New Small Towns Strategy adopted by council

A Small Towns Strategy that will guide future structural planning and development in rural/residential townships across the Southern Grampians Shire was adopted at the February Council Meeting.

The Small Towns Strategy provides a solid framework for Council when overseeing the development of infrastructure and housing in the shire’s outer townships, particularly those with forecasted residential growth.

Council met with town progress associations before Christmas to present the draft Small Towns Strategy and the broader community also had an opportunity to comment on the draft before it was finalised for council consideration and adoption. Council also received 24 submissions on the draft strategy.

Have your Say: Sustainability Strategy
Council is inviting the community to get involved with the development of the Southern Grampians Shire Council Sustainability Strategy 2024-2041.

The strategy will be a key strategic document that council, with community and key stakeholders will implement over the coming decade and beyond as we transition to a shared vision for a sustainable future.

The feedback collected will be incorporated into the creation of the Sustainability Strategy. Once developed the draft strategy will be advertised for community consultation before it is presented to councillors for final adoption.

Council will also be delivering a series of pop-up engagement sessions across the Shire over the coming months, sessions to be announced shortly.

Click here for more information.
Cox Street project update

MACA Civil Pty Ltd has now completed the construction of a footpath on the eastern side of Cox Street between Sedgewick Street and French Street, Hamilton.

They also continue to rebuild the Gray Street roundabout, as well as the eastern road lane on Cox Street. Businesses on Cox Street are open as usual (access Permewan's Mitre 10 via its French Street driveway).
New lights for
Pedrina Park

Council's contractor has started work on building four light towers to house 50 lux lights at 'oval one'.

The lights are expected to be fully operational by the end of March in time for the local football season. The lights will enable ground users to use the oval at night, which is another step forward to developing Pedrina Park as a premier recreation facility in the shire. The lights are part of the '
Pedrina Park and Lake Hamilton Master Plan


Lakes Edge EOIs closing

Expressions of Interest to purchase council land at Lakes Edge will close on February 29.

Council is selling the 22 hectares of land for the future private development of much-needed housing for Hamilton and has received interest from about 40 parties so far. Click here for more information. 

Council expands adoption program

Council has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Mount Gambier and the District Council of Grant to take their impounded dogs after the mandatory holding timeframe of 72-hours to find them a new home.

Council also provides this support to the Moyne Shire Council. For adoption candidates, please monitor our social media pages.
Accessible parking permits: your questions answered!

"Do people with an accessible parking permit need to pay at the parking meter?"
Yes, anyone with an 'Australian Disability Parking' permit (individual or organisation) or 'Double Time' permit must still pay for parking in a metered parking bay. This is a VicRoads rule.

"Can I park longer in a metered parking bay if I have a parking permit?"
Yes. If you hold an ADP or DT permit you can park double-time. The time limit for a metered park in the Hamilton CBD is one hour, so you can park for up to two hours if you hold either of these permits.

"Can I still park for free in a reserved disability parking spot?"
Absolutely. Parking spots designated for ADP permit holders are still free, no matter where they are in Hamilton. You can park for as long as you need.

here for more Frequently Asked Questions.

Career opportunities

Would you like a career in local government? Here are some current roles available. We look forward to hearing from you!

Major Events

Now until 14 April 2024
Emerging from Darkness - Faith, Emotion and The Body in The Baroque
Hamilton Gallery.

*Special offer for shire residents: buy one
ticket for unlimited entry*

More information: Hamilton Gallery
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