We're only a few weeks into 2024 and there is already so much to share.
Dear Neighbors,
As we move into the last week of January, I wanted to reach out with just a quick update from the office and invitation to some upcoming community events. I hope you find the information useful and informative. As always, I invite you to contact me if you have any questions or comments about the work I am doing as your County Supervisor.
Sincerely, Wendy
WATER RESOURCES AGENCY UPDATE The Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA) held its annual Board of Directors Strategic Planning Retreat on January 24th. The Board of Supervisors both appoints the Board of Directors of the, MCWRA and serves as its overarching governing body. Our 4th District is represented by Director Deirdre Sullivan (pictured below in purple with MCWRA Deputy General Manager Shawna Murray.)
The MCWRA is a public agency created by the State of California pursuant to the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Act (California Water Code, Appendix 52). MCWRA provides services related to the control of flood and storm waters in Monterey County, conservation, protection of water quality, reclamation of water and the exchange of water.
At there strategic planning meeting, the MCWRA Board reviewed progress on the Agency's ambitions 5-year strategic plan. Director Sullivan was instrumental in the creation and adoption of this plan, the first in its ~30-year history. Accomplishments of note included: progress on creating a Habitat Conservation Plan for the Salinas River, publishing a Draft Environmental Impact Report as part of the planning stage of the Interlake Tunnel project between Nacimiento and San Antonio's Dams, and improving staff training and professional development. Not surprisingly, staff reported progress on goals was delayed as they had to focus on response and recovery to infrastructure issues created by the 2023 January and March winter storms.
MCWRA Board meetings are open to the public. You can find the meeting schedule here.
WELCOME COMMISSIONERS The Board of Supervisors appoints residents to serve on numerous Board, Committees, and Commissions. These "BCCs" provide advice to us in our policy making work. This week I was honored to appoint Peter Said as one of my representatives on the Housing Advisory Committee. The HAC considers matters relating to Housing Elements of the General Plan, and the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. The Committee may conduct public hearings on housing problems and potential solutions; study, review and make recommendations on private housing programs.
I also appointed Drew Coleman (picture to come) as an alternate member of the East Garrison Community Services Advisory Committee. The EGCSDAC advises the Board of Supervisors on budget and operations of the East Garrison Community Services District.
SPEAKING OF SERVICE... I am excited to share that my very own Chief of Staff, Yuri Anderson, has been tapped to serve on a statewide selection committee for CA Dept. of Public Health's Office of Health Equity. With five other volunteers, Yuri will be responsible for identifying the most qualified individuals to serve on CDPH's Black Health Equity Advisory Group. The BHEAG will recommend departmental policy, practice, and program changes to increase opportunities for Black Californians to live their healthiest lives. Yuri developed expertise in racial equity work as part of cohort of County and community representatives that completed the 2018 Government Alliance on Race & Equity professional development program.
Please join me for a Black History Month Listening Session with leaders of Monterey County's Black community. We will explore their work and ongoing challenges. February 7th from 5:30-6:30PM on Facebook Live.