Youth Weekend Blesses Young and Old
with Community Project
In Eugene, a youth worship event expanded to help meet the needs of a community member after organizers learned of an individual whose property had been damaged during a recent ice storm.
“Cheryel Whitsell has been a part of the Springfield community for some time and teaches Primary Sabbath School,” shared Wyatt Johnson, a young adult serving as one of the youth leaders at the Springfield Adventist Church. “During the ice storm, several large tree limbs fell on her house, in her yard, and across her landscaping, but she could not have them cleared due to age and finances. Pastor Lutz Binus had made announcements via email after our youth team expressed that we wanted to incorporate a service project into the Eugene Teen Weekend. We were careful to select a service activity that would actually help someone in need, not just make ourselves feel useful. The ice storm damage was a great opportunity for us to really help.” Keep reading...
An Open Letter to the OC Family from Dan Linrud, Oregon Conference President
A statement from President Linrud regarding the financial adjustments being made in the Oregon Conference. Read the statement...
Special Time of Prayer Planned for March 2
Join us for a special prayer meeting on March 2nd at 5:30 PM as we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit together. In these challenging and uncertain times, coming together in prayer for God’s leading is more important than ever. Learn more...
Dr. Kidder, Featured Speaker for This Year's Prayer Conference
Join us March 22-24 at Twin Rocks Conference Center in Rockaway Beach! Our guest speaker this year is Dr. Joseph Kidder. Registration closes soon! Learn more...
Growing Together Cohort Launching Spring 2024
The Growing Together cohort is a robust multi-year learning journey to build thriving Seventh-day Adventist churches for all generations, while specifically reaching, loving, and empowering younger generations better. Learn more...
Bible Readings
for March 2024
The NPUC March Bible Reading Plan is out now. Following the daily reading plan will help you read the entire Bible in a year. The reading plan leaves Sabbath off as a time to share and reflect on your readings for the week. Find it here...
Registration deadline is Monday, March 11!
In just 4 WEEKS the Oregon Conference will host its very first Creators Lab. This event will bring together individuals from across the country who are interested in creative ministry in the digital space including podcasters, documentary filmmakers, Tik Tok and Instagram reel makers, YouTubers, and more!
Learn the what, how, and why from online innovators like Kevin Wilson, Evelin Velinova, Dr. Seth Pierce, Ernesto Hernandez, Nicole Dominguez, Kaleb Eisele, and more! How did popular projects like the @crossculturekev channel, the Beyond the Walls documentary series, the Faith, Reconstructed podcast, Bridges Over Walls, and others come to be?
Meet fellow creatives at our Friday night meet-and-greet dinner hosted by Oregon Young Adults. Stay through Sunday morning for our hands-on labs exploring how to conduct meaningful interviews for online storytelling, camera lighting and sound setup, and how to utilize the growing field of artificial intelligence for digital projects.
Learn more about the event and register at
We can’t wait to see you there!
2024 Northwest
Camp Meetings
It's not too early to start thinking about attending some of the Northwest's great camp meetings! Join fellow believers for a memorable time filled with inspiring sermons, uplifting music, outdoor fresh air and meaningful connections. Learn more...
The Hopeful: A Gateway for Cinema Evangelism
Hope Studios, the cinematic arm of Hope Channel International, is releasing its newest film, The Hopeful. Where disappointment and despair often reign in our world, The Hopeful is set to shine as a beacon of light, reminding audiences of the transformative potential of faith and perseverance. Read more...
NAD Admin Affirms Work and Assesses Needs During Visit to Guam-Micronesia
NAD administrators split into three groups to cover the islands where the Adventist church has a presence, including Majuro, Ebeye, Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk, Yap, and Saipan. The groups then converged in Guam and Palau. Read more...
1 building renovated
418 broken smiles mended
310,000+ hungry stomachs filled
500,000+ items in new homes instead of landfills
2023 was quite the year, and we couldn’t have done it without YOU!
Watch the video...
Gospel Concert with Calvin Taylor
Calvin Taylor, gospel music recording artist and featured weekly on Kid’s Time Praise TV program, will be presented in piano concert on Sabbath, March 9, by the Albany Adventist Church at 5:00 PM. Dr. Taylor will also be sharing his musical talent during the regular church service, at 11:00 AM. The Albany Adventist Church is located at 3085 Grand Prairie Rd SE. in Albany, Ore. This is a musical program that you and your family will not want to miss!
Love Takes Time Website Relaunched
Harvey and Kathy Corwin would like to invite you to the relaunch of their website: This free, relationship strengthening site is for viewing and downloading the Love Takes Time and Marriage Matters series 1 & 2 television and radio programs. These videos are available free of charge and can be easily shared with family and friends.
Adventist Health First Friday: March
You are invited to a free night of worship, praise, and fellowship on March 1 at Adventist Health Portland. This month's featured speaker will be Mitchell Powers with music by the Portland Adventist Academy Gospel Choir. A soup and salad dinner will be held from 6:00-7:00 PM with the program starting at 7:15 PM. Register for dinner by Wednesday, February 28. Learn more and register for dinner at
Loss & the Quest for Meaning; the Spiritual Arc of Tragic Loss
Join us on Sunday, March 10 from 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM at the Meadow Glade Adventist Church for an insightful event. Engage with our presenter Dr. Bob Neimeyer, a psychologist and researcher on a par with Dr. Elizabeth-Kubler Ross. Of particular concern in this workshop will be the phenomenon of complicated spiritual grief, in which believers struggle with a sense of insecurity, anger and distance in relation to both God and the faith community, as well as disruptions in their spiritual practice. Don’t miss out on this invaluable event! Mark your calendars and prepare to embark on the spiritual arc of tragic loss. We look forward to welcoming you. Learn more and register at
Together in Mission Town Halls Start April 2
This spring, churches around the conference will host the annual opportunity to worship and connect as a broader church with our Together in Mission town hall meetings. Every member is invited to participate in a gathering near them to experience the blessing of connecting with members from neighboring churches and with conference leaders. “Together in Mission” is a reminder that while we live, work, and worship in communities all across the Oregon Conference territory, we all share a common spiritual identity: children of God looking forward to Jesus’ soon return.
Our Together in Mission town hall meetings happen at 7:00 PM:
April 2 – Southern Oregon – Grants Pass Adventist Church
April 3 – Central Valley – Eugene Adventist Church
April 9 – SW Washington – Meadow Glade Adventist Church
April 11 – Greater Portland – Sunnyside Adventist Church
April 30 – Central Oregon – Bend Adventist Church
Mark calendars and plan to join in a “Together in Mission” town hall near you.
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Wondering how you can support your church community with tithe & offerings when you can't be in church every week?
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