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Issue 146 ~ 19th January 2024


What do you think are the telltale signs of physical ageing?

Most of us would suggest mobility - how somebody moves; along with posture - how upright a person is; and face - how someone’s facial features might look. Of course, there are any number of aspects of a person’s appearance that indicate the possible age range of anyone we meet.

We can all help ourselves to give the appearance that we are ageing well by keeping a healthy weight so our life is not hindered by our excesses. We can exercise regularly so that we can move easily and be more agile and energetic. We can try to look after our face with a regular skincare routine and by facial exercises to hold back the years and, of course, eating healthily is fundamental to our looking healthy and youthful - the list could go on. Another very ageing aspect of our appearance is how we dress, not forgetting that a badly fitting bra can be very unflattering.

A feature was written in Harpers Bazaar in 2018 declaring that 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra! Apparently, the biggest problem is created because many women stick to the same bra size that they wore 20 years ago. The issue is our breasts change according to our fluctuating weight but particularly because of our age.

The changes in our hormones once we pass the menopause cause alterations to our body shape, most commonly meaning that our tummy and our breasts become bigger.

Being properly fitted for a bra is the first step to finding the right bra size for you. Sometimes when we were doing photoshoots for our magazine back in the day, I would take our successful slimmers into the fitting room at the store where I was selecting their clothes, and realise that their bra was letting them down. Usually I would be able to find one that fitted correctly and often the slimmers were so pleased that they would buy it. The result was a transformation of their figure every time.

Incorrectly fitting bras are usually either too loose, (often due to weight loss), too tight, the wrong cup-size or the wrong style. If the band is rising up your back it means the size of your bra is too big. If you have spillage over the cup or under your arms, it means the cup size is too small. If the bra feels too tight, try the next bra-size up. No matter what size you are, the centre of the bra should always sit flat on your ribcage. Bras vary enormously in shape and style so a size in one design might be completely different in another style or make of bra.

I am a massive fan of being professionally fitted in a specialist bra retailer rather than a department or high street store where I have often witnessed less than accurate sizing. A specialist store - for example Bravissimo or Rigby & Peller - is wonderful particularly if you find it difficult to find a bra that properly fits because your breasts are especially large or small.

For years I wore bra size 34B then almost 30 years ago I went to Rigby & Peller in London with my daughter Dawn, to be properly fitted for the first time. It was a revelation to both of us. I was in fact a size 32D and it transformed my figure and, for Dawn, it did the same. So, once a year, on our annual trip to London for a treat day out, we always include a visit to Rigby & Peller to be refitted. I now know the style of bra that suits me and last time the fitter simply shortened the straps by a couple of centimetres and the difference that little ‘lift’ made was amazing. I went home and shortened all the straps of the bras already in the drawer and I have never looked back.

So, if you want to get checked out, have a look for a specialist lingerie shop in your locality and take the plunge (pardon the pun) to get properly fitted. Their bras may be more expensive than a high street store but they will last you for years if you look after them. I always wash mine bras by hand and they last really well. Once you find the style and size that’s right for you, you can look for a similar shape in a high street store and feel more confident that it will work for you.

My final tip is that because sometimes I find my shoulders are slightly less flexible than they used to be when I try to fasten my bra in the morning, I loosen them up by placing my hands on my shoulders and circling my elbows backwards a few times. It really does the trick by loosening my joints and hey presto, I am able to fasten my ‘hooks and eyes’ on my bra! Happy days.

Recipe of the Week

Serves 6
Per serving: 137 calories, 2.2g fat
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook Time:  30 mins

For Yellow Pepper Soup:

6 yellow peppers, deseeded and roughly chopped
1 large onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed or use half a teaspoon of ‘Easy Garlic’
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme or half teaspoon dried thyme
1 celery stick, chopped
1 litre vegetable stock
1 vegetable stock pot
Freshly ground black pepper

For Red Pepper Soup:

6 red peppers, deseeded and roughly chopped
1 large onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed or use half a teaspoon of ‘Easy Garlic’
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme or half teaspoon dried thyme
1 celery stick, chopped
1 litre vegetable stock
1 vegetable stock pot
Freshly ground black pepper

Make the two soups using separate pans or, if using a soup-maker, make the yellow pepper soup first then set aside before rinsing it out and then cooking the red pepper soup.

For each soup:

  1. Place all the ingredients in the pan or soup-maker. Cover the pan with a lid. Cook for 20 - 25 minutes or until soft.
  2. When cooked, liquidise until smooth and set aside.
  3. Taste for seasoning and add more freshly ground black pepper if needed.
  4. If the soup is too thin it will not stay separated when served so thicken with a little cornflour mixed with cold water and add to the soup when reheated and boil for a minute or two to thicken.

To serve it is essential to pour each colour soup from identical jugs simultaneously from opposite sides of a large soup dish in order to keep them separated.  Serve with a sprig of fresh coriander or parsley.

Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Once the festive season is over, we see numerous TV programmes turning to the whole issue of weight loss and fitness. Interestingly, we are told that 81% of people say they want to eat more healthily and a massive 88% say they want to exercise more! 

Of course, this is totally understandable as we have probably spent the last month or so indulging in both larger quantities, and numerous different types of foods that are not normally on our supermarket list. Not only that, but with all the hustle and bustle of the run-up to Christmas it was almost impossible to fit in our usual amount of exercise and activity. The result being that most of us are likely to have put on weight!

Ideally our goal is not focussed purely on weight loss or fitness, but more about improving our health overall in the coming year by embracing and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. The result should then hopefully involve both weight loss and improved fitness to take us through the whole of 2024 and beyond.

Professor Tim Spector was recently a guest on The One Show where he was encouraging us not to be so focussed on calorie counting if weight loss is our goal, but rather on the quality of our food. Eating a high-quality diet gets rid of the high-fat, high-sugar rubbish, whilst automatically reducing the calorie intake. We are in total agreement with this, as you know. The 28-Day Immunity Plan is your perfect partner if you want to eat quality foods combined with portion control. It is perfect for weight loss and a healthy diet and includes a complete exercise programme.  

‘Quality food’ is based around the high consumption of foods that originate from plants and low-fat quality protein. The recommendation of 30 plant foods a week (mentioned in Newsletter 136 ~ 10th November 2023) seems exceedingly daunting until you start to break it down and realise just how many of the foods we eat do, in fact, come from plants anyway.

I am not a vegan but I appreciate that if we eat a more plant-based diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes, plus some good quality protein and a careful consumption of the more processed foods, we will lose weight. In addition, if we resolve to become a lot more active and 'on the move' every single day, we will become fitter.

So, if we shouldn’t be focusing on calorie counting our food consumption, should we be more focussed on knowing our calorie spend from the exercise we do if we want to become fitter?  Not necessarily, is the simple answer. But understanding and knowing the type of activity or exercise we do, and when we do it, apparently is very valuable information to help us. Let me explain...

Boost your Metabolism

We need to work on developing a high metabolic rate so that our body is constantly a ‘high-calorie burner’ leading us to never have to think about numbers of calories.

Our metabolism is the engine of our body, burning energy constantly, even when we are asleep or doing nothing. In fact, the greatest amount of our ‘energy spend’ every day comes from what is called our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). [Our BMR is the amount of energy we burn just by being alive as if we just stayed in bed all day!]  Our BMR is increased significantly if we have plenty of muscle in our body. The stronger our muscles, the higher our BMR.

All exercise will increase our muscle to some level but I am going to encourage you to increase your strength training particularly.  As an exercise teacher, I have always wanted those I am teaching to understand why they need to do a particular activity in order to up their motivation to do it... and here lies the main reason for picking up those weights.  Muscle is an energy-hungry tissue and the more muscle tissue we have (stronger muscles) the higher the calorie spend, which explains why our BMR increases.

As we get older strength exercises become much, much more important as we are naturally losing muscle with age and therefore our BMR is also dropping.   2007 study showed that for men aged between 50 and 80, the number of fibres in the large thigh muscle (the vastus lateralis) decreased by a massive 50% from 600,000 fibres to 323,000. The great news is that this degeneration can be slowed down significantly by keeping those thigh muscles working hard. We have always encouraged you to do the 'Sit to Stand' exercise to make sure you have strong thigh muscles - which is why I have called them ’big engines’. This shows why it is so important and hopefully you will now have the motivation to keep doing it!


Increase your Protein Intake

Protein is the key to boosting our metabolism as it plays a key role in building muscle and it takes a lot of energy to digest. Fat on the other hand slips into the body unnoticed with an energy effect of less than 3%. Carbohydrates have an energy effect of 10% and protein is up to 30%!  Basically, if you consume 1000 calories of protein you will expend a massive 300 calories simply digesting it. That's why protein is so powerful if you want to lose weight and maintain a good muscle mass. So, eat less fat and carbohydrates (but not none!) and eat high-quality, low-fat protein. We are not suggesting you go on a high-protein diet, as that can be unhealthy. It is about balance and eating healthily with more plant-based protein.


Exercise Hungry

This fact has come up before but is worth repeating. Taking an exercise session in the morning, when we are hungry, will give us considerable metabolic benefits. The reason our body adapts to long, low-to-moderate intensity exercise (a good walk) before food, is because it puts our body under metabolic stress. Basically, we are low on fuel (food) and in response to this fuel ‘crisis’ our muscles adapt better to using body-fat as a fuel. Great news if weight loss is our aim. This is called our Fat-Max (yes – a new term for me too!) In other words, the exercise session in which we burn the greatest amount of fat for fuel. Such good news!


Stick with it!

Of course, after the over-indulgent festivities we should make a concerted effort to shed our excesses by giving ourselves smaller portions and exercising more, but let’s think of the long term too so that we can make some positive changes to help us manage our weight and fitness so much better in the future.

Eating a more plant-based diet, eating a good level of protein and exercising regularly, particularly when we are hungry, means that we will be doing our very best to achieve and maintain a healthy weight as well as a strong immune system. It just makes sense. But be patient, it takes time for these healthy habits to show their benefits. So, think longer term, giving yourself a minimum of three months to get into the habit of eating well and exercising regularly. I promise you, if you do, you will feel so well and more confident about managing your weight and fitness in the future.

Such information enables us to make educated choices for our individual ongoing health and wellbeing. This is about making positive changes to discover a new way to achieve and feel our absolute best!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Make strength exercises a priority.  Pre-plan at least 3 sessions this week and if possible, increase the level of the weights you use if you have not done that recently.
  2. Try to fit in your 30+ minute daily walk before breakfast or at the very least a long time since you had a meal.  You now know the benefits! Remember to do your Post Walk Stretches.
  3. Make the Whole Body Stretch Programme a regular part of your weekly routine.  Do the full programme 3 times this week.
Did you know... 

The word "brassiere" was first used in Vogue magazine in 1907 to describe a device that supported the breasts and it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 1911.

Throughout history, women have used various garments to support, cover, restrain, reveal, enhance, or modify the appearance of their breasts. Artefacts from the Minoan civilization, dating back to the 14th century BC, depict women wearing bikini-like garments and in Sicily a mosaic dating to the early fourth century AD, famously depicts women athletes wearing bra-like garments while throwing the discus, lifting weights, and playing ball games. 

From around the 16th century the corset dominated the undergarments of wealthier women in the Western world. Corsets came in varying lengths, with some designed only to support the bust, while others extended down to shape the waist.

During the 19th century, two parallel movements drove the evolution of the bra from the corset: health professionals' concerns about the cruel, constraining effects of the corset and the clothing reform movement of feminists who believed women needed to discard the corset before they could expand their roles in society. In the United Kingdom, notable figures in the movement included Constance Lloyd, the wife of Oscar Wilde. The Rational Dress Society, the National Dress Reform Association, and the Reform Dress Association were prominent organizations that advocated for the end of the corset but despite their campaigns early bras had limited commercial success. Only well-educated, wealthy reformers wore them to any significant degree because they were expensive.

By the early 20th century, garments emerged that more closely resembled contemporary bras; however, large-scale commercial production only occurred in the 1930s. The metal shortages of World War I encouraged the demise of the corset, and most fashion-conscious women in Europe and North America were wearing bras by the end of the war. The bra was then adopted by women in other parts of the world, including Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

And finally...

One of the enormous joys of writing this weekly Newsletter is learning about the latest science and how to achieve a healthy weight and a fitter body so when Mary brings her interpretation of the most recent studies or discoveries, I am fascinated by it and learn from it. I really hope you do too!

Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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