Alive! with Joy: January 28, 2024  Vol 8 #2
['Shrooms on dying white birch.]
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E.B. White said it best:

He's one of my all-time favorite writers... He lived the dilemma: savoring the daily life on his farm in Maine (Charlotte's Web!) and also penning trenchant political commentary in his New Yorker essays. 

I can't even claim to be saving the world by tending the land. I read the news and wonder how I can spend my precious time savoring my life (color clients, friends, books, writing, gawking) while the world is in such existential pain, and America's fragile democracy is teetering.  

Not a newsletter issue goes by that I don't have to throttle myself from ranting, breaking the glass and pulling the cord on the fire alarm, screaming, "WAKE UP! DO SOMETHING!"  Instead, I comment on what actors wore on the Red Carpet. Or the museums in DC. Or the bleak weather. Meanwhile the bloated orange bully makes a mockery of the rule of law. The deeper the doodoo he gets in, the angrier and more violent his supporters get, to the point that elected officials from the Senate down to the local dogcatcher are afraid to to speak against him for fear of violence against themselves and their families. WTF!!! 

So, for the sake of releasing some of the steam under my hood, I'm going to be unprofessional and go off topic. This is not the time for thoughts and prayers that democracy will just work it out. It won't unless we all do our part.

1. Voter protections. One way you know that the GOP fears they can't win elections on the merits of their ideas is that they're doing their damnedest to keep potential Democratic-leaning voters away from the polls with all manner of voter suppression tactics. The attorneys at Democracy Docket are on the case--learn more from their free newsletter.

2. The back story. Wait! what just happened? Is there a historical context for what we're going through today? Historian Heather Cox Richardson writes an incredibly informative and accessible daily newsletter "Letters from an American," that is absolutely worth the $80 annual subscription.

3. From the conservative perspective. The Bulwark is a font of thoughtful takes on the the descent of today's Republican party into fascism. Many of their writers and podcasters came from the National Review, but have seen the light. I read them every day and to my surprise mostly find myself in agreement. Worth the $80 subscription as well. 

4. Abortion rights and women's health care. This will wait till next week. So much outrageousness, it's hard to know where to begin.

5. Joe Biden's accomplishments. Trump has taken up so much media attention that all the good stuff our current president has done gets eclipsed. More on this later.  

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Put yourself in the way of beauty
I took a walk in the neighborhood after the most recent windy downpour and picked up a bunch of lichen-coated twigs that had fallen. Augmented with a few dried seed-heads and some nandina berries, it made an interesting arrangement. The sulfur yellow twigs have lost some of their brightness, but still, it cheered me up.  What beauty have YOU stumbled on recently, <<First Name>>? I welcome your pictures. 

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P.S. If you haven't yet bought the Cherry Pie Paradox, may I humbly suggest the process and practices are the best way to fulfill your annual New Years' Weight Loss resolution, once and for all. You can eat what you love, without packing on the pounds. Really. I also have copies on hand if you want to buy direct. 

Then, request the FREE AUDIOBOOK! For owners of the Cherry Pie Paradox or the workbook. I’ve found a new home for the audiobook version, where I can set the price however I want. If you already have a copy of the book or workbook and would like the audiobook, just email me ( and I'll send you the info. If you do not yet have the book and want to buy it, Venmo me $20 @Joy-Overstreet, and I'll mail you a signed copy and the audiobook link. (Use the email link above and add your name, address, and any message you'd like when I sign it.) 

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To new subscribers- don't go away. You may not always get what you expect in a color consultant's newsletter, but I hope it makes you think.

If you're new here, you can catch up on the last 25 issues of Alive! with Joy. Or... dig into all the words I've posted over the years on my various websites:

  • 65 posts about color and style. 
  • 109 posts about color for the home, feng shui and clutter-clearing (taking this website down soon)
  • My author website. More about the Cherry Pie Paradox, plus other magazine writing, links to a bunch of podcasts and video interviews where I was a guest.
Email me: or call (360) 903-3659
Buy The Cherry Pie Paradox and/or the Workbook on Amazon or order from your local indie bookstore. Audiobook is also available at Barnes and Noble or
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