
What is TRUE Freedom?

At a recent family gathering we were talking about “messy” people vs “tidy” people. I’ve lived in both camps.  

In my “messy” days I remember thinking “I’m so glad I don’t have the constraints on me that those “tidy” people have!  

I do the dishes when I FEEL like it.  I pick up my clothes when I'm in the mood.

I told myself that this was true freedom …. until …. the doorbell would ring…

….then my heart would leap into my throat, I would look around the rooms and think oh crap.  I would see my environment through the eyes of another person, and think to myself  How can I live like this?  

Then it felt like a cage.  Shame would well up, I judged myself, I would run around and hide stuff, shoving things in drawers and behind the secretary desk. (never to be found again)

What does this have to do with weight loss?

First, let me say that those were MY feelings about my messiness.  No one ever said they thought I was less worthy for choosing to live in a messy environment.  I’m responsible for how I was showing up and then one day, I decided, something needed to change.  That I was no longer satisfied with that kind of “half-life”

My good friend Amy told me about the Flylady - I don’t need to get into all the details, but let me just say that I consider her my first life coach.  Her approach is so positive and simple, and executable.  (check it out)   I applied her simple principles to my life and now I am unrecognizable from the girl who used to climb under a pile of clothes on her bed (because the floor was already covered with them) 😆

How it relates to weight loss is this.  I’ve been a messy person and I’ve been a tidy person, and for me, I’ve found true freedom in being a tidy-er person.

It's the same with weight loss.  When I was 80 pounds heavier, I thought that it was true freedom to eat what I wanted, when I wanted, as much as I wanted ….. until it came time to go to the doctor, or go on vacation, or have my picture taken, or sit in an airplane seat.  Then that same feeling of shame and judgement would overwhelm me.

Then a weight loss coach challenged my concept of TRUE freedom as it relates to food.

As she kindly pointed out - I could have a little discomfort of experiencing hunger, leaving bites behind, and allowing an urge in order to live in a body that wears a size 8 😀 - Now THAT is TRUE Freedom.  

I get to shop for clothes I love, have energy and stamina to live my life more fully, and have NO drama when it comes to sitting in an airplane seat. 😉

As a result of her kind approach, I became willing to apply her simple, doable, principles to begin my 80 pound weight loss journey.

Here are  some of the life changing principles that both of my coaches instilled in me:

  1. Start with ONE thing.

    It almost doesn’t matter what.  In my case, I started writing down everything I ate in a day.  NOT judging it, just noticing it.

  2. Develop habits, one at a time, until they become almost automatic.

    For example, I began each day by weighing myself, and putting on my exercise clothes (whether or not I actually exercised) This has become such a habit, that I can’t imagine not doing it anymore.  And, since I’m dressed, I have eliminated the barrier to getting some movement each day.

  3. Eliminate perfectionism

    Don’t overthink it. Opt for “good enough”.  when it comes to planning the “perfect” diet food day.  Keep it simple and doable.  Aim to include a bit of protein, and some veggies each day.

  4. Give yourself a high five

    Make sure to celebrate each time you catch yourself making a better decision than the day before.

  5. Aim for 1% improvement, and let it be enough

  6. Remind yourself of the TRUE freedom you’re going to feel when you’re at a lower weight.

    Imagine what it will feel like when you can hike with your kids, or not be exhausted after a day at Disney, or trusting your body to wait until you’re hungry and stop when you’re satisfied.

If this resonates with you, reach out.  I’d LOVE to chat with you about how I can help you on your way to a lifetime of TRUE freedom.

Be patient.   This work takes practice, courage, and compassion.

You’ve got this!


I didn’t achieve these goals on my own.  I had a coach who was with me every step of the way.

If you’re interested in having a guide to help you reach your weight loss goals, I would love to chat with you!  

Work with me