Dateline: Papara, Tahiti
Dear Praying Friends,
After a brief December sojourn in Texas and Washington with our family and friends, we returned in January to our usual ministries and more.  English Club, Tuesday morning Bible studies, and back to back Sunday morning preaching gigs for Mark. On January 18th we took our first legal step for Institut Biblique de Polynesie, holding a public assembly to declare our statutes and elect the officers of our board. You can see our great eight in the photo above.  One team, one vision, one God, one Savior, and one Spirit.  

Our Tuesday morning Bible study continues to grow.  In the photo below you can see Sonia, her daughter, and Theresa.  Theresa is so excited about her faith and our studies together and that excitement has brought Sonia to us.  You can see they have the workbooks from Mastering God's Message from DM2, our current study.

At our regular Friday meeting with IBP, Our Operations Chief Nelly Tumahai declared: "I want IBP to be like ISEPP (the local Roman Catholic school).  I want us to have a building, professors and teachers, and many students."  What a great moment.  Pray with us please.  
Thanks to a generous donation in 2021, we were able to purchase a car within a couple of weeks of our arrival in country.  Six months ago the air conditioner exploded, leaving us with only open windows for relief in the middle of the hot season.  We have consulted with two mechanics and the local Renault dealer, none of whom have the part for our make, model, and year.  We are not optimistic at this point that they ever will.  With many visitors coming from the states, and the continuing development of the BOOKMOBILE idea we would like to trade in our Duster for a 9 passenger van with back seats that can be removed for bookshelves and beanbag chairs.  Also, air conditioning that works would be nice.  There is $20,000 set aside in our Village Ministries French Polynesia fund that can be matched for just such an idea.  We also have some money in our Evanelia Three E's matching fund campaign.  If you would like to help us, see our giving links below.  Thanks always for your prayers!
Post Script: In the month of December, Operation Christmas Child distributed 26,000 shoeboxes to children in French Polynesia.  Please pray for follow-up and discipleship!
Please check out our updated website!  It has pictures, videos of worship, and literary quotes about the islands where we serve!  There will be regular updates as the Lord unfolds our work here, as well as videos of teaching and ministry events, and interviews with the islanders we work with.
Our Local Mailing Address:
BP 121403
98712 Papara
Polynesie Francaise
As always we are grateful for our amazing support organization, Village Ministries International.  If you want to support us beyond prayer, click below:

 FPolynesia - Village Ministries International

Likewise, we have a private charitable foundation to support education for Tahitians.  You can give to that fund at
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Evanelia Website
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