wish Art” on display in the Best Buy Foundation Gallery and a historic collection of artifacts including behind-the-scenes photos taken by stage manager Dave Marietta from the Orpheum Theatre’s 1997 world premiere of Disney’s The Lion King in the Jack Link’s Legend Lounge. 
Light appetizers are catered by Food Gallery and a cash bar will be available for beverage purchase. Art Salon is free and open to the public.  Questions?
Climate Change Action Affinity Group: ACW members encouraged to join Plastic-Free Challenge
The month of February raises awareness of the many actions one can take to avoid single-use plastics. Our team is here:
(You will be guided to sign up and choose your actions to earn points.)
Hoping to get beyond the individual footprint, the climate group will hold an event – open to all of ACW and the general public – making art cards to be later given to legislators working on laws that address single-use plastics, extended producer responsibility, and more. Discuss issues while using discarded plastic to express your commitment to the environment. 
The event is Wednesday, Feb. 7, 10 a.m. til Noon at A Mill Artist Lofts, 400 2nd St. SE, 55414. The Community Room is next to the main entrance on 2nd and Fifth (see photo).
There are several bus stops near the building depending on your departure point. Street parking is available for 50 cents per hour along with some free street parking close by. Carpooling is encouraged. 
When you arrive, call 612-422-0140 to be let in. Arrangements courtesy of Becca David. Supplies provided and you may bring your own. Coffee and tea will be provided. 
Questions to or
Homewood Studios,  2400 Plymouth Avenue
Minneapolis 55411,  612 587-0239


Art Speaks: Touching Lives
Art WILL change the world and it starts with US! “Art Speaks” is written by Kelly Frankenberg and represents her personal viewpoint, not the policies of ACW. For more info about Kelly and her art, go to
 “I think if I could go back in time and give myself a message, it would be to reiterate that my value as an artist doesn’t come from how much I create….Being an artist is about how and why you touch people’s lives, even if it’s one person. Even if that’s yourself, in the process of art-making.”                                                      -Amanda Gorman

Changing lives is how we change the world. Even if that life is our own. We start with the “man in the mirror.”
At ACW we aren’t “waiting on the world to change,” we are making change.
How do we know? Because of all the wonderful people that fill out our surveys at our events. We gather the data. The Mississippi River Pearl project, for example, motivated people to notice, think about, and take better action about recycling. And that’s just one example.
Humanity needs art. That’s why we pay artists. We value the artists and we value the donors who fund these payments. Together, this is how we touch lives and change the world, one mind at a time.
So, if you get discouraged about making art and changing the world, remember what the part of creating does just for you. 

“Inspire, Dream, Create, Uplift” Acrylic and mixed media on wood by Kelly

The Flux Arts Building will have Space F, the second floor of the corner space on Lowry and Monroe in NE Minneapolis available starting in March 2024.  1 – 5 years leases are options. 1163 SF available.

This space is perfect as a shared studio with three separate rooms and a common area. Please share with any artists, designers, or other creative professionals looking for space. 

One of the building owners in ACW board chair Layl McDill who will be opening a gallery on the first floor below this space.

Contact for more information: Layl McDill

FREE Kiln to Non-Profit Partners like ACW

Art Works has spent the past 6 years connecting Art & Community in creative gathering places. Sadly Art Works is going out of business.  We have two really great items left for sale or donation that would be a wonderful addition for artists, galleries, or pottery studios.  Both are posted on Craig's List, and we will entertain any offers. Potentially the items could be free to a non-profit or school giving them a good home. 

First, we have a Gas Kiln that has been fully refurbished.  All new electronics, connections, and venting. The body of the kiln was donated and is in good shape and ready to use. The renovations were done by Donovan Palmquist of Midwest Kiln Builders
 Alpine Gas Kiln
We also have Gallery Track Lighting with all of the pieces needed to install into a personal or professional gallery:  Gallery Track Lighting System
Please contact to view or with questions. 

On Location

Join us for a relaxing drawing session at a really fun place. 
We will also have lunch here! 
Lunch is optional and on your own dime. 
Updates are posted on our Facebook page
This group is sponsored by Art To Change the World. 
ACW task force member Natalie McGuire

has artwork in:
Form + Content Gallery Exhibition
Details below:
Exhibition Dates: February 29 through April 6, 2024.
Save the Date! Opening Reception: Saturday, March 2, 2024.
Address: 210 N 2nd Street, Minneapolis, MN 55410

Work selected: Pine Edged Road- Commando Photozaic.

Sometimes the path in life is not clearly defined.  The only thing you can do is to breathe deeply, put your faith in the universe, and take the first step.  Life’s road will have curves, enjoy them as they will bring you to wonderful places if you surrender.  Road trips allow my mind to wander and absorb what Mother Nature shows me.  I especially love watching the landscape change from mountains to desert; from city to Rolling country farms; brightly colored flowers to drab gray foggy scenes.  All of these are gifts from her, so give thanks.  Get out in nature and recharge your soul

Camille J Gage Fellowship Award

Application closes February 29
The Camille J. Gage Artist Fellowship provides a platform to honor Minnesota-based artists who have demonstrated a legacy of service with their creative gifts at the intersections of art and activism, to be recognized for their contributions, plus offered financial resources and organizational support to more deeply impact their communities.
YWCA Minneapolis, with its bold mission of eliminating racism and empowering women, was selected as the host organization of the fellowship as it most aligned with how Camille engaged with the community and for people with marginalized identities. 
The 2024-2025 Camille J. Gage Fellowship awardee will receive a $45,000 fellowship award and a yearlong opportunity to promote their work in partnership with YWCA Minneapolis. The awardee will be publicly recognized in person at the 2024 Empower Possible annual YWCA Minneapolis gala on April 27, 2024.    
Artists can apply directly or be nominated for the award. For nominations, collaboration with the prospective nominee to complete the application is strongly encouraged. A group of YWCA Minneapolis leaders, family, and close collaborators of Camille J. Gage will select the awardee.
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