
Dear Readers,

January is upon us, and with it comes the traditional gamut of resolutions, promises and projects. If you are like us, it only takes a couple of weeks before they are all forgotten or placed on the back burner.

So this year, instead of the long list of resolutions, let’s focus on a simpler endeavour: a shift of mindset. Let’s leave the fixed mindset on the shelf and pick up the growth version. Let’s choose the one where potential can be developed, skills come from practice, failure becomes feedback and flaws are opportunities to improve. And most important of all, let’s take the time to process this switch and not expect everything to happen in a flash moment.

We hope that 2024 will be fruitful, kind and filled with all that you wish for.

Julie, Micheline

for the AGE Network Team

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New Member to our Team

Les Après-cours FGA

The Language and USO Community Après-cours scheduled for January 23, 2024 is postponed to a later date.

More details to come.


Webinaire: Comment amener nos élèves à développer leurs compétences?

Ce webinaire sera animé par Charles Durocher, conseiller pédagogique, accompagnement national en francisation. L’inscription est requise pour y participer.

Webinaire: Différencier son enseignement - Pourquoi? Comment?

Ce webinaire sera animé par Charles Durocher, conseiller pédagogique, accompagnement national en francisation. L’inscription est requise pour y participer.

Les Après-cours FGA

Mathematics Community

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

This upcoming APC will feature a conversation about student sample work and their corresponding evaluation rubrics. The goal of this conversation is to achieve a collective understanding of our evaluation tools. You are invited to bring any (nameless) student work to discuss with your colleagues. However, no summative examination questions are allowed. This invitation is open to all maths teachers.

See you all soon!

Francisation avec Rimma Ocadceaia

La prochaine rencontre de la communauté Francisation aura lieu le mercredi 7 février 2024, de 12 h 30 à 13 h 30, sur le site des Après-cours FGA.

Sciences Community

February 13, 2024 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

This is an open invitation to all teachers and Pedagogical Consultants to come together and share resources, concerns, ideas and practices. Keep an eye out for more details to come through your Pedagogical Consultants.

See you all then!

National Mathematics Workshops (NMW)

Gathering Evidence of Learning through a Triangulated Approach

Thursday, February 29, from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Gathering evidence of learning through triangulation is essential to adapt teaching and learning strategies more effectively to students' needs. A variety of strategies can be employed to form our judgement, combining observations, discussions and student work. The aim of this workshop is to become familiar with various approaches for gathering evidence on the progression of students' mathematical skills.

Everyone is welcome to attend!


7 Ideas to Turn Your Frown Upside Down

By Carl Phillips

We all struggle a little to find our mojo at times. For one reason or another we just don't have that spark. A frown is easier than a smile. If this sounds like you then here are a few ideas to help turn that frown of yours on its head.

Mental Immunity

TEDx Traverse City

Change your mindset, change the game

Dr. Alia Crum

Dr. Crum is a professor, psychologist, and researcher investigating how mindset affects health and behaviour. Her research focuses on how changes in subjective mindsets—the lenses through which information is perceived, organised, and interpreted—can alter objective reality through behavioural, psychological, and physiological mechanisms.

A Resolution Worth Keeping

By the RECIT AGE Team

In a world that seems defined by technological advancement, the intersection between personal growth and professional development is our digital competency. As we kick off a new year, and make resolutions, this article challenges you to consider our digital competency, specifically within the context of education. Drawing inspiration from the Digital Competency Framework, the RECITAGE team invites you to try something new.

Reach out to us for additional support.

ACE- Save the Date!

March 14, 2024

Join us for ACE, a cross-sector online event organised by RÉCIT AGE, RÉCIT VT and PROCEDE VT.

This year’s theme is ACE3 Experiment, Elevate and Engage!

Program and registration will be available shortly.

Complementary Educational Services

It was decided that our common strengths would be used toward one essential goal: to support learners in their reading strategies.

Using a class portrait as our main research tool, we were able to identify that reading was a common challenge among our learners, no matter their academic paths. In the months to come, the emphasis will be on means to encourage learners to use reading strategies in different contexts.

If you would like to know more about the WOW Project, don’t hesitate to contact the SEC.

Webinaire: L’importance des compétences sociales et émotionnelles en éducation

This webinar will be hosted by Claire Beaumont, a professor in the Faculty of Education at Université Laval and a researcher at the Centre de recherche et d'intervention sur la réussite scolaire (CRIRES). Ms Beaumont is also a founding member of the Canadian Observatory for School Violence Prevention; she was Secretary General of the International Observatory on Violence in Schools for 8 years and President of the Comité québécois pour les jeunes en difficulté de comportement (CQJDC) for the same number of years.

The webinar will take place in French.

Emotional Challenges and Adult Learners

By Lucie Tremblay, SEC

As individuals working in the field of Adult Education, we often find ourselves facing students with significant challenges to overcome. These challenges may be academic, personal, social, or economic, they bring a variety of needs that also generate reactions and emotions. In the world of education, curriculum content often represents a priority, but it is crucial to consider the psychological state of our adult learners. A mind filled with concerns is not available for learning.


Ministère de l’Éducation

Services and Programs of Study (2023-2024)
Administrative Guide: Certification of Studies and Management of Ministerial Examinations (2015 Edition)

Teachers’ Competencies

Reference Framework for Professional Competencies for Teachers.
Thank you, Karine Jacques and Tanya Marcil for this great poster, which was adapted from the Référentiel des compétences professionnelles - Profession enseignante


A list of all the Info/Sanction published since 2019 regarding the Adult General Education and Semi-Skilled Careers has been compiled for you as a reference. Consult your center Sanction Representative for more details.


A list of all the active BIM exam versions is available for your consultation.

DBE Mathematics - BIM List
For more details on Math exams, contact Clementina Santoianni
514 252-3700 (5078) or

DBE Science and Technology - BIM List
For more details on Science exams, contact Barbara Choquette
514-251-3700 (3888) or

DBE English Language Arts & CCBE English Language of Instruction - BIM - ELI/ELA
For more details on ELI/ELA exams, contact Steven Jansma or

FBD - Français Langue Seconde & FBC - Francisation - BIM - FLS/LAN
For more details on French exams, contact Maria or

DBE - Social Sciences - SOCIAL SCIENCES
For more details on Social Science exams, visit or

SOFAD - Resources

SOFAD develops learning resources designed in accordance with the Quebec curriculum and adapted to the needs of learners. There are also teaching practices for both in-class and distance learning in Adult General Education.

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