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Friday 2nd February 2024
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A Message From Mr Mills-Bishop

Dear Parents and Carers,
This past week has been another great week at Halley House, supporting children to live the school values in all they do; KS2 were all out on Monday afternoon for their 'Outdoor Adventures' forest schools program, swimming continues in earnest, we had a number of pupils out at the cross country festival with coach and even a small number of children taking part in a Spanish workshop at the Southbank Centre with the British Film Institute. 
The children have been very welcoming to me since I joined, and our assembly time has been incredibly special. In 'whole-school' assemblies so far, we have been looking at the Halley values of 'Helpful and Kind' and have been playing some simple games to understand what this looks like . Please do ask the children about these assemblies and what they can remember from them. This week, specifically, we looked at independence and launched a 'learning behaviours initiative' called '3 Bs before the boss!' - The '3Bs' are... book, board, buddy and then the 'boss'. This means we wish for children to use their recorded learning (book), the information on the white board and their peers (buddy) to problem solve independently, before seeking adult intervention. This way they will learn to be resilient learners who make good progress overtime. 
Next week in assembly we are looking at behaviour, and in particular, transitions around the school and how we ensure we are ready for learning after doing less 'unstructured' activities like playtime/lunchtime. 
To support the school and the children to behave at their very best, please also remind them (as we will) about our DoJo system. 

Children are given one 'positive' DoJo for general good behaviour and two DoJos for directly displaying the school values.

After a non-verbal cue and then a verbal warning, if poor behaviour persists, then staff issue a ‘needs work’ DoJo to children. This includes at playtimes, lunchtimes and during transitions (e.g. around site). If children get 8 of these in the same week, then they miss 'DoJo time' on a Friday afternoon. 

DoJo Rewards -

50 ‘positive’ DoJos = a message home
200 DoJos = Bronze certificate
500 DoJos = Silver certificate
850 DoJos = Diamond certificate
1000 DoJos = Platinum certificate

I am really looking forward to issuing some DoJos myself over the coming weeks :-)
On a different note, it has been very valuable talking with you all, in various ways, to gather everyone' views on the work of the school so far and how we can further work together to make Halley House a truly excellent learning environment for all children.
Following our meetings, I now plan to offer some further ‘surgery times’ after the half-term break, where parents can come and meet with me on a one-to-one basis. 
These dates/times are as follows:
Friday 23rd February 2024 - 9.30am to 11.30am
Thursday 29th February 2024 - 9.00am to 11am
If you wish to attend, please pop by reception and I will see people on a 'first-come-first-served-basis' - so, you simply take a ticket and then we can have a chat 'in turn'. I will, however, need to keep meetings to 10 minutes each.
As a final reminder: the official deadline for new parents and carers to apply for a reception school place (for September 2024) has now indeed passed. However, if you know of anyone who may have missed this deadline (or could be interested in our lovely school), then please do recommend Halley House to your friends, family members, work colleagues and neighbours; there is still a chance they could get a spot. Some of our other classes also have a limited number of (in-year) spaces available. Filling the school with new pupils is key to our growth and your help with this is ever-so important.
Thank you for your support. 
Mr Mills-Bishop

Please see below for a really useful guidance poster regarding Persuasive Design. This is produced by NOS who have excellent resources.  As a Halley parent, you have the chance to create an account, watch short videos about a range of different online issues and earn certificates to show your engagement!

Sign up to the NOS using the following link and create an account.


KS2 children all enjoyed Outdoor Adventures on Monday afternoon. Great use of the local area to further the learning done in class and lots of fun too! 

Ms Sewell our Spanish lead took a group of KS2 children to thee BFI to watch a Spanish speaking film, take part in workshops and further develop their Spanish language skills. What a wonderful opportunity! 

Upcoming dates for your diary:

  • admissions open morning: Every Wednesday morning 
  • Drop in surgeries with Mr Mills Bishop Friday 23rd February 2024 - 9.30am to 11.30am & Thursday 29th February 2024 - 9.00am to 11am
  • Y5 & Y6 Football league fixture Tuesday 6th February 
  • Safer Internet Day at Halley- Wednesday 7th February 
  • Girls football Football league fixture Thursday 8th February
After half term get ready for WORLD BOOK DAY!
Please also check our website for a full calendar of upcoming events.
Friendly February

Please see below for a lovely wellness calendar you can use with your children in February. 

A reminder of our Halley values and our rewards.

Congratulations to the winners of star of the week this week:

Comet: Nizhoni and Alim
Eclipse: Zainab and Elya 
Galaxy: Kaleb & Theo 
Einstein: Zion and Abraham 
Sharman: Morayo and Jahmil 
Jemison: Mezu and Rae

Superstars: Amelie, Raemario, Morays, Kaliyah-Rae, Jasper, Ashley
Rae, Tsubamé, Mia, Elif

Kash, Kade and Jahzion 

Well done all!

Attendance Champions 

Regular attendance is necessary for success in school. Help ensure that your child has the best opportunity for success by making sure he/she is in school every day.

Attendance Champions this week are:
EYFS & KS1: Galaxy
KS2: Sharman

Well done all! 

Class Information 

All class information can now be found on Class Dojo. Here you will find photo stories of the children in their classes and see what they are gaining Dojo points for. This will be the main point of contact for parents to receive messages from class teachers about upcoming events, homework or items needed. Make sure you have signed up and can access this service. If you need support with this please let your child/ren's teacher know. 

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Halley House School · Royal London Society For The Blind · 52-58 Arcola Street · London, London E8 2DJ · United Kingdom