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Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Spartans Together

The Office for Resource and Support Coordination at MSU has shared the following Feb. 13th remembrance events for our MSU community:
  • Tuesday, Feb. 13: Reflective Spaces staffed with counseling support will be open for Spartans from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at several locations:
    • Brody Hall, Room 175
    • Main MSU Library, Green Room W444 (support dogs will be present)
    • International Center
    • Hannah Community Center, Recital Room 246
  • Tuesday, Feb. 13: Additionally, the Alumni Memorial Chapel will be used as a Reflective Space from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. with religious leaders representing a spectrum of denominational beliefs available to provide support and counselors available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 13: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., support dogs will be available in the Eppley Center, Room E105. No counselors will be present in this space.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 13: From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Healing Through Kindness and Service event will be held in the International Center, Room 115, as well as at the Hannah Community Center in East Lansing. Students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to drop in and participate in kindness activities, such as note writing, gift-making or volunteering for service activities. A shuttle will be available between the two locations from 9:45 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 13: From 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., all are welcome to attend an evening remembrance gathering in Lot 62, north of Spartan Stadium. The gathering will provide a space for the community to come together in shared reflection on the one-year mark of Feb. 13. A short program will commence around 8:10 p.m., with a message to those gathered, the playing of MSU Shadows and moments of silence and the ringing of bells at 8:18 p.m. and 8:25 p.m. The gathering and program will be livestreamed starting at 7:30 p.m. The livestream will be hosted at closure and parking information is available at Spartans Together. (
Eye on Africa
Events & Opportunities
Core Faculty Highlight
African Tea Time
MSU Libraries' Corner
Africa-related courses
Funding Opportunities
Interested in joining the ASC Core Faculty?

Eye on Africa

Uncovering the History of Kilimanjaro Mountain Crews (PDF Flyer)

Leslie Hadfield 
Department of History Brigham Young University

Kokel Melubo 
College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, Tanzania

Festo Mkenda
Academic Director, Roman archives of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits)  

Thursday, 15 February
12:00-1:30pm EST
Virtual via Zoom: Register for this event by visiting this link!

Catch up on the latest episodes and/or
consider nominating a speaker!

African Tea Time 

Multi-African Countries
Peace-Building and Conflict Management: Bottom-up Approach (PDF Flyer)

Thursday, 15 February
3:00-5:00pm EST
Virtual via Zoom: Register for this event by visiting this link!

Catch up on the latest episodes.
Let us know if you are interested in presenting.

Events & Opportunities

Symposium on African Digital Humanities: Digital Humanities, African Stories, and Agency
February 15-16, 2024 

"The 2024 symposium seeks to stimulate a dialogue that addresses the intersections of the digital humanities and African stories and agency. We will explore digital storytelling and its connections to African narratives, the extractive politics of platform, AI and African agency, as well as diverse approaches and issues related to building an inclusive digital cultural record for local and global communities." More information can be found at this link

African Studies Review Book Review Editor Search
Deadline this Thursday February 15, 2024 

"The African Studies Review invites expressions of interest for new Book Review Editors to join the editorial team. The ASR is committed to inclusivity and diversity. We are seeking to appoint new editors beginning March 2024. The ASR is a bilingual multidisciplinary journal publishing in English and French. Ideal candidates should have a PhD in their respective field or discipline or interdisciplinary area, be published scholars, either tenured associate professors or higher in rank, or lecturers with workplace security, and be comfortable reading and engaging with scholarship beyond their areas and regions of expertise. Bilingual candidates are particularly welcome. Editors should have a working command of scholarly English; a familiarity with French modes of scholarship would be a significant asset. Applicants may reside in any part of the world." More information can be found at this link

Summer International Water Research Experience in Rwanda for Undergrad and Graduate Students from any Institution
Deadline this Thursday February 15, 2024 

"Professor Mekonnen Gebremichael, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, is recruiting graduate and undergraduate students to join him in an NSF Funded international water research project on agricultural water use in the Nile River Basin in Rwanda.  All expenses will be paid.  Students will be mentored in their research and assisted in making presentations and writing articles about research results after coming back from the research trip.  It is a terrific opportunity for people interested in international water in the world’s longest river system." More information can be found at this link

African Studies Association Advocacy Travel Award
Deadline this Friday February 16, 2024 

"Initiated in 2017, the ASA Advocacy Travel Award provides travel subsidies of $1,000 to ASA members to facilitate their attendance at advocacy events in Washington, DC each spring. The ASA believes it is critical for our members to be represented at advocacy events, and for the voices of the field of African Studies to be heard by representatives on the Hill as they prepare to make key decisions about funding for international education, the humanities, and higher-education as a whole." More information can be found at this link


Professional Fellows Program - Advancing Young Women in Agribusiness
Deadline this Friday February 16, 2024 

The Advancing Young Women Professional Fellows Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is administered by Michigan State University (US), University of Rwanda (Rwanda), University of Pretoria (South Africa), University of Zambia (Zambia) and Chinhoyi University of Technology (Zimbabwe). The goal of the program is to build Fellows’ capacity and skills in agro-entrepreneurship and agri-food system innovation and advance their ability to support women’s economic empowerment. Rwandan, South African, Zambian and Zimbabwean Fellows will develop their leadership capacity and professional skills through a fully funded five-week fellowship program in the U.S.  More information can be found at this link

Book Premiere Event: Controlling Territory, Controlling Voters
February 21, 2024

Join the African Studies Center on Wednesday, February 21st from 4:00-5:30pm EST in Room 303 of the International Center for an interview with Dr. Michael Wahman to discuss Controlling Territory, Controlling Voters: The Electoral Geography of African Campaign Violence. There will be light refreshments and a discussion moderated by Dr. Jeff Conroy-Krutz. We hope to see you there!

From the book description: "Violence in election campaigns is common across the African continent and beyond. According to some estimations, most African elections contain some degree of violence and most of this violence happens before elections, during the campaign. While campaign violence is a common problem, it affects citizens differently across localities. When violence and intimidation become an integral part of election campaigns in a locality, they become tools of sub-national authoritarianism that may effectively dismantle local democracy(...)" More about the book can be found at this link

Residency Research Fellowships: Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies
Deadline February 23, 2024 

"The Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies will award Residency Research Fellowships of $5,500 per term (up to two terms per applicant) for faculty, researchers, journalists, independent scholars, public historians, and others from outside UM-Ann Arbor (faculty from UM-Flint and UM-Dearborn are encouraged to apply) to support historical research in the Ann Arbor area. This fellowship program has been funded by a generous gift from Kenneth and Frances Aftel Eisenberg. Residency Research Fellows will join the institute’s intellectual community and are expected to participate in institute programs. The fellowship includes University of Michigan library privileges and workspace in the U-M History Department." More information can be found at this link

Daryl and Glenda Minor Tanzania Fellowship
Deadline February 28, 2024 

The Daryl and Glenda Minor Tanzania Fellowship will support a first-time two-year master’s degree program for an entering Michigan State University (MSU) student from Tanzania with interests in a field related to international development. The Minor Fellow will be committed to working towards understanding and contributing to inclusive social and economic development in Tanzania. Individuals with an interest in furthering girls’ education and economic opportunities for women are strongly encouraged to apply. Please visit the link to learn more about this opportunity

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA)
Application available between Jan. 29 and March 29, 2024

"Students may request funding to support overseas research for a period of no less than six months and no more than 12 months. Funds support travel expenses to and from the residence of the fellow and the country or countries of research; maintenance and dependent allowances based on the location of research for the fellow and his or her dependent(s); an allowance for research-related expenses overseas; and health and accident insurance premiums. Projects may focus on one or more of the following geographic areas: Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, South Asia, the Near East, Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia, and the Western Hemisphere (excluding the United States and its territories)." More information can be found at this link

Transforming Institutions Strategic Funding Program
Deadline March 01, 2024 

The Alliance for African Partnership is now accepting proposals for the Transforming Institutions Strategic Funding Program. Successful applicants will receive up to $20,000 in seed funding to develop international strategic partnerships with universities, institutions of higher education and research, and/or organizations in the public or NGO sectors. Please visit the link to learn more about this opportunity
Project Requests: Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP)
Deadline March 4, 2024 

"The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program (CADFP) is a scholar fellowship program for educational projects at African higher education institutions. Offered by IIE, the program is funded by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY). A total of 665 African Diaspora Fellowships have been awarded for scholars to travel to Africa since the program’s inception in 2013. CADFP exemplifies CCNY’s enduring commitment to higher education in Africa. IIE manages and administers the program, including applications, project requests and fellowships." More information at this link

Career Conversation with Dr. Matthew Kirwin, Division Chief at US State Department
March 21, 2024 

The African Studies Center, in partnership with the Asian Studies Center and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, will host a career conversation with Dr. Matthew F. Kirwin, Division Chief in the Office of Opinion Research at the US Department of State and Professorial Lecturer of International Affairs at the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University. Dr. Kirwin has over 20 years of work and research experience on politics, development, and security in Africa. He will give insights into his career path, highlighting the impact of Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships on language learning and cultural understanding and ways in which these skills prepare students for successful careers in various sectors. Please see the flyer for more information

Call for Proposals: Indiana University International Conference on Africa
March 22-23, 2024 

"To brainstorm on the possibilities in the continent, we are pleased to extend an invitation to the 10th Indiana University International Conference on Africa, taking place in Bloomington, Indiana, United States on March 22-23, 2024. We invite individuals from various disciplines, including students, scholars and practitioners with an interest in Africa, to submit proposals that showcase the continent’s diversity and explore future prospects. For additional details about the conference, see the attached flier and click on the link provided below. We look forward to your submissions and participation, as we collectively contemplate Africa’s path towards a prosperous and impactful future." More information

InVision Africa Photography Contest
Deadline April 30th, 2024

InVision Africa is a photography project of the Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) and the African Studies Centre (ASC) at Michigan State University that seeks to showcase, inspire, and contribute to positive images of and stories about Africa in the context of research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The project will be open to student photographers and students with an interest in photography from 10 African universities that are part of the AAP consortium. Students may collaborate with researchers at their universities to develop a photography project that is aligned to AAP research priority areas; or they may work on it alone. Projects will highlight research trends, innovation, and key developments in science, entrepreneurship, and arts and culture. The goal is to inspire creative engagement between research/science and culture and art. More information about the project

MSU Libraries' Corner


Please do not hesitate to contact the African Studies librarians: Erik Ponder ( and Chenjerai Mabhiza ( 

Africa-related courses

Study Abroad Opportunity: 
Public Health in Ghana: A One Health Perspective* (flyer)
Deadline February 15, 2024
*Information meeting: February 13 (see flyer for details)

Study Abroad Opportunity: 
Development & Non-Governmental Organizations in Malawi (flyer)
Deadline February 15, 2024

May 13-June 27, 2024

Courses open to all including: MSU faculty, staff, and students (in or out-of-state OR international) Non-MSU affiliated persons from anywhere in the world. The African Studies Center is offering non-credit Swahili and Zulu language instruction this summer on Zoom. This is a non-intensive virtual course (about 8 hours per week) for a low-cost administrative fee of $50. Everyone who completes the course will obtain a certificate of
completion. These courses are perfect for ANYONE who wants to learn a new African language or to brush up on their African language skills. (flyer)

Browse Africa-related courses here:

Core Faculty Highlight

Saweda Liverpool-Tasie and Thomas Reardon
Article:The importance and determinants of purchases in rural food consumption in Africa: Implications for food security strategies.


Have suggestions or a job to highlight?
Email us at

Center Funding Opportunities

FLAS Fellowships: Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships for MSU graduate and undergraduate students are available through the African Studies Center, provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. FLAS Fellowships award academic year undergraduate students with $10,000 toward tuition and fees and a stipend of $5,000. Academic year graduate students receive $18,000 toward tuition and fees and $20,000 in stipends. Summer FLAS recipients receive $5,000 in tuition and a $2,500 stipend. Applications due February, 15

Curriculum Development Grants
 ($3,000 summer stipends): to support faculty interested in developing a new course or seminar related to Africa or revising an extant course or seminar to include at least 25% of Africa content. 

Curriculum Enhancement Grants ($1,000): for purchase of Africa related curricular materials, payment of guest speakers. Conference Travel Grants ($1,000): to support Africanist Faculty for domestic conference expenses. Special Programming Grants (amount varies): to bring a guest speaker; host a panel discussion or workshop; plan a social event etc. 

To learn more and to apply visit:  

African Studies Center: Applications for Faculty Programs ( 

Most applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. 

For more information about Center Funding: 
Contact Dr. Awa Sarr at

Global IDEAS: Global Innovations in Development, Engagement, and Scholarship curates external funding opportunities for international research from a comprehensive suite of sources, along with our knowledge of the donor landscape. These opportunities are compiled in one weekly email newsletter, available only to MSU faculty, staff and students.

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Our mailing address:
African Studies Center
Michigan State University
International Studies and Programs
427 N. Shaw Lane, Room 100
East Lansing MI 48824-1035

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Email us at

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Michigan State University African Studies Center · 427 N Shaw Ln Rm 100 · East Lansing, MI 48824-4402 · USA