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Expressway News

February 5, 2024

Annual Report

We’re pleased to share with you our 2023 Annual Report & Financial Statements which provides a look back at the past year’s progress and accomplishments.

Moving forward, we are excited to continue enhancing the Central Texas region and helping to address regional challenges with improved non-tolled roadways, new tolled options, and accessible multimodal connections throughout Travis and Williamson counties. 
View the 2023 Annual Report

Forward Progress

A Look Ahead
This year, we’re looking forward to reaching major milestones on several Mobility Authority projects that will positively impact current and future travelers across our region.
Earlier this month, the Barton Skyway Ramp Relief Project was striped into its final configuration, allowing drivers to benefit earlier than expected. This project is a prime example of our commitment to investing back into the region to enhance quality of life for our community. And as the first fully Mobility Authority funded non-tolled project, we look forward to its final completion in the spring.
The 183A Phase III Project in Leander is entering its last year of construction. Our contractors continue to make visible progress along the corridor, and drivers will soon witness the remaining bridge deck placement, retaining wall installation, and mainlane paving.
Meanwhile, in northwest Austin crews on the 183 North Mobility Project will continue their work on ADA-compliant sidewalk construction along the frontage roads, progressing the direct connector structure and adjacent roadway improvements at the US 183/MoPac interchange, widening existing bridge decks, and constructing retaining walls to allow widening along US 183, as we track toward project completion in 2026.
Our team recently began the 183A Added Capacity Project, an environmental study to examine the potential for a fourth lane to be added within the center median of the existing 183A Toll Road in both directions between RM 620 and Hero Way. This proactive measure will allow the Mobility Authority to accommodate future traffic volumes and reduce anticipated traffic congestion, ensuring our inaugural roadway remains the key, reliable arterial it has become. 
With much dedicated effort and persistent diligence, the MoPac South Environmental Study team is finalizing the update to the CAMPO 2045 traffic data and will be sharing the results of that later this year. If you’re not already subscribed to receive updates on the Project, sign up now so you don’t miss a thing.
As we navigate our region’s ever-evolving infrastructure needs, our commitment to collaboration, innovation, service, safety, and stewardship remains steadfast. Our agency will continue to leverage our assets, invest in our community, and deliver high-quality transportation solutions.
Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!
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