Be sure all staff members are receiving the C2P
and please share relevant information with your volunteer leaders. Click here to sign up. Click here for archived C2Ps.
In March, we are hosting regional in-person trainings for all pastors, parochial vicars and two parish/school staff from each parish. Please have each attending person register for the date and location designated for your parish. Click here to learn more or register below:
March 6: Northern parishes attend at St. Mary Magdalen, Everett. REGISTRATION LINK
March 7: Central parishes attend at St. Thomas, Tukwila. REGISTRATION LINK
March 8: Southern parishes attend at St. Rose de Viterbo, Longview. REGISTRATION LINK
The observances of National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Feb. 11) are an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. Our theme for 2024 is “Love Beyond Words.” Learn more | Promotional assets
While Parish Financial Operations Reviews are performed every three years, it is a good practice to annually review the parish financial operations review questionnaire, the most recent recommendations, and go over the questions internally, including with the parish finance council.
IPBS (Integrated Payroll and Benefits Services) February update
Click here to learn about Lay Pension billing, Group Term Life, CDHP Deductible and benefits found in Form 13 in Paycom are HIPAA protected. Plus, instructions on how to download a W2 in Paycom.
ParishStaq project update, last call for additional data, Pushpay coach availability
Fund Management and Custom Fields will transition; last call for "additional data" due March 1, Pushpay coaches offering additional 30-minutes sessions. Flyer | Webpage
Bishop Frank Schuster invites you to join him on a Pilgrimage to Greece
Oct. 8-18, 2024
Walk in the footsteps of St. Paul with Bishop Frank R. Schuster, Crozier Society members and other Catholics in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Video | Learn more and register. Flyer | Promotional asset
Seafarer Hospitality Coordinator – JVC/AmeriCorps Position OPEN
Are you interested in participating in a meaningful year of service with international seafarers who visit our Puget Sound ports? The Seattle Seafarers Center is excited to be a 2024-25 placement site with Jesuit Volunteer Corps Northwest. Please see the job description and apply today!
View this month's newsletter for announcements about the Middle School Encounter on March 2 and the scholarships available for youth groups attending the National Eucharistic Congress. This edition also features exciting updates about the NEW Archdiocesan Youth Council. If you are not currently receiving youth ministry newsletters by email, please click here to sign up.
With one month of giving completed for the new year, now is a good time to send a targeted email or letter to those online givers whose current online donation does not match their most recent pledge for 2024. Click here to access instructions on how to run comparison reports in ParishStaq/Pushpay.
With the Stewardship campaign officially over, please give us input on your Fall 2023 (for calendar year 2024) stewardship campaign. Take the survey by clicking here. Your opinions count!
Now would be an excellent time to submit a report of any deceased parishioners before we pull the mailing list for the ACA campaign in March. Please send an email to Suzanne Clark at
ACA ‘Live’ leadership training dates have been scheduled for February/March
2024 ACA pop-up banners and hardware order site will open later this week
Deadline to order is Friday, Feb. 23. We will notify you through a special alert from the Development team. Your parish will be billed directly by Printwest.
Read Archbishop Etienne's annual letter to the people of Western Washington
In archbishop's letter, he looks back on what happened over 2023 while looking forward to the coming year. Read complete letter in English and Spanish. Read story in Northwest Catholic.
Two training webinars will be offered to session leaders:
• Feb. 5 at 2:30 p.m.: Link
• Feb. 5 at 6:30 p.m.: Link Click here for more details. Notetaker sheet
Lent communications and resources for parishes and schools
• Communications plan and digital assets in English and Spanish
• Small Group Reflection Guide in English and Spanish
• Webpage for weekly reflections, fasting guidelines, inspiration, resources and more
You can find all grant application resources here.
Reminder: Any 2023 Rice Bowl Grant and Garden Grant recipients must submit a report on their grant usage before potential funds can be awarded for 2024. Click here for Usage Report.
Moved with Compassion:
The Intersection of Mental Health & Catholic Professionals
Feb. 10 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. | Isaac Orr Conference Room, Seattle
A formation event for Catholic chaplains and Catholic medical professionals. Learn more | Flyer | Promotional assets
March 2 from 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. | Kennedy Catholic High School, Burien
Join youths in grades 6-8 and experience God through community, learning and prayer! Learn more and register. Promotional assets
June 24-27 | Camp Hamilton, Monroe
Registration is now open! This amazing four-day camp for high school men grades 9-12 with priests and seminarians from the Archdiocese of Seattle will provide participants the opportunity to learn more about the priesthood, deepen their faith and better discern God’s call in their lives. Space is limited to 60 participants. (Nominal fee of $50 can be waived in cases of need.) Learn more and register. Promotional assets