
This is a courtesy reminder that the last live event of Seeding the Year is happening today 11 AM - 12:15 PM CST (that's 12-1:15 PM EST).

Today - here on this last day of Capricorn season under a luscious Taurus Moon - is The Procrastinator's Bonus! Procrastinators of the world, IT'S OUR DAY!

Today's meetup brings the total number of hours of guidance in Seeding the Year to over 12. Over 100 beautiful humans beings have said YES to reprogramming their relationship to Time for a more loving world!  

Yesterday, I received this totally unsolicited testimonial from a student in Seeding the Year, just in case it might help me gather more humans around this offering. Can you believe the generosity?! Here it is:

"I am in awe. Seeding the Year is a guiding light for any point in the year in which we're longing to undo harmful conditioning, reparent ourselves, mourn loss or transition, and come into loving, compassionate authenticity with ourselves and the world around us.

It really is years (if not decades) worth of paradigm-shifting, block-removing, infinitely loving wisdom, compacted into a maneagable course. I kept feeling like 'where has this information been all my life?'

I am so grateful to have found something devoted to bearing the inextricably intertwined vulnerability and power, the grief and wonder, that make up this human experience."
- T. R.

Oof, thank you, T. I am so glad you feel this way, and so grateful for these words to share.  


Today's live gathering has a very special guest host: my boyfriend Matt Bull. Matt is a Great Mage of Procrastination. A Powerful Wizard of Unshaming Spells. It was Matt who first encouraged me to notice my shame as a major core wound.

Honestly, shame is so clever - we usually don't even notice it! We just think it's who we are. Shame tells our stories. Shame colors our perception. And we don't even know it's at work.

Nearly everything horrific and harmful in the world is rooted in deeply hidden, usually ancestral shame. When shame is so big it becomes unspeakable and unseen, we find domination, oppression, judgment, and violence. We see blame-shifting. We see defensiveness. We see dehumanization.

Humans who can't hold shame become wraithlike. We see it in this world all too much right now. It's a core legacy of colonialism, white supremacy, and capitalism. And it hurts every one of us, not just those most oppressed by colonial violence.


Sorry not sorry for the all caps. I am so deeply passionate about unshaming as a love practice for living here on the planet. This is my service and my calling for collective liberation.  

One of the most precious gifts of being souls in human bodies is the opportunity to experience Time. It's possible we're the only living creatures who experience it the way we do!

It's so poignant how we hold past-present-future all at once, and that we know all things must end even as we participate. And yet, we've been conditioned to feel terrorized by Time: through urgency, through shaming how we "waste time," through the spilling of past shame all over the present.

Astrology is a technology for helping humans understand this gift of Time.

Seeding the Year is a weird and wondrous set of channeled teachings from my conversations with my cosmic family. Nobody taught me this template. It's wild and funky and emergent.

It's unabashedly mystical and very practical. It's intellectually exciting and profoundly heart-expanding. It's goofy and dead serious about being sincere.

It's for everyone, not just people who study astrology. And it's the cheapest way to experience the breadth of my teachings. 

Today is the last day to get Seeding the Year at $124. Tomorrow it goes up to $333, which will STILL be a steal. Hop in now and join me and Matt for Unshaming Procrastination. 

Procrastinators Unite!
By the way, Unshaming Capricorn was LIT! Oh my goodness, the collective wisdom in the room!!! I am so fucking lucky that I magnetize the most wondrous, real, raw humans in my world.

Thank you - everyone - who was there. I am so proud of us.

Sending love to all humans everywhere. May the leaders of our country find the capacity to hold more truth and stop colonial violence. May they find the courage to demand ceasefire. 


P.S. A reminder that Seeding the Year includes 12+ total hours of prerecorded and live-recorded guidance: teachings, prompts, meditations, and practices, AND includes Unshaming the Signs: Capricorn, AND The Procrastinator's Bonus. 

Get Unshaming Cap, Seeding the Year, AND Unshaming Procrastination for $124

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Emergence Astrology

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Emergence Astrology

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