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Spring 2024 Edition
Grow With Us – Development Opportunities in the
Dairyland Power System
Dairyland Power Cooperative and our 24-member distribution cooperatives are proud to highlight the development opportunities throughout our service territory with our newly released economic development video!

Affordable Community Solar Solutions Offered by
Wisconsin Co-ops for Members


As Vernon Electric Cooperative (Westby, Wis.) embarked on the Bluff Prairie Community Solar project in Wisconsin, the objective was to provide benefits to as many members as possible, including those with constrained financial means.

Observing the success of its initial solar project in 2014, Vernon Electric's CEO and General Manager, Craig Buros, noted that "our members appreciated the opportunity to engage in local community solar generation. However, participation in these projects often necessitates a premium price."

In response to this challenge, the co-op, in collaboration with multiple partners, devised an innovative approach to deliver affordable solar energy. This initiative is particularly significant in a state where, according to 2021 Energy Information Administration data, 25% of co-op households have an annual income of less than $35,000.

Click here to learn more.

Source: NRECA 

Wisconsin Business Development Tax Credit Modernized


Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers signed Assembly Bill 627 into law on March 21, 2024. This bill brings modernization to the state's Business Development Tax Credit (BTC), shifting its focus from job creation to capital expenditure. The new legislation not only removes the stipulation that a business must demonstrate a year-over-year increase in net employment within the state, but it also extends BTC eligibility to businesses that make capital investments in the state while maintaining current job levels. The recently enacted law further provides additional BTC tax incentives for businesses investing in workforce housing and childcare for their employees. 

Dismantlement and Deconstruction of Genoa Station #3 

The safe and timely completion of the 500-foot stack and main building demolition at Dairyland’s retired Genoa Station #3 power plant occurred on March 19. This significant event represented the conclusion of a historical period and was a key achievement in the ultimate decommissioning and disassembly of G-3, aligning with Dairyland's plans for transitioning to new energy sources.

Click here for the demolition video. (Dairyland also streamed the event live on Facebook.)

Development Opportunities

Sites & Buildings Throughout Dairyland's Service Territory


Visit or contact a member of our team to learn more about the array of sites and buildings available to accommodate your growing business.
The Touchstone Energy Cooperatives of the Dairyland Power System provide power to homes, farms and businesses in western Wisconsin, southeast Minnesota, northeast Iowa and northwest Illinois. These 24 electric cooperatives are owned and governed by the member-consumers we serve. We are dedicated to facilitating positive economic and community development outcomes throughout our service territory and look forward to assembling a project team to help bring your project to fruition by focusing on your specific needs.  

Economic Development Loan Program
available through your Touchstone Energy
® Cooperative

Who We Are
The Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives of the Dairyland Power System provide power to homes, farms and businesses in western Wisconsin, southeast Minnesota, northeast Iowa and northwest Illinois.  These 24 electric cooperatives are owned and governed by the member-consumers they serve.  For more information about our cooperatives and the community and economic development services we provide, contact us. 
Community & Economic Development Team
Craig Harmes
Manager, Community & Economic Development
Jenny Kuderer-Radcliffe
Economic Development Manager
Donna Walker
Economic Development Manager
Dairyland Power is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.
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