Ceci n'est pas une newsletter      by COFACE Families Europe

22 January 2024

Dear all,

We are delighted to be back in your inbox! As we kick off the year, our president, Annemie Drieskens, shared a hopeful message along with warm New Year wishes. You can read her uplifting words here.  

In the spirit of new beginnings, we're excited to announce that we have an opening for a full-time Policy and Advocacy Officer to work on disability rights and care policies. Join our growing team and apply here by Friday 9th February 2024 and apply here.

Scroll down to delve into more news and updates that impact families across Europe. We look forward to the possibilities that this year holds and appreciate your continued support.

Happy reading,

Senior Communication Officer 
COFACE Families Europe 

Eurostat: New indicators on childcare participation and intensity 

1-minute reading
As of December 2023, Eurostat introduced a novel indicator titled 'Children in formal childcare or education by age group and duration.' This indicator aims to provide insights into the participation patterns of children aged 3 years to the minimum compulsory school age in formal childcare or education within the European Union.[...]
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European Parliament’s position paves the way for ambitious European Disability Card 

1-minute reading
The European Parliament’s official position on the proposed Directive for a European Disability Card and a European Parking Card adopted by unanimity in a vote at the Employment and Social Affairs Committee is very appreciated. The position reflects the demands of persons with disabilities. It also means that negotiations between the EU institutions on the final text can now begin, the final phase of the EU decision-making procedure[...]
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Guaranteeing a healthy nutrition for all children in the European Union

2 minutes reading
On World Children's Day 2023, the Spanish presidency organised an event in San Sebastián aimed at strengthening the commitment to providing school meals, building upon the foundation laid by the European Child Guarantee. COFACE Families Europe was represented at this conference by Spanish COFACE Board member, Amaia Echevarría, Director of UNAF Spain. [...]
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"Choose Your Role"- UNAF Spain  launches campaign to combat sexist stereotypes in video games

2 minutes reading
COFACE Spanish member, Unión de Asociaciones Familiares (UNAF) has initiated the campaign "Choose Your Role, Act or Not?" aimed at raising awareness among families about the significance of guiding children in the use of video games to prevent the adoption of sexist stereotypes and behaviors. [...]
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Family diversity and access to social rights - Key reflections and findings

2 minutes reading
In October 2023, COFACE and UNAF Spain collaborated to organise a European expert meeting focusing on family diversity and the accessibility of social rights to all family structures. This initiative was spurred by the rapid transformations in labour markets and income security, where families play a crucial role as responsive entities. [...]
Read the full report here 
KMOP's Better-Balance Guide - A Resource for Work-Life Balance

1-minute reading
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought with it a series of challenges. One of these includes the effect it had on women and their work-life balance. The Balance Project, of which COFACE member KMOP is part of,  aims to support and equip women and their workplace leaders to better manage work-life balance. [...]
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UNAF's call for Universal family policy amidst the French immigration bill

2 minutes reading
France recently introduced a new immigration bill, and in response, COFACE member UNAF, the Union of Family Organisations in France conveyed in a press release its opposition to certain measures within the legislation, emphasising the importance of a universal approach to family policy. [...]
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© 2024 COFACE Families Europe, All rights reserved.

COFACE Families Europe has been involved for 60 years in building a strong social, inclusive and family-friendly Europe. It brings forward the voice of millions of families (all types, without discrimination), gathering 58 organisations from all over Europe. COFACE Families Europe advocates for strong social policies that take into consideration family needs and guarantee equal opportunities for all families. More:

Contact details:
Director: Elizabeth Gosme:
Editor: Bettina Guigui ; 
Contributors: Elizabeth Gosme, Annemie Drieskens

More information
This newsletter has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2022-2025).

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