Alive! with Joy: February 7, 2024  Vol 8 #3
[Witch Hazel--Spring is coming! Maybe.]
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A Pause in Productivity = Lingering

My word/intention for Winter 2024 is LINGER.

This is an aspirational intention. All my adult life I've had a serious case of the Protestant work ethic*, which considers Sloth one of the seven deadly sins.** Long past the age of retirement, I'm still constitutionally incapable of Sloth.

Don't get me wrong, I am also a champion time-waster--as if in a trance, I succumb to cat videos, breaking news, sorting Legos. Lingering is different; it involves making a conscious choice to savor something. For example, I'm spending more time with friends, enjoying cultural outings, etc. 

But what I did last night and this morning won the prize for true lingering...  
I stayed up well past midnight and then remained in bed till nearly eleven this morning, choosing to luxuriate with a cozy romance novel. (I think "cozy" means there is longing and heavy breathing, but no bodice-ripping.) Super-fun read, if unrealistic premise--frumpy lady bodyguard assigned to "protect" movie star hunk. I can't remember the last time I lingered in bed, reading something frivolous! 

<<First Name>>,  if you chose a word or intention for 2024 (or just for the current season, which I find more effective), what was it, and how is it going? (Do you still remember what it was?) I'd love to hear about it.

P.S. I also lingered over a new Lego set, the Vespa... a terrific build. Those designers are sooo clever. It is much bigger than it looks here: 15" long by 9" tall. And very cool details you cannot see here.

*That productivity proclivity will not die. Contrary to a prior proclamation, I am not retiring from color consulting. I love the work too much, and believe it's too important to leave to amateurs. Also, I'm working on a new book, which explores words that begin with the letter P. 😳  Why? you ask? Well, why not?

** I recently finished a thought-provoking book, On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins, and the Price Women Pay to Be Good. A lot of it resonated with me. 

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Put yourself in the way of beauty
I happened on this guy just a few blocks from where I live. I've been deeply sad to see REI move out next door, but this guy cheered me up. Street art for Portland's Winter Lights Festival


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P.S. If you haven't yet bought the Cherry Pie Paradox, may I humbly suggest the process and practices are the best way to fulfill your annual New Years' Weight Loss resolution, once and for all. You can eat what you love, without packing on the pounds. Really. I also have copies on hand if you want to buy direct. 

Then, request the FREE AUDIOBOOK! For owners of the Cherry Pie Paradox or the workbook. I’ve found a new home for the audiobook version, where I can set the price however I want. If you already have a copy of the book or workbook and would like the audiobook, just email me ( and I'll send you the info. If you do not yet have the book and want to buy it, Venmo me $20 @Joy-Overstreet, and I'll mail you a signed copy and the audiobook link. (Use the email link above and add your name, address, and any message you'd like when I sign it.) 

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If you're new here, you can catch up on the last 25 issues of Alive! with Joy. Or... dig into all the words I've posted over the years on my various websites:

  • 65 posts about color and style. 
  • 109 posts about color for the home, feng shui and clutter-clearing (taking this website down soon)
  • My author website. More about the Cherry Pie Paradox, plus other magazine writing, links to a bunch of podcasts and video interviews where I was a guest.
Email me: or call (360) 903-3659
Buy The Cherry Pie Paradox and/or the Workbook on Amazon or order from your local indie bookstore. Audiobook is also available at Barnes and Noble or
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