This year Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday fall on the same day. The juxtaposition of love and candies and flowers are in stark contrast to the theme of repentance and self-sacrifice which mark Ash Wednesday. It’s hard to sort fact from fiction in the story of the real St. Valentine. In fact, there are as many as three different men whose stories may have been conflated with a bit of poetic license (appropriate on Valentine’s Day, don’t you think).
This is what Wikipedia says about the most likely man behind the myth. According to the official biography of the Diocese of Terni, Bishop Valentine was born and lived in Interamna and while on a temporary stay in Rome he was imprisoned, tortured, and martyred there on February 14, 269. His body was hastily buried at a nearby cemetery and a few nights later his disciples retrieved his body and returned him home. There is a myth associated with St. Valentine which says that the Roman Empire had forbidden the Church to perform marriages. Valentine did so anyway in defiance of the emperor and this was the reason for his martyrdom. Nonetheless, Lent is about love, the love of God. And it is a reminder of martyrdom as we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, His Son. And it is a reminder that our heart is ultimately what God is after!
May God bless your Lenten journey this year!
Be strong in the Lord!
Pastor Jim
Anglicans and Lutherans
Co-host a Bible Study in
Kitchener, Ontario
CALC and the Anglican Network in Canada (ANIC) are co-hosting a weekly Bible Study in Cambridge, Ontario. The study is led by Pastor Zena of ANIC. The group meets weekly on Wednesdays. The group is studying the Book of Daniel. If you can't be there - tell a friend you may know in the Kitchener area.
Wednesdays at 1:30 -3:30 PM
Sessions in February 7, 14, 21, & 28
Location Hope Lutheran Church 30 Shaftsbury Drive Kitchener, ON, N2A 1N6
All are welcome! Any questions? You can contact Glenn Kahle (519) 616-3536 or with any questions
Sexagesima Sunday
February 4, 2024
We have often sung a hymn, “Lord, Let My Heart be Good Soil” (WOV 713). The hymn presents the positive things good soil possesses, things like openness to the seed of the Word… like a place for love to grow… like a place where peace is understood. But the hymn doesn’t stop there. It names the qualities of the heart that need to be changed, qualities like hardness, coldness, and lostness. Just so, the hymn prays for the Lord to break a stoney heart, warm a cold heart, and lead a lost heart. All of these are wonderful! Except… except you and I don’t know our hearts. Knowledge of the human is reserved to God (cf. 1 Ki. 8:9; Act. 15:8; Lk. 16:15 among many) for only he can plumb its depths and divine its inclinations. Whatever examination you and I might do upon our own hearts only leads us into pride or despair—pride over the supposedly good quality of its soil or despair over the observed poor quality of its soil. Since we—you and I—cannot know the what the inclinations of our heart might be, we have to be told. Just so, you must have a preacher… you must have one who will address both the prideful and the despairing with God’s Word of Law and Gospel. Thereby inflicting upon them God’s merciful coup de gras—his stroke of grace—which mercifully puts miserable sinners to death and then graciously raises them up as saints to walk in newness of life which is nothing less than to have Jesus Christ as the life of their mortal flesh.
Prayers from those who must first die in their sin so that they can be raised to newness of life…
Heavenly Father, so use your grace upon me that I would die to sin and be raised to walk in newness of life. O Lord, hear us.
Heavenly Father, so use your grace upon me that I would deplore the sin I find in my heart and trust you in making my heart good soil. O Lord, hear us.
Heavenly Father, so use your grace upon me that during these days of my baptism Christ is the life of my mortal flesh. O Lord, hear us.
Heavenly Father, so use your grace upon me that as Christ is my life in faith, I would have my neighbors back in love. O Lord, hear us.
Heavenly Father, so use your grace upon me that as I have my neighbors in love, they would love me as well and both my neighbors and I would live in the life of Christ. O Lord, hear us.
Heavenly Father, so use your grace upon me that I would have eyes to see the Institute of Lutheran Theology and hear its proclamation of Jesus Christ, him crucified, and him alone. O Lord, hear us.
Upper picture: 49th Anniversary July 2023. Lower picture: Christmas caroling on Dec 24, 2023 in front of the church
New Life Chinese Lutheran Church was founded in 1974 by a group of Chinese immigrants. Hence we are celebrating our 50th Anniversary in July 2024. We currently have three language ministries, Cantonese, English and Mandarin, with four services, one Cantonese service on Saturday morning at 11 am, three Sunday services, in Mandarin, Cantonese and English from 9 am to 1 pm consecutively, and a total attendance of around 300 people (including around 50 children and teenagers). We are conveniently located at the corner of Main Street and 46th Avenue in Vancouver, BC and the bus no. 3 stops in front of the church entrance.
In addition to services on Saturday and Sunday, we have various fellowships and small groups during the week in different languages and for different age groups. These fellowships and small groups meet for Bible studies and various other purposes in building up one another. We also have children and youth, and adult Sunday school to provide Christian education for people of all ages and in different languages. For outreaching, we have various interest groups and small groups such as English class, Taiichi classes, Stretching classes. We also organize annual short term missions to different places such as the Vancouver Island and White Horse. Because of what is known as the Life Boat immigration policy for people from Hong Kong, our Cantonese ministry has grown more rapidly in the past few years. We have initiated the New Comers Ministry to serve those who need to adapt to the new environment and settle down in Vancouver.
We are still looking for two pastors, one for our English ministry and one for our Mandarin ministry. We are also in the process of negotiating with the city government over our church building renovation and development project so that we can better meet the needs of the community we are serving. Your prayer will be much appreciated.
Upper Picture: Celebrating Holy Baptism at the Sunday Cantonese service.
Lower Picture: Pastors at Pastor Gordon Ng's ordination in 2009.
Vote to Join CALC Ratified
The congregation of Hope Lutheran Church of 5104 106 Ave, Edmonton, AB, voted to join CALC on September 24, 2023. As required by their constitution, the vote to join CALC was ratified January 7, 2024. We are thrilled by the congregation's affirmation of their commitment to CALC. Pursuant to CALC's constitution Hope Lutheran is now an associate member congregation with all the rights and obligations appertaining thereto. We look forward to acting on their application for membership at our April Convention and making them full members. We look forward to their contribution to the faith and life of our association. We pray that God will continue to bless hope Lutheran's ministry in Edmonton.
January 24, 2024 the members of Peace Lutheran Church 9812-108th Ave., Fort St. John, BC, V1J 2R3. voted to join CALC as an Associate Member Congregation. They are served by Rev. Dr. Kebede F. Dibaba.
Pursuant to CALC's constitution Peace Lutheran is now an associate member congregation with all the rights and obligations appertaining thereto. We look forward to formally receiving them as members at our April Convention. We look forward to their contribution to the faith and life of our association. We pray that God will continue to bless hope Lutheran's ministry in Ft. St. John.
Where: CALC's 2024 Annual General Convention will be held at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Edmonton Airport Conference Centre, 1100 4th Street, Nisku, AB, T9E8E2. Holiday Inn Edmonton Airport hosted our convention for the past two years. They will also be hosting our pastors' retreat for the first time.
When: Friday April 19th and Saturday April 20th. The convention activities begin on Friday morning at 9:00 AM and conclude Saturday afternoon at 2:00 PM.
Hybrid event: Delegates and visitors can register to participate in person or online via ZOOM.
In person registration fees includes lunch, refreshments and supper on Friday and breakfast, refreshments and lunch on Saturday. Accommodations are separate.
Accommodations: Holiday Inn is offering a block of rooms for our pastors' conference and convention at a group rate. The rooms are a mix of rooms with two queen-sized beds or one king-size bed. These rooms will be offered at the rate of $95.00 per night plus applicable taxes. The convention rate will be available for April 17 to 20. Rooms must be booked by April 10 to receive this rate. You must register by phone at 1-780-979-0839 and use promo code “CALC” when registering.
Airport Transfer: The Holiday Inn runs a shuttle to and from the Edmonton International Airport 24 hours a day.
Financial Assistance. If your congregation requires financial assistance in order to send a delegate to convention 2024, please make a request for financial assistance to the National Council. Individuals are eligible for up to $750.00. Applications for more assistance will be given special consideration on a case-by-case basis. Please email requests for financial assistance to:
Keynote Speaker/Topic: Dr. Leon Miles is this year's keynote speaker. The world around us seems to be going the wrong direction in many ways. This may lead us to wonder where God is in the middle of all these things which seem to be getting worse each day. God does have a plan for these things, however. As the world seems to get worse, the message of God’s love and forgiveness shines even more brightly. In Dr. Mile's presentation, we are going to discuss how the ways in which the world is turning away from God right now are going to give us the opportunity to speak the gospel in new and distinct ways to a new generation of people who do not know the love that God has for them. Through the inevitable hardships and suffering coming into the world through the evils we see all around us, we can share the love of God with them. We are going to look at the opportunities we have and what it will mean for us to take them.
Dr. Miles (EdD, Dr. of Education, South Dakota State University), pictured above, is the Executive Vice President and a member of the faculty of the Institute of Lutheran Theology. His responsibilities center around business management, including, finances, reports, analysis, forecasting, budgeting, and the yearly audit. In addition to teaching, he also works on institutional assessment, vendor relationships, human resources, and financial aid for students. Recently earned a Doctor of Education degree. Dr. Miles has often attended CALC conventions and pastors' retreats as a representative of the Institute of Lutheran Theology.
NOMINATIONS. An election will be held on Saturday April 20 to fill two vacancies on National Council: one position on the Board of Elders (four year term) and one position on the Board of Trustees (four year term). To nominate a candidate for a vacant position on the National Council. click here.
Convention Schedule: Friday April 19, 2024
8:00 to 9:00 AM
9:00 to 10:30 AM
Presentation # 1 Miles
10:30-11:00 AM
11:00 AM to Noon
Presentation # 2 Miles
Noon to 1:00 PM
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Presentation # 3 Miles
2:30-3:00 PM
3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Congregational Revitalization Town Hall
4:30 to 5:00 PM
5:00 to 6:00 PM
6:00 to 7:00 PM
7:00 to 8:00 PM
Opening Worship
8:00 to 9:00 PM
ILTCS Reception
Saturday April 20, 2023
8:00 to 9:00 AM
Breakfast & Registration
9:00 to 10:30 AM
Business Session #1
10:30-11:00 AM
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Business Session #2
12:30 to 1:30 PM
1:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Farewell and Godspeed
When: Thursday April 18, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Where: Glacier Room at the Glacier Room - Holiday Inn & Suites Edmonton Airport - Conference Center, 1100-4 Street, Nisku, AB, T9E 8E2.
Registration Fee: $160.00 per person. This includes breakfast, lunch, supper and refreshments on Thursday and a continental breakfast on Friday. The registration fee does not include accommodations.
Click here to register for the Pastors' Conference.
Accommodations: Holiday Inn is offering a block of rooms for our pastors' conference and convention at a group rate. The rooms are a mix of rooms with two queen-sized beds or one king-size bed. These rooms will be offered at the rate of $95.00 per night plus applicable taxes. The convention rate will be available for April 17 to 20. Rooms must be booked by April 10 to receive this rate. You must register by phone at 1-780-979-0839 and use promo code “CALC” when registering.
Airport Transfer: The Holiday Inn runs a shuttle to and from the Edmonton International Airport 24 hours a day.
Keynote Speaker/Topic: Professor Dan Lioy is this year's keynote speaker. His presentation analyzes two of Carl Trueman's recent works explaining how the concept of an autonomous, normative self arose and catalyzed the sexual revolution. It traces the evolution and cultural domination of this myth of the autonomous self and explores the consequences of its hegemony in the West. Lastly, it critiques this self-centric view through the lens of Paul’s teachings in Romans 1:18–32, especially highlighting its contrast with Christian doctrine.
Dr. Lioy (PhD, North-West University), pictured above, holds several faculty appointments. He is the Senior Research Manager at South African Theological Seminary (in South Africa). Also, he is a professor of biblical theology at the Institute of Lutheran Theology (in South Dakota). Moreover, he is a dissertation advisor in the Leadership and Global Perspectives DMIN program at Portland Seminary (part of George Fox University in Oregon). Finally, he is a professor in the School of Continuing Theological Studies at North-West University (in South Africa). Professor Lioy is active in local church ministry, being dual rostered with the Evangelical Church Alliance and the North American Lutheran Church. He is widely published, including a number of academic monographs, peer-reviewed journal articles, and church resource products.
Conference Schedule: April 18, 2024
8:00 to 9:00 AM
9:00 to 10:30 AM
Presentation # 1 Lioy
10:30-11:00 AM
11:00 AM to Noon
Presentation # 2 Lioy
Noon to 1:00 PM
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Presentation # 3 Lioy
2:30-3:00 PM
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Presentation # 4 Lioy
4:00 to 5:00 PM
5:00 to 6:00 PM
6:00 PM
Free time
Photo: The Canadian Press. Federal Health Minister Mark Holland makes an announcement in Calgary on Thursday, Dec. 21, 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Todd Korol
The Liberal government is delaying until 2027 the expansion of eligibility for assisted dying to those whose sole underlying condition is a mental illness. That expansion was set to take effect in March.
Earlier this week, most of the provinces and territories signed a letter asking the federal government to indefinitely pause its plans to expand eligibility for assisted dying. A parliamentary committee reported Monday that the health system is not ready for the assisted dying regime to include people whose only condition is a mental illness.
Health and mental health ministers from all three territories, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick and B.C. asked Holland in a letter on Monday to give them more time to collaborate. Ministers from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island say they feel more prepared for the changes but signed on to support their colleagues.
The federal Conservatives are calling on the Liberals to cancel plans for the expansion altogether.
Like the Conservatives, we in CALC must call for an end to this madness. We are called by God to intercede. We are called to intercede not only with political powers who rise and fall like the grass, but to God on behalf of the victims of the political powers of the day. We are called to pray:
Heavenly Father, look with compassion upon all who through addiction and mental illness have lost their health, sanity, and freedom. Restore to them the assurance of your unfailing mercy; remove the fears and thoughts that attack them; strengthen them in the work of their recovery; and to those that care for them give patient understanding and persevering love, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Contact information for CALC
All general correspondenceaddressed to CALC should be mailed as follows:
Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations
Att: Sarah Dunphy
P.O. Box 6295
Manotick, ON K4M 1J4 Telephone: (613) 324-6554
Correspondence to CALC's Treasurer should be addressed as follows:
Helen Zacharias, Treasurer
890 Gilmour Street,
Morden, MB, R6M 1R9
As always, we hope you were blessed by this month's edition of the e-Connector. Our hope and prayer is that this electronic newsletter will truly keep CALC informed and connected.
If your congregation is celebrating a milestone, such an anniversary, the installation of a new pastor, new construction, a mission activity, and/or the launch of a special new ministry, let us know. We would love to share your joy with the other members of CALC
Contact info for the editorial team: Pastor Ed Skutshek: Tel: (250) 801-3860 Email: Sarah Dunphy: Tel: (613) 324-6554 Email: