Beyond Information: Our Hearts Beat for Relationships
by Bruno Borges, LHM Men’s Minister and
Director of the Institute of Biblical Sexuality
Two months ago, we announced through this newsletter a new venture of Living Hope Ministries called the Institute of Biblical Sexuality. This new organization will focus primarily on encouraging and equipping the Church and Christ-centered organizations to respond biblically and redemptively to all matters related to sexuality. However, our staff and leadership undeniably believe that as we embark on developing new projects and resources, one truth remains steadfast: journeying with people is far more impactful than any informational seminar, conference, or resource we could ever offer.
While events and literature undoubtedly provide valuable information and guidance, it's the relational aspect of our ministry that truly transforms lives. At Living Hope Ministries, we understand that addressing sexual issues goes beyond mere knowledge; it requires…(read the rest of the article)